Monsanto’s Roundup remains banned in European Union as court rejects Bayer’s appeal

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                By <a href="stlouis/bio/6841/Greg+Edwards" class="u-link u-link-color" data-ct="APT: Reporter byline name" rel="author">Greg Edwards</a>
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                    <span class="hidden--xs hidden--sm"> – </span>
                    Reporter, St. Louis Business Journal            </div>

            <time class="js-relative-time" data-relative-time="2021-05-10T11:47:00-05:00">May 10, 2021</time>

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<p class="content__segment combx paywall__content">The top court in the European Union rejected an appeal by Bayer to lift a ban on weed killers, including Monsanto's Roundup.</p>

The European Court of Justice dismissed Bayer’s appeal of a lower E.U. court’s 2018 decision upholding the ban, saying there were no legal errors, Seeking Alpha reported.

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    <p class="content__segment combx paywall__content">The ban dates to 2013, when the E.U. placed limits on the use of three pesticides, saying they were “harmful” to Europe’s honeybee population when used to treat flowering plants with nectar that attracts the insects.</p>

Last month, a Mexico court sided with Bayer in a government attempt to ban Roundup. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador issued a decree late last year that seeks to completely ban glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, by 2024, even as the company always has insisted the product is safe and has been used safely in Mexico for more than 40 years.

Tens of thousands of lawsuits have been filed against Monsanto and Bayer claiming the weed killer caused non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Bayer, which acquired Roundup with its $63 billion purchase of St. Louis-based Monsanto in 2018, has said it would pay up to $10.9 billion to settle existing Roundup lawsuits, as well as litigation involving several other Monsanto products. Bayer said it had reached a $2 billion deal to resolve future lawsuits over Roundup claims. A U.S. federal court hearing on that deal has been postponed by one week until May 19, following previous delays.

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