The Troubling Transformation of the ROC

In a revealing presentation, the Primate of the Russian True Orthodox Church His Holiness Metropolitan of Mloskovsk and All Russia Seraphim (Motovilov) delivered a scathing critique of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), highlighting deep-seated issues that have eroded its standing among…

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USCIRF Commissioner Maureen Ferguson civil society groups are often the first to expose religious freedom violations

U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Commissioner Ms Maureen Ferguson participated as a keynote speaker at the IV Edition of the Faith & Freedom Summit NGO Coalition, held 24-25 September at the Latin American Parliament in Panama City of 40 international speakers and…

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The Jewish Question and the Bulgarian Cinematography

By Biserka Gramatikova

The year is 1943 and Bulgaria has just told Hitler that he will not receive the Bulgarian Jews. The untold but true tale of how nearly 50,000 Jewish Bulgarians were saved from deportation and death – true story from a forgotten chapter of European history. Europe’s…

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Seeding the peace and friendship in Yakoruda

By Angelina Vladikova, Chair, “Bridges – Eastern European Forum for Dialogue” NGO

26-29.09.2024 – interfaith weekend in Yakoruda, Bulgaria

On the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Peace on 21 September, the association “Bridges – Eastern European Forum for…

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“Floating gas stations” in front of Bulgarian ports sell Russian fuel to passing ships

Two Russian tankers “Nikolay Velikiy” and “Nikolay Gamayunov” were refueling ships leaving the ports of Varna and Burgas on the border of Bulgaria’s 24-mile contiguous zone in the Black Sea. Risky offshore fueling was probably motivated by dumping prices, which were achieved after taxes and…

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After a long break, the dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Pre-Chalcedonian Orthodox Churches was resumed

On September 16 and 17, the residence of the Coptic Patriarch in the monastery “St. Bishoy’, Wadi el-Natrun (i.e. the Nitrian Valley), hosted a meeting of representatives of the Orthodox Churches of the world with the pre-Chalcedonian or ancient Eastern Orthodox Churches. This comes after a…

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Finland officially banned the purchase of property by Russian citizens

The Ministry of Justice of Finland approved last week a law that prohibits the sale of real estate to citizens who endanger the independence of Finland.

The document signed by the Minister of the Supreme Court has already been published.

The document says that the main purpose is to…

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The rock monastery in Turkey shrouded in clouds, myths and legends

The monastery “Holy Virgin Sumela” rises 1200 meters above sea level.

The majestic building stands menacingly on the edge of the cliffs, its frescoes faded and distorted. The facade shows the deep traces of time and when the spires are enveloped by clouds, the monastery looks like an…

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The Russian Orthodox Church consecrated amulets for the soldiers at the front

Amulets were consecrated on September 16 in the main temple of the Russian Armed Forces. They are called “Seals of Purity”, contain Psalm 90 and will be sent to the Russian military in Ukraine, the manufacturers boasted.

The “Seals of Purity” were made by the famous artist Dmitry…

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The Western Wall in Jerusalem cleaned of the prayer notes

The occasion is the Jewish New Year

The stones and cracks in the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem were cleaned of the thousands of notes with prayers and wishes left by the faithful, called “Messages to God”. The procedure is performed twice a year under the supervision of the chief rabbi….

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Why chocolate should not be given to dogs

Chocolate is a favorite delicacy for people, but for cats and dogs it is a real poison, writes the magazine ” Sciences et Avenir” and explains why pets should not be “pampered” with chocolate under any circumstances.

For them, chocolate is toxic, because it is not properly absorbed…

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Dozens of Bulgarian Roma families are moving out of their homes in Duisburg

Dozens of Bulgarian families from Duisburg have received letters from German municipal authorities with a notification that they must leave their apartments by mid-September 2024. This was reported by the organization “Stolipinovo* in Europe”.

From there they also state that all those…

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Russian Orthodox Church calls on mass culture to abandon ‘images promoting alcoholism’

On the occasion of the Day of Sobriety celebrated in the country today, the Russian Orthodox Church called on mass culture not to promote alcoholism, TASS reported.

The agency recalls that the All-Russian Day of Sobriety is celebrated on the initiative of the Russian Orthodox Church on…

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Community policing and crime prevention in Nigeria

By Emmanuel Ande Ivorgba, Centre for Faith and Community Development, Nigeria ([email protected]m)


Crime prevention – whether at the societal, community or individual level – is a much sought-after goal in contemporary societies across the globe today, particularly…

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Triple increase in the fee that Turkish citizens pay when going abroad

The fee for traveling abroad, which Turkish citizens pay, is increased from 150 to 500 Turkish lira (about 14 euros). The Ordinance was published in the issue of the Turkish State Gazette (Resmi Gazete) dated August 2, 2024.

The fee for going abroad is a type of tax that must be paid by…

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Russians or Russian companies have shares in nearly 12,000 companies in Bulgaria

Russian citizens or Russian companies participate in 11,939 companies in our country. This is clear from the answer of the Bulgarian Minister of Justice Maria Pavlova to a question posed by the parliamentarian Martin Dimitrov. He asked about the number of companies in Bulgaria in which…

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Three hundred Moldovan priests went on a “free pilgrimage” to Russia

More than three hundred Moldovan priests went on a “pilgrimage” to Moscow, with all their expenses covered. The organization of the clergy took place on Viber, and as the sponsor of the entire event, Moldovan media named Ilon Shor – a former Moldovan politician and banker, sentenced to…

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