Centre-right wins in Croatian parliamentary elections

On Sunday 5 July, ALDE reports on its newsletter, Croatians headed to polls in the country’s snap parliamentary elections, with five ALDE member parties running: Croatian’s People Party (HNS), Istrian Democratic Assembly (IDS), Croatian Social Liberal Party (HSLS), Civic-Liberal Alliance (GLAS) and Pametno (P).

The governing centre-right party Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) ran together with ALDE member HSLS, reaching a total of 66 seats out of 151 seats. One of these seats will belong to HSLS. While this is the biggest win for HDZ since 1990s, the party still needs a coalition partner to reach majority.

The biggest opposition force, the Restart Coalition led by the Social Democrats (SDP) got a total of 41 seats. Supporting this coalition, three of these seats will go to ALDE member IDS and one to GLAS. The new populist right-wing party led by Miroslav Škoro came third, totalling up to 16 seats.

ALDE members Pametno and HNS will also hold one seat each. This means that liberals will be represented in the new parliament by all ALDE member parties.

The voter turnout of 46.90% is the lowest turnout ever in the Croatian parliamentary history. Possible reason to this include the COVID-19 outbreak as well as the timing of the elections – for the first time, the country held elections at the beginning of summer.