China slams EU's confrontational approach after European Parliament's decision
China slams EU’s confrontational approach after European Parliament’s decision

China has criticized the European Union’s confrontational approach after the European Parliament voted to block the investment deal due to Beijing’s sanctions against EU lawmakers, AFP reported.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Beijing’s sanctions were a necessary and justified response to previous EU measures against Chinese officials over human rights concerns in Xinjiang.

The European Union and China at the end of December approved a major investment pact that ended seven years of painstaking negotiations.

But the European Parliament overwhelmingly voted to refuse to consider the investment agreement between the EU and China, while China’s sanctions against MEPs and scientists are in effect. Beijing says the sanctions were imposed to protect China’s interests.

China has imposed sanctions on relevant EU institutions and staff who are spreading lies and misinformation related to Xinjiang and which have seriously damaged China’s sovereignty and interests, Lijian said.

He called on the EU to immediately stop interfering in China’s internal affairs, abandon the confrontational approach and return relations between the EU and China to the correct path of dialogue and cooperation.

According to the European Commission, the investment deal aims to open up the Chinese market and eliminate discriminatory laws and practices that impede equal competition for European companies.

EU foreign direct investment in China since 2000, excluding the UK, has been $ 181 billion. The corresponding amount from China is $ 138 billion.