Scientists gave mice water with the amount of microplastics estimated to be ingested by humans each week

In recent years, anxiety about the spread of microplastics has been growing. It is in the oceans, even in animals and plants, and in the bottled water we drink daily. Microplastics seem to be everywhere. And what is even more unpleasant is that it is not only everywhere around us, but also…

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Scientists gave mice water with the amount of microplastics estimated to be ingested by humans each week

In recent years, anxiety about the spread of microplastics has been growing. It is in the oceans, even in animals and plants, and in the bottled water we drink daily.

Microplastics seem to be everywhere. And what is even more unpleasant is that it is not only everywhere around us, but also…

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Getting older doesn’t make you wiser, a scientific study has shown

Aging does not lead to wisdom, a scientific study has shown, reported “Daily Mail”. Dr. Judith Gluck of the University of Klagenfurt, Austria, conducted research linking age to mental capacity.

The link between aging and getting wiser cannot be proven statistically, the study finds,…

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Women‘s tears contain chemicals that block male aggression

Women’s tears contain chemicals that block male aggression, a study by Israeli scientists found, cited by the electronic edition “Euricalert”.

Specialists from the Weizmann Institute of Science found that tears lead to a reduction in brain activity associated with aggression, which in…

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The world’s new hottest pepper makes more money than bear spray

Pepper X has a staggering 2.69 million Scoville units Guinness World Records has announced the world’s new hottest pepper. It’s the dreaded Pepper X with a terrifying 2,693,000 units on the Scoville scale. You can hardly imagine how hot that is, but give it a try – the world’s hottest pepper…

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A person’s sense of smell can be compared to a genetic signature

We all encounter odors every day; they are ubiquitous and integral – from the smell of morning coffee to the scent of rain. But we also emit our own scent, unique to each person. That’s right: our bodies produce an odor that is influenced by our genes, the food we eat, and even our health….

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Saudi Arabia has no water and is looking for a “green” way to get it

The full-fledged Saudi Arabia will have the heaviest smoke in the world of fossil fuels for many years to come. The company invests in technologies and expands its geopolitical influence through the internet and oceans. It is expected to take a little more than 15 years to fulfill its…

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Scientists have revealed why pink diamonds are so rare

Scientists have revealed why pink diamonds are so rare, AFP reported, citing a scientific study. These gems are found almost exclusively in Australia. Their price is extremely high.

More than 90 percent of the world’s pink diamonds are mined at the Argyle mine in the northwest of the…

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Scientist: We have indisputable evidence of the first objects found from another star system

It is not yet known whether they are of natural or artificial origin

Harvard professor Avi Loeb announced that he has completed his analysis of small spherical fragments of the space body IM1. The object crashed into the Pacific Ocean in 2014 and has since been claimed to be from another…

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Materiales del futuro: ¿Qué son el grafeno, el aerogel, la nanocelulosa?

Muchos materiales nuevos se desarrollan e investigan constantemente, y los resultados sugieren un enorme potencial para avances tecnológicos innovadores La apertura oficial de Webit Summer Edition 2023, el 28 de junio, en el Palacio Nacional de Cultura en Sofía (Bulgaria) es una oportunidad emocionante para.. .

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