The lack of freight containers in the world. And this is a problem for all consumers

Load the containers in the heart of the world trade. Every single product or component, part of the global economy, travels by road, by rail and by highway. However, these important containers do not reach this point.

Indian exporters in North America and Europe are complaining that they have to wait a few weeks to be able to find enough money. On the other hand, British exporters believe that the deficit is causing delays in supplies to Asia for up to two weeks.

Meanwhile, the prices of commercial containers are boldly rising and they are already doubly expensive, says the Quartz website in its publication.

Market failure is another symptom of xaoca, which is causing a pandemic in international supply chains. B pezyltat na nego pazxodite za tovap i doctavki napactvat, a chast ot tozi puc ce ce ppedava i ĸam ĸpainite klienti c povishavane na tsexite nie cite.

“This will have a significant effect in the short-term plan, because supply problems will have a direct impact on inflation,” the professor said.

In fact, the biggest problem at the moment is not that there are not enough freight containers, but that they are not located in the necessary places. “This is the result of at least 16 months of imbalance in the market,” explains Professor Willie Cix of the Xapped School of Business.

“We are witnessing the accumulation of containers on the ground, which should not be the case,” he added.

Basically, the citation can be promised at the beginning of the pandemic. Then the containers from China and Asia, traveling to America, have to stay in different ports there. The reason for this was that China was closing its borders to the west. In the meantime, the production process is also beginning to close in different parts of the world, which has led to a global upheaval.

In the last year, with the gradual opening of the economy, the peak reached a peak. From its point of view, this is very much in line with the big trade ports, and a lot of people are still moving with big signs. In order to get used to the deliveries, they leave the empty containers in different ports and do not wait for them to be filled up again, but for a long time.

The situation is getting worse with the blocking of the Cyecka channel. And many experts expect it not to change until the beginning of 2022.