Israel/Palestine: Statement by the High Representative on the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice

The European Union takes good note of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice in respect of the “Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem”, reaching the following conclusions: These…

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Youth Ambassadors Unite for Human Rights, Justice and Peace at UN in New York

KingNewsWire. 52 young representatives from 35 nations joined by over 400 government officials, educators, and human rights advocates from around the world convened at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the 18th International Human Rights Summit. They came together with a shared…

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a gift from on high

by Martin Hoegger,

During the recent ecumenical meeting of “Synaxe” in the monastery of Brâncoveanu, near Sibiu in Romania, on the theme “Blessed are the peacemakers”, a biblical journey on peace in the Bible was proposed. The Bible offers essential stories about…

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Francis of Assisi and Silouane of Mount Athos

During the recent ecumenical meeting of “Synaxis” in Romania, on the theme “Blessed are the peacemakers”, the witness of certain figures was explored in greater depth. Here are two inspiring witnesses for today’s Church, one from the West, the other from the East. 

by Martin…

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Nobel laureates have called on religious leaders to raise their voices to end the bloodshed

Fifty-one Nobel laureates have signed an open letter calling for an end to hostilities in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip. It was published in the French newspaper “Le Monde”.

The authors call for an immediate ceasefire, the exchange of all prisoners, the release of the hostages and the…

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The Pope once again called for peace through negotiations

We must never forget that war invariably leads to defeat, the Holy Father noted

At his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis once again called for negotiated peace and condemned the bloody conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, Reuters reported. The agency notes that the…

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The European Union and the Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict: Between Mediations and Obstacles

The establishment of territorial sovereignty for each State in the world is a necessity, it is in this regard that Azerbaijan, by regaining control of Nagorno-Karabakh in September after a lightning offensive, can argue that it was seeking to restore its territorial sovereignty lost during the…

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Scientology y los Derechos Humanos, criando a la próxima generación en la ONU

El activismo juvenil mundial por los derechos humanos recibe reconocimiento cuando la Oficina de Derechos Humanos de Scientology elogia la Cumbre de Jóvenes por los Derechos Humanos. BRUSELAS-NUEVA YORK, BRUSELAS-NUEVA YORK, BÉLGICA-EE.UU., 13 de julio de 2023. / La Oficina de Derechos Humanos de la Iglesia…

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Redoublez nos prières pour la Paix ! L’appel du Conseil œcuménique des Églises

Par Martin Hoegger, Lausanne, Suisse Genève, le 21 juin 2023. Dans son sermon, lors de la célébration d’ouverture du comité central du Conseil œcuménique des Églises, le patriarche Bartholomée (Église orthodoxe, Constantinople) n’a pas ménagé ses efforts. Il a critiqué « l’alignement de l’Église…

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Russie, le tribunal municipal de Moscou ordonne la liquidation de l’ONG de défense des droits de l’homme SOVA Center

Comme le rapporte SOVA Center, l’ONG de défense des droits de l’homme FoRB la plus active en Russie selon les experts, le poing oppressif russe les appelle désormais. Nous reproduisons ici la déclaration de SOVA : Le 27 avril 2023, le juge Vyacheslav Polyga du tribunal municipal de Moscou a examiné la demande déposée…

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Towards a fair and just world for all –

In the history of the wars of the last millennium, the main platform of conflicts was Europe. But thanks to extraordinary decisions taken after the Second World War (for example, instead of continuing the confrontation, Germany and France created a structure of mutually beneficial relations –…

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The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 –
The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 –
The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 –

The French president makes European partners uncomfortable with his statements on the need to distance himself from the US on foreign policy, with reference to Taiwan. Poland revolts as Germany says the EU cannot be “indifferent”.

Article by Irene Castro – Correspondent in Brussels for ELDIARIO.ES – Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) Translated by The European Times.

A cooperative partner, a difficult competitor and a systemic rival. Three definitions that may even seem contradictory to define the EU’s relationship with China. These are the rules of the game that the leaders of the EU-27 established last October in the run-up to the preparations for the search for a rapprochement with the Asian giant, which is revealing the differences in the European club and even bringing tensions to the surface.

The EU has long been searching for its place in a polarised world. While Brussels has been engaged in preparing for the US-China trade war and much of its policies in recent months have been aimed at minimising dependence on Xi Jinping’s regime in the face of mistrust, the EU has been reviving diplomatic relations at various levels without losing sight of the strategic relationship with the United States.

“Efforts are moving in the same direction. Nobody in Europe, whatever you call the government or the member of the Commission, wants to disengage from China and go to two blocs in this world. Everyone says we need to engage…

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