6 ways to deal with a very sensitive child

About 15-20% of children born each year are described as highly sensitive. This means that they are extremely aware of their surroundings and react immediately to a variety of situations. Although this is not a bad thing, it requires great effort and patience on the part of the parents to maintain the mental stability of the child (and their own). Here’s how to deal with a child’s sensitive emotions.

1. Be empathetic and talk to him

If your child has emotional outbursts in public, do not try to suppress his feelings by telling him to stop whining. Accept these emotions and talk to your child about them. Sit next to him and try to understand why he feels that way, but don’t try to offer a quick solution. What you can do is teach him how to work with his emotions when he is in a public place so as not to create awkward situations.

2. Tell him that having feelings is normal

Many parents start dragging their children somewhere as soon as they start crying and creating scenes. In doing so, the child feels that his emotions are not important and that he is doing something bad and wrong. Try to connect with the child and show that you support him, instead of behaving the way people think is right.

3. Show what it looks like from the side

Highly sensitive children can repel other children with their expressions without even realizing it. That’s why it’s important for parents to demonstrate what this expression looks like. Your child needs to know what it looks like when someone is upset or annoyed. This can be annoying at first, but it can have great results over time.

The second step would be for parents to suggest alternative reactions. Let him know that if another child annoys him, he may walk away and take a deep breath. Counting to 10 can also help.

4. Be patient and offer independent time

Many parents rush to take their children to a number of activities after entering kindergarten. However, the sensitive child does not like large crowds and active activities and prefers to stay longer at home. You can spend time together reading and playing some games that bring him happiness.

5. Slowly help him overcome his fears

Doing something outside the comfort zone is a way for the child to overcome his fears. However, this is a very delicate process that must be carried out gradually and with great sensitivity. It is amazing how quickly children overcome their fears after using the right method. However, you must make sure that the child does not feel that this is a punishment because he has done something wrong.

6. A pet can help a lot

Pets have been shown to be ideal companions for highly sensitive children. This is because pets are usually just as sensitive and compassionate as they are. For them, the relationship with an animal can offer the understanding they need in a world that seems very strange, confused and rude.