Malta must seek justice for Caruana, European Parliament
                                (ANSAmed) - BRUSSELS, APR 29 - The latest revelations on the

murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia spark great concern, in
particular over the possible involvement of ministers and
politicians in Malta, said a resolution approved with 635 votes
in favor, 46 against and 12 abstentions by the European
Parliament. The resolution examined the latest developments in
the case concerning the Maltese investigative reporter who was
killed by a car bomb and other connected probes, after the
testimony provided by convicted criminal Vincent Muscat.Expressing deep concern over the possible involvement in the
murder case of sitting ministers and politicians, the lawmakers
urged the government to ensure that those implicated in all
cases brought to light by the journalist face justice.

The MEPs recognized progress made in the investigation on the
murder and other connected cases of corruption and money
laundering, “although with great delay”, and asked for the probe
to go beyond the role of the chief of staff of the previous
prime minister. All charges of corruption and fraud should be
investigated and pursued “with the necessary rigor and at the
appropriate level”. (ANSAmed).