a gift from on high -europeantimes.news-

by Martin Hoegger, www.hoegger.org

During the recent ecumenical meeting of “Synaxe” in the monastery of Brâncoveanu, near Sibiu in Romania, on the theme “Blessed are the peacemakers”, a biblical journey on peace in the Bible was proposed. The Bible offers essential stories about…

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Francis of Assisi and Silouane of Mount Athos -europeantimes.news-

During the recent ecumenical meeting of “Synaxis” in Romania, on the theme “Blessed are the peacemakers”, the witness of certain figures was explored in greater depth. Here are two inspiring witnesses for today’s Church, one from the West, the other from the East. 

by Martin…

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Peace of heart in the Christian tradition -europeantimes.news-

The Churches have a rich tradition of peace. They all remind us that peace is not first and foremost a program, something external, but begins within us. A peaceful heart is a peacemaker. During the recent ecumenical meeting of “Synaxe” in Romania, this theme was explored in greater…

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“Blessed are the peacemakers”!

 An ecumenical meeting of “Synaxe” By Martin Hoegger, pastor of the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Vaud, www.hoegger.org “Synaxe” brought together around forty members of various Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant religious communities for its 39th meeting from July 3 to 9, 2024….

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“That the world may know.” The invitation from the Global Christian Forum.

By Martin Hoegger

Accra, Ghana, April 19, 2024. The central theme of the fourth Global Christian Forum (GCF) is taken from the Gospel of John: “That the world may know” (John 17:21). In many ways, the assembly delved deeper into this great text, where Jesus prays for the unity of his…

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Cape Coast. Laments from the Global Christian Forum

By Martin Hoegger

Accra, April 19, 2024. The guide warned us: the history of Cape Coast – 150 km from Accra – is sad and revolting; we must be strong to bear it psychologically! This fortress built in the 17th century by the English received a visit from some 250 delegates to the Global…

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Global Christian Forum: Diversity of global Christianity on display in Accra

By Martin Hoegger

Accra Ghana, 16th April 2024. In this African city teeming with life, the Global Christian Forum (GCF) brings together Christians from more than 50 countries and from all families of Churches. Of Ghanaian origin, its general secretary Casely Essamuah explains that the GCF…

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Patriarch Bartholomew: “The survival of the world depends on a broad interpretation and application of the Gospel”

On January 15, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew announced the start of the International Scientific Conference “Apostle Paul in Antalya (Turkey): Memory, Testimony” organized by the Pisidian Metropolis in the city of Antalya, Orthodox Times reports.

In his address, the Ecumenical…

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Sharing A Wounded Heart | -europeantimes.news-

By Br. Charbel Rizk (Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East)
What is the purpose of this life, this monastic life, that we are living? As monks and nuns, we do many things. Sometimes too many things. Often we find ourselves compelled to do them. When we came to Sweden from…

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