The European Union contributes €1.5 million to UNICEF COVID-19 response for vulnerable children and families in Syria

More than one million people to benefit from improved access to life-saving services across the country

DAMASCUS, 24 August 2020 – The European Union has contributed €1.5 million to UNICEF’s COVID-19 response in Syria, supporting the most vulnerable children and families. This additional funding will help UNICEF raise awareness of COVID-19 prevention while ensuring improved access for over one million conflict-affected children and caregivers to protection, nutrition, education and water and sanitation services during the global spread of Coronavirus.

“Over nine years into the conflict in Syria, existing humanitarian needs of more than 5 million children in the country have been compounded by the global spread of COVID-19,” said UNICEF Representative in Syria Mr. Bo Viktor Nylund. “The regular and substantial support from the European Union has greatly assisted us in fulfilling our commitments to reaching the most vulnerable children and families in Syria and ensuring continuation of critical services.”

Since 2016, the European Union has provided more than €34 million in funding for UNICEF’s support to children in Syria, including a recent generous contribution of €7.5 million in September 2019.

“The European Union remains committed to responding to the most urgent humanitarian needs of children and families across Syria,” said EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič. “We are certain that our contribution will help children return to school, stay protected, keep healthy, and have access to safe water and proper sanitation during these challenging times.”

The multi-donor humanitarian action, supported by the European Union, will help UNICEF reach:

More than 350,000 children and mothers with life-saving curative and preventive nutrition services, including the provision of nutritional supplements and Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) counselling.
Nearly 450,000 people with access to safe water, through emergency rehabilitation of water systems.
36,600 vulnerable out-of-school children or those at risk of dropping out with access to education, through the provision of self-learning materials.