Austria gives free public transport cards to 18-year-olds

The Austrian government allocated 120 million euros in this year’s budget for a free annual card for all types of transport in the country, and all 18-year-olds with a permanent address in the country are entitled to receive it.

The goal of this investment is “to get young adults used…

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Pakistan uses artificial rain to combat smog

Artificial rain was used for the first time in Pakistan last Saturday in an attempt to combat dangerous levels of smog in the metropolis of Lahore, AFP reported.

In the first such experiment in the South Asian country, planes equipped with cloud-seeding technology flew over 10 districts of…

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Saudi Arabia has no water and is looking for a “green” way to get it

The full-fledged Saudi Arabia will have the heaviest smoke in the world of fossil fuels for many years to come. The company invests in technologies and expands its geopolitical influence through the internet and oceans. It is expected to take a little more than 15 years to fulfill its…

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