Former Schihegumen Sergiy (Romanov) wants to be pardoned and sent to the front in Ukraine

The former abbot of the Middle Ural women’s monastery Fr. Sergius (Nikolai Romanov), who is serving a seven-year sentence, begs Putin for clemency. In the appeal, the former abbot says he helped build twenty churches and five monasteries in the Sverdlovsk region, and since 2014 has brought…

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Can the Orthodox Church help with the exchange of prisoners of war between Ukraine and Russia

On the eve of the greatest Orthodox holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, wives and mothers of prisoners of war from Russia and Ukraine are asking the superiors, clergy and all believers in Orthodox countries to cooperate with the authorities for the release of their sons, brothers and…

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Patriarch Bartholomew: It is scandalous to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ separately

In his sermon, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew sent heartfelt wishes to all non-Orthodox Christians who celebrated Easter on Sunday, March 31, after leading the Sunday Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Theodore” in the “Vlanga” quarter.

“On this day, the eternal message of the…

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The Estonian Church differed from the idea of the Russian world replaces the evangelical teaching

Holy Synod of the Estonian Church cannot be accepted the idea of the Russian world replaces the evangelical teaching

The Holy Synod of the Estonian Orthodox Church, which is an autonomous church under the Moscow Patriarchate, issued a statement on April 2 that differed from the adopted…

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Greece became the first Orthodox country to approve same-sex marriage

The country’s parliament approved a bill allowing civil marriages between people of the same sex, which was applauded by supporters of the rights of the LGBT community, Reuters reported.

Representatives of both supporters and opponents of the legalization of civil marriage between…

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The Prague Archdiocese is being investigated for misuse of property

An investigation against key figures in the management of the Archdiocese of Prague (Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia) led to their removal from the posts they have held for years.

The investigation by the authorities is against Prague Archbishop Michael (Dandar) for the…

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Estonian Metropolitan Yevgeniy (Reshetnikov) must leave the country at the beginning of February

Estonian authorities have decided not to extend the residence permit of Metropolitan Yevgeniy (real name Valery Reshetnikov), head of the Estonian Orthodox Church under the Moscow Patriarchate (ROC-MP), ERR reported, citing the Police and Border Guard Directorate.

Indrek Aru, head of the…

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The Life of Venerable Anthony the Great (2)

By St. Athanasius of Alexandria

Chapter 3

 Thus he (Antonius) spent about twenty years, exercising himself. And after this, when many had a burning desire and wanted to rival his life, and when some of his acquaintances came and forced his door, then Antony came out as from some…

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The Church in Greece is against extending the surrogacy law

Bills for changes in marriage law are being discussed in Greece. They are related to the institutionalization of marriage between homosexual partners, as well as changes in the law on the adoption of children and surrogacy. One of the proposals will soon be considered in the Greek parliament,…

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Relations of the Ortrhodox Church with the rest of the Christian world

By the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church

The Orthodox Church, as the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, in her profound ecclesiastical self-consciousness, believes unflinchingly that she occupies a central place in the matter of the promotion of Christian unity in the…

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We honor the holy 14 thousand infant martyrs

On December 29, 2023, according to the Orthodox calendar, the Holy 14 thousand infant martyrs killed by Herod in Bethlehem are honored.

These innocent Jewish babies suffered for the baby Jesus at the behest of King Herod of Judea, who was afraid that the newborn would take away his…

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Five Athos abbots have spoken out against the new digital identity cards

Five abbots of Athos monasteries (Xiropotam, Caracal, Dohiar, Philotei and Constamonite) and nearly ten of monasteries in Greece sent an open letter to the Greek government, in which they want the exchange of old identity cards with new ones not to be mandatory, but that Greek citizens they can…

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