European Union says borders will soon reopen for international travel

ORLANDO, Fla. — After nearly a year of being closed to U.S. travelers, the European Union is set to welcome international travel once again.

What You Need To Know

  •  The European Union has announced it will soon allow international travelers to return
  •  People who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 will have more travel options, one expert says
  • The EU said it may close its borders again depending on the virus’ spread and the number of cases

While the EU hasn’t set a firm date to resume international travel, travel experts said after only limited options for the last year, many people are ready to travel internationally.

After months of not seeing family, Moraiba Haydra is taking off again to Mexico for a reunion with loved ones. 

“My dad is meeting us there and my dad is senior,” Haydra said.

Because of her father’s age, Haydra made sure she was fully vaccinated before the vacation. However, there are no restrictions for U.S. travelers heading to Mexico — just a few questions.    

“It’s a questionnaire — like a health questionnaire that we have to fill in about your health that we present when we get over there,” Haydra said.

And now, fully vaccinated U.S. travelers such as Haydra will soon have more options for vacation spots. 

“If you are vaccinated you will be able to enter into the EU with no restrictions,” said Mo Noubani, president of The Travel Box International travel agency in Orlando. 

Many have been waiting for that news, and Noubani has already had several calls from travelers looking to book vacations to European countries.

But he said those excited to go overseas need to do their homework or work with a professional before booking a flight.       

“There are so many caveats, so this way you can rest at peace for you, your family or for whoever’s going, that you know you have all the covered elements,” Noubani said.

Travelers should know that each country in Europe could have its own restrictions. Noubani said, for example, that France wants travelers to quarantine for seven days. 

For Haydra, even though she is fully vaccinated, the U.S. requires a negative COVID-19 test result within three days of heading home.    

“I don’t mind having to take the PCR test if that means that I’m not going to get anybody sick on the way back,” she said.

Noubini said despite the announcement, the EU does include a clause that stipulates it can close the borders again based on virus spread and cases.