Brexit added to agenda of EU leaders’ special European Council meeting

Taoiseach Micheál Martin will join fellow EU leaders for discussions on Brexit next week when they gather in Brussels for a special European Council meeting.

                                                    <p class="no_name">Brexit was added to the agenda of the meeting on Friday, and EU officials said the leaders would have the opportunity to “briefly analyse” the current situation.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">The leaders are expected to discuss the prospects for a trade agreement with the British government, the EU’s response to recent moves in London to abandon parts of the withdrawal treaty and the preparations for a no-deal outcome at the end of the year.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">Leaders will also discuss the single market, industrial policy and digital transformation, as well as external relations, in particular relations with Turkey and with China, officials said, in an indication that the EU is anxious to get on with non-Brexit business. </p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">There is a strong feeling in Brussels that Brexit has taken up too much of the EU’s attention in recent years, often dominating summits to the exclusion of other topics.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">The summit will also be an opportunity to take stock of the status of the Covid-19 pandemic, officials added.</p>
                                                    <p class="no_name">Charles Michel, who heads the EU Council of national leaders, met with chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier on Friday to discuss the state of the talks.</p>
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