The number of religious young people in Moscow has decreased twice

Research by the Institute for Demographic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) from October 2022 shows that over the past 14 years, the level of religiosity among youth has halved (2008 – 60%; 2021 – 30%). Non-religious young people have quadrupled.

21% of the youth group…

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Russia and Ukraine exchanged prisoners, including priests

This is a rarely seen exchange of civilians

Russia and Ukraine have swapped prisoners, including several priests, in a rarely seen exchange of civilians that follows the exchange of dozens of soldiers earlier this week, AFP reported.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky,…

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In Russia, a special course for the militarisation of theological schools

The course towards the militarisation of theological schools was taken after the meeting of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, held on April 16

“The fight against democracy is sacred for us, like the fight against the antichrist” – these words belong to…

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A course on “service in the zone of military operations” is introduced in Russian seminaries

“The fight against democracy is sacred for us, like the fight against the antichrist” – these words belong to Metropolitan Kirill (Pokrovsky), who heads the patriarchal department for interaction with the armed forces. A few days before Passover, the feast of God’s self-sacrificing…

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PACE defined the Russian Church as an “ideological extension of Vladimir Putin’s regime”

On April 17, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution related to the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The adopted document said the Russian state “persecuted and ultimately killed” Navalny for joining the opposition to Vladimir…

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The Estonian Church differed from the idea of the Russian world replaces the evangelical teaching

Holy Synod of the Estonian Church cannot be accepted the idea of the Russian world replaces the evangelical teaching

The Holy Synod of the Estonian Orthodox Church, which is an autonomous church under the Moscow Patriarchate, issued a statement on April 2 that differed from the adopted…

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“Special attention to overcoming the challenges facing the Orthodox Church”

Macedonian Archbishop Stefan is visiting Serbia at the invitation of Serbian Patriarch Porfiry. The officially stated reason is the third anniversary of the election of Patriarch Porfiry. Obviously, this is only an occasion for the visit, which was not announced in the Macedonian media either…

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Alexandrian Holy Synod deposed the new Russian exarch in Africa

On February 16, at the meeting in the ancient monastery “St. George” in Cairo the H. Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria decided to depose Bishop Constantine (Ostrovsky) of Zaraysk from the Russian Orthodox Church.

On October 11 last year, he was appointed acting “Patriarchal…

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An Exarchate of the Ecumenical Patriarchate was registered in Lithuania

On February 8, the Ministry of Justice of Lithuania registered a new religious structure – an exarchate, which will be subordinated to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Thus, two Orthodox churches will be officially recognized in the country: one belonging to the Ecumenical Patriarchate…

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A founding meeting and a round table for the unification of Ukrainian Orthodoxy held in Kyiv


In “St. Sofia of Kiev” the Constituent Assembly of the public organization “Sofia Brotherhood” was held. The participants of the meeting elected the chairman of Archpriest Alexander Kolb and members of the Board of Directors of the brotherhood. The event was held…

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Estonian Metropolitan Yevgeniy (Reshetnikov) must leave the country at the beginning of February

Estonian authorities have decided not to extend the residence permit of Metropolitan Yevgeniy (real name Valery Reshetnikov), head of the Estonian Orthodox Church under the Moscow Patriarchate (ROC-MP), ERR reported, citing the Police and Border Guard Directorate.

Indrek Aru, head of the…

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Father Alexey Uminsky was deposed for refusing to read the “military prayer”

On January 13, the Moscow Diocesan Church Court announced its decision in the case of Father Alexei Uminsky, depriving him of his priestly rank. Today was the third session of the court, as Fr. Alexey didn’t show up for it. According to the rules of the ecclesiastical court, at the third…

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An open letter in defense of Father Alexei Uminsky was sent to Patriarch Kirill

Nearly five hundred Christians have sent an open letter to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia regarding the ban on candlelight services. Alexei Uminsky, whom they identify as their spiritual mentor, reports the information resource In the letter they write that Fr. Alexey is…

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A nightclub owner donated holy relics to a temple in Moscow

The Russian entrepreneur and owner of several nightclubs, Mikhail Danilov, donated a part of the relics of St. Nicholas of Mirliki to the Moscow temple dedicated to the icon of the Virgin Mary “Znamenie”. Along with the particle, a certificate of authenticity for the relic, which was…

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The Russian Synod finally removed the former “African Exarch” Metropolitan Leonid of Klin

The former Metropolitan of Klin, Leonid (Gorbachev), who became known as the “Exarch of the Moscow Patriarch in Africa”, was permanently removed from a church career by St. Synod of the Russian Church. In October of this year, he was removed from his post in Africa and sent to head the…

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More and more priests in Moldova are leaving the Russian Orthodox Church and moving to the Romanian Patriarchate

A large part of the Orthodox parishes of the ROC in Moldova left this jurisdiction and joined the Romanian Orthodox Church, which also has its own jurisdiction in the country.

During the past week, the founder and rector of the Chisinau Seminary and Theological Academy, Father Vyacheslav…

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A painting of Patriarch Kirill in the patriarchal residence outraged social networks

The presence of a painting featuring Patriarch Kirill in the reception hall of the Danilovsky Monastery has sparked controversy among social media users.
After the spokesperson for the Russian Orthodox Church Vladimir Legoida, shared the outcomes of a meeting by the Holy Synod people…

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An image of Patriarch Kirill in the patriarchal residence outraged social networks

An image of the Moscow Patriarch Kirill, placed in the reception hall in the patriarchal residence in the Danilovsky Monastery, outraged readers on social networks. It became known about the picture after yesterday, in its background, the spokesman of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir…

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