The founders of а cryptocurrency exchange disappeared with 3.6 billion dollars

They initially announced that there was a hacker attack

Investors in one of South Africa’s most popular cryptocurrency exchanges are likely to have lost $ 3.6 billion after the platform’s founders disappeared. In April this year they announced that the stock exchange was the victim of a hacker attack, Bloomberg reports.

It’s about the Africrypt platform. In April, she sent a message to investors informing them of the hacker attack, but asked no one to inform the police, as this would “slow down” the process of recovering the stolen money.

Subsequently, some of the investors hired a law firm to investigate the situation. However, it turned out that the founders of Africrypt, who are two brothers, could not be found.

Instead, the investigation found that someone had withdrawn cryptocurrencies from shared resources and passed them through a series of virtual accounts to make it difficult to track them. The law firm also found that the employees of the exchange themselves were without access to the control modules a week before the possible hacker attack.

All this raises doubts whether the two brothers did not steal the money. Another problem is the fact that South Africa cannot conduct an investigation because cryptocurrencies are not considered a financial product in the country. And if no one finds and recovers the money, it will be the biggest loss of cryptocurrencies so far.