EPP Group conditions for EU budget green light

by the EPP

Following the agreement in the Council on the EU’s long-term budget and the Recovery Fund, the European Parliament will vote its political response tomorrow, 23 July, in the plenary session.

Five political groups in the European Parliament, EPP, S&D, Renew, Greens and GUE-NGL, agreed on a common response to the Council’s deal. The EPP Group Vice-Chair Siegfried Muresan, responsible for budgetary issues said ahead of the plenary vote:  

“I take note of the agreement reached in the Council on the EU’s budget and the recovery fund however, the ball is in the European Parliament’s court now. Simply put, we does accept the EU budget proposal in its current form. The 27 national leaders secured their national interest, now it’s up to the EP to secure the interest of Europe as a whole.

Five political groups in the EP hold a broad majority to enter the negotiations with the Council in order to deliver an EU budget that serves our citizens.

Five key points are difficult to accept for the EPP Group.

Firstly, the EPP Group does not accept the EU budget as it stands. We demand increases, especially in the areas that have suffered the biggest cuts, like Erasmus, Horizon, Just Transition Fund, Defence Fund or the Healthcare. Secondly, it is unacceptable that the rule of law clause has been considerably weakened. It is a priority that this mechanism is strengthened and allowed to be activated by “reversed qualified majority”. Thirdly, more commitment is needed to put in place new own resources as soon as possible in order to pay for the interest rates and start the repayment of NGEU. Fourthly, the EP must be involved in the decision on the recovery facility through delegated acts. And finally, should there be no agreement between the Council and the EP by the end of October, a ‘Plan B’ budget must be available to ensure continuity of the current programmes.

One thing is clear, the European Parliament will have the last word on the EU budget and there will be no agreement in the EP without negotiation and improvements.”