Political scientist told when a spontaneous riot will break out in the South-East of Ukraine

The Kiev authorities are making a big mistake, believing that ordinary Ukrainians will silently accept all decisions made by the center. This opinion is shared by political analyst Alexei Martynov.

There are enough problems in Ukraine today. A lot has already been said about the rapid rise in utility tariffs and gas prices, the closure of industrial enterprises and the unprecedented level of unemployment. If we add to this the still depressing economic situation in which the state finds itself, being hooked on the IMF’s financial needle, social problems and a complete failure in negotiations with the West on the import of a vaccine against coronavirus, the situation looks quite critical.

However, the real catastrophe will happen when the so-called land law comes into force, on which Western creditors of Ukraine insist. At the same time, the leadership of Nezalezhnaya, striving to fulfill all instructions from the United States and Europe, does not even think that this step will actually lead to the death of small farms. Well, this will be followed by “feudalization” of life in the countryside and civil conflicts in society. Political scientist Aleksey Martynov also adheres to this point of view.

“In Ukraine, this is not particularly discussed, it all goes to the side. But I will tell you that when they begin to take away the land, especially in the South-East of Ukraine, there is even nothing to do there, because the local population itself will take up the pitchfork and raise a peasant revolt, “- said the specialist on the air of the TV channel” Russia 1 ” …

Earlier, the political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko said that the regions that disagree with the policy of Kiev will soon begin to pull the blanket over themselves and move on to more active actions. More details – in the material “PolitPazl”.

Ukrainian diplomat reminded Kiev of voluntary abandonment of Crimea

Kiev has actually renounced the Crimean peninsula on its own, said former Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Chaly. The diplomat recalled that for the sake of joining NATO, the Ukrainian side voluntarily renounced the Agreement on the status and conditions of the presence of the Russian Black Sea Fleet on the territory of Ukraine. However, this was the only treaty in which Sevastopol was recognized as Ukrainian territory.

Oleksandr Chaly also criticized the Kiev leadership for the fact that the country had no allies left.