The Troubling Transformation of the ROC

In a revealing presentation, the Primate of the Russian True Orthodox Church His Holiness Metropolitan of Mloskovsk and All Russia Seraphim (Motovilov) delivered a scathing critique of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), highlighting deep-seated issues that have eroded its standing among…

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Seeding the peace and friendship in Yakoruda

By Angelina Vladikova, Chair, “Bridges – Eastern European Forum for Dialogue” NGO

26-29.09.2024 – interfaith weekend in Yakoruda, Bulgaria

On the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Peace on 21 September, the association “Bridges – Eastern European Forum for…

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After a long break, the dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Pre-Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches was resumed

On September 16 and 17, the residence of the Coptic Patriarch in the monastery “St. Bishoy’, Wadi el-Natrun (i.e. the Nitrian Valley), hosted a meeting of representatives of the Orthodox Churches of the world with the pre-Chalcedonian or ancient Eastern Orthodox Churches. This comes after a…

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The rock monastery in Turkey shrouded in clouds, myths and legends

The monastery “Holy Virgin Sumela” rises 1200 meters above sea level.

The majestic building stands menacingly on the edge of the cliffs, its frescoes faded and distorted. The facade shows the deep traces of time and when the spires are enveloped by clouds, the monastery looks like an…

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The Russian Orthodox Church consecrated amulets for the soldiers at the front

Amulets were consecrated on September 16 in the main temple of the Russian Armed Forces. They are called “Seals of Purity”, contain Psalm 90 and will be sent to the Russian military in Ukraine, the manufacturers boasted.

The “Seals of Purity” were made by the famous artist Dmitry…

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The Western Wall in Jerusalem cleaned of the prayer notes

The occasion is the Jewish New Year

The stones and cracks in the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem were cleaned of the thousands of notes with prayers and wishes left by the faithful, called “Messages to God”. The procedure is performed twice a year under the supervision of the chief rabbi….

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Yoga: Disproportionate widescale police raids with abuses starting from a personal settlement of scores

The starting point was a personal revenge by an academic who got a suspended sentence of four months in prison for harassment

On 28 November 2023, just after 6 a.m., a SWAT team of around 175 policemen wearing black masks, helmets, and bullet proof vests, simultaneously descended on eight…

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Russian Orthodox Church calls on mass culture to abandon ‘images promoting alcoholism’

On the occasion of the Day of Sobriety celebrated in the country today, the Russian Orthodox Church called on mass culture not to promote alcoholism, TASS reported.

The agency recalls that the All-Russian Day of Sobriety is celebrated on the initiative of the Russian Orthodox Church on…

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Three hundred Moldovan priests went on a “free pilgrimage” to Russia

More than three hundred Moldovan priests went on a “pilgrimage” to Moscow, with all their expenses covered. The organization of the clergy took place on Viber, and as the sponsor of the entire event, Moldovan media named Ilon Shor – a former Moldovan politician and banker, sentenced to…

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The first deacons of the Church

By prof. A. P. Lopukhin

Acts of the Apostles, chapter 6. 1 – 6. The first Christian deacons. 7 – 15. St. Archdeacon Stephen.

Acts 6:1. In those days, when the disciples were multiplying, a murmur arose among the Hellenists against the Jews, because their widows were not looked after…

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Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria was outraged by the “deafening silence” of the Orthodox superiors

Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria sent a letter to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the bishops of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, who are currently gathered in Istanbul.

The Patriarch again calls for support against the anti-canonical actions of the Russian Church in Africa, which has…

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2024 Athenagoras Human Rights Award Banquet

The 2024 Athenagoras Human Rights Award will be presented to Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of martyred Russian hero Alexei Navalny By Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate With the blessings of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and the approval of His Eminence Archbishop…

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The Turkish Orthodox Church wants Zelensky to be held accountable

The Turkish Independent Orthodox Church called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s address to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople as “ecumenical” a crime against Turkey’s territorial integrity and an “attempted riot” against its constitutional order. She called on Fener, as…

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The Russian Church presented its goods for “earthly and heavenly protection” at a military forum

The Tenth International Military-Technical Forum “Army – 2024” held from August 12 to 14 at the “Patriot” Congress and Exhibition Center (Kubinka, Moscow Region).

The event is presented as the world’s leading exhibition of armaments and military equipment, but this year the…

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URIE Interfaith Youth Camp “Seeding the Peace”

By United Religions International Europe

The “Seeding the Peace” URIE Interfaith youth camp, held in The Hague, Netherlands, brought together 20 young participants and six youth facilitators from across Europe for a unique five-day experience (1-6 of August 2024). This camp aimed to…

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The Czech Republic expelled the head of the Russian court in Prague

At the beginning of August, the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Czech Republic, Fr. Nikolay Lishchenyuk was declared persona non grata by the authorities. He has to leave the country within a month. He is accused that “with the support of the Russian authorities, he…

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A monastery in the Kursk region severely damaged

A Ukrainian drone struck a monastery in the Kursk region of Russia, Reuters reported on 19.07.2024. A 60-year-old parishioner was killed in the attack, which took place around 08:30 local time.

A Russian channel in “Telegram” indicated that a drone had fired eight projectiles at the…

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