Great Britain – Breach of the Brexit Treaty: The European Union wants to initiate two measures

In the dispute over controls on importing goods to Northern Ireland, the European Union Commission wants to file a lawsuit against Great Britain for violating the Brexit treaty. On Friday, she said the body had received support from member states this week from European Union constituencies. Thus, the procedures could start “from next week.”

Background to this struggle over the extension of the transitional regulations for the import of British goods into Northern Ireland. Britain recently unilaterally extended it until October. The European Union considers this a violation of the Brexit treaty and has threatened legal action.

The Northern Ireland Protocol, which is part of the Brexit treaty, aims to prevent border controls from becoming necessary again between the British province and the European Union member Ireland. Because, according to both sides, this could spark a bloody conflict in Northern Ireland. So controls have to take place between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

According to information from European Union departments, the Commission wants to initiate violations proceedings due to the expanded transitional regulations. She was describing the violations first in a letter calling for a fix. Ultimately, proceedings could lead to the European Court of Justice through a number of stages. It could impose fines on Great Britain if it decided in favor of the European Union.

The commitment of “good faith” was not fulfilled

In the second measure, the Commission wants to activate the dispute settlement mechanism in the Brexit Treaty. She added that Great Britain should be accused of failing to fulfill the “good faith” obligation of the Brexit Treaty.

Here the dispute is handled first in a joint committee responsible for the proper implementation of the withdrawal agreement. If there is no solution there, the European Union can request the creation of an arbitration board.

Its decisions will be binding on both sides. Fines are also possible here. If one party does not abide by the arbitration award, the other party can suspend parts of the withdrawal agreement. (afp)