Iran Condemns EU Sanctions For Human Rights Violations, Suspends Dialogue With EU on Terrorism

Tehran suspends dialogue and cooperation with Brussels on terrorism, drugs, refugees and human rights due to EU sanctions against Iranian persons for human rights violations, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Monday.

On Monday, the EU Council decided to extend its sanctions it first imposed in 2011 as a response to “serious human rights violations in Iran” until 13 April 2022. These measures include a travel ban and an asset freeze, and a ban on exports to Iran of equipment that may be used “for internal repression and of equipment for monitoring telecommunications”.

The EU Council also added eight persons and three entities to this sanctions list in view of their role in the crackdown of the November 2019 demonstrations in Iran. Currently, there are 89 individuals and 4 entities on the list.