“Authority on Russophobia”: why the Estonian presidential candidate opposed the border treaty with Russia

The topic of Tallinn’s territorial claims against Moscow is being touched upon by Estonian politicians in order to “shake up anti-Russian sentiments” in the country. This is how the Federation Council of the Russian Federation commented on the words of the candidate for the presidency of Estonia Henn Põlluaas from the right-wing EKRE party, who opposed the ratification of the border agreement with Russia. The politician said that the Tartu Peace Treaty, concluded more than 100 years ago, is now supposedly in effect and Russia “occupied Pechory and the territories beyond Narva.” According to experts, the politician’s statement should be viewed as part of the internal political struggle in the republic. Analysts note that due to his Russophobic statements, Põlluaas wants to score political points.

“Authority on Russophobia”: why the Estonian presidential candidate opposed the border treaty with Russia

Estonian-Russian border Reuters © Ints Kalnins

The issue of Estonia’s territorial claims to Russia is being raised by the republic’s politicians in order to “shake up anti-Russian sentiments” in the country. This was stated in an interview with RT by the first deputy head of the international committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Dzhabarov.

“I think this is counterproductive. Estonia is our neighbor. If they want to live amicably with their neighbors, it is nevertheless necessary to start not with some mythical territorial claims, but raise the issue of improving relations between the two countries, ”Jabarov said.

So the first deputy head of the international committee of the Federation Council commented on the words of the presidential candidate Henn Põlluaas from the right-wing EKRE party, who opposed the ratification of the border treaty with Russia. According to Põlluaas, the Tartu Peace Treaty, concluded more than 100 years ago, is in force today, according to which part of the modern Pskov and Leningrad regions of Russia allegedly belongs to Estonia.

“There is no need and reason to legitimize the criminal occupation of Pechora and the territories beyond Narva,” the ERR portal quoted Põlluaas as saying.

The head of the international committee of the State Duma, Leonid Slutsky, in turn, noted that Põlluaas’s words “could be called ordinary pre-election rhetoric,” however, “the broadcast of such a position is increasingly postponing” the ratification of the Russian-Estonian border agreement.

“It remains to be regretted that Estonian politicians are not worried about the fact that the border with Russia is still not legally fixed. It is more convenient for them to keep her “hostage”, declaring about “criminal occupation” to attract the electorate, “he wrote on his Telegram channel.