Armenia acting PM meets with European Council President in Brussels
Armenia acting PM meets with European Council President in Brussels

Acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, who is on a working visit to Brussels, met with President of the European Council Charles Michel.As reported the Office of the Prime Minister, during the private talks, the interlocutors discussed the course of Armenia-EU cooperation and the programs being carried out within the scope of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement that entered into force on March 1 of this year.

Pashinyan emphasized that Armenia attaches great importance to the active cooperation within the scope of the ‘roadmap’ for implementation of the CEPA which will contribute to the protection of democratic values and human rights, the fight against corruption, rule of law, etc.Michel welcomed the reforms undertaken in Armenia over the past three years and the Armenian government’s actions targeted at the strengthening of democracy.

He also stressed the EU’s willingness to further deepen and expand the partnership to implement the government’s priorities.The acting premier provided details about the situation created in the South Caucasus, particularly on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border following the 44-day war that took place in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), underscored the need for the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan to leave the sovereign territory of Armenia and provided information about the diplomacy and negotiations.Pashinyan also attached importance to the need for the international community to give an adequate response to Azerbaijan’s provocative actions, the actions to ensure return of Armenian prisoners of war to Armenia and welcomed the European Parliament’s resolution demanding that Azerbaijan immediately release all Armenian prisoners of war without preconditions.

Michel welcomed the Armenian side’s position on a peaceful and political resolution of the issue on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border and expressed the EU’s willingness to assist in this process.After the private talks, the interlocutors continued their discussion during a working lunch.