Nulla Accade per Caso: The Docufilm on Fabrizio Zampetti Premiered at the Museum of Science

On the evening of Tuesday May 14th, the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan hosted a premiere event for “Nulla Accade per Caso” (Nothing happens by chance) a captivating docufilm that explores the remarkable life and professional rise of Fabrizio Zampetti, a…

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France’s National Library has placed four books from the 19th century under “quarantine”

The National Library of France has placed four books from the 19th century “under quarantine”, reported AFP.

The reason is that their covers contain arsenic.

The discovery was made about five years ago. University scientists have discovered the chemical element in the covers.


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actualites en français

The Bulgarian pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennale: Subtle horror, nostalgia and tension

By Biserka Gramatikova

On April 20, the official opening of the Bulgarian pavilion at the Venice Biennale took place. “Memory is what keeps us safe,” said the Bulgarian Acting Minister of Culture during the opening. In the Biennale on the theme “Foreigners Everywhere”, Bulgaria…

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A palimpsest of realities and collective memories: The on-going exhibitions of Palais de Tokyo

By Biserka Gramatikova

A crisis that is here and now, but begins somewhere in the past. A crisis of identities, positions and morals – political and personal. A crisis of time and space, the foundations of which are rooted in the twentieth century. The exhibition “Dislocations” at the…

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Italy donated 500 thousand euros for the destroyed cathedral of Odessa

The Italian government handed over 500,000 euros for the restoration of the destroyed Transfiguration Cathedral in Odessa, announced the mayor of the city, Gennady Trukhanov. The Ukrainian city’s central temple was destroyed by a Russian missile in July 2023. The aid was granted under an…

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actualites en français

Reserved seats for black people at theater performances in London have sparked controversy

A London theater’s decision to reserve seats for black people audiences for two of its productions of a play about slavery has drawn criticism from the British government, France Press reported on March 1st.

Downing Street has condemned the idea as “divisive to society”.

The Noel…

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Religion’s In Today’s World – Mutual Understanding Or Conflict (Following the views of Fritjof Schuon and Samuel Huntington, on the mutual understanding or clash between religions)

By Dr. Masood Ahmadi Afzadi,

Dr. Razie Moafi


In the modern world, the situation related to the rapid increase in the number of beliefs is considered a major problem. This fact, in symbiosis with the peculiar contradictions outwardly apparent regarding the nature of faith,…

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Auction for a watch melted by the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima

A watch that was melted during the August 6, 1945, atomic bombing of Hiroshima has sold for more than $31,000 at auction, the Associated Press reported.

Its arrows stopped at the moment of the detonation of the atomic bomb over the Japanese city – at 8:15 a.m. local time, according to…

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Dostoyevsky and Plato removed from sale in Russia due to “LGBT propaganda”

The Russian bookstore Megamarket was sent a list of books to be removed from sale due to “LGBT propaganda”. Journalist Alexander Plyushchev published a list of 257 titles on his Telegram channel, writes The Moscow Times.

The list includes not only literary novelties, but also classics….

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Christmas, Easter and Halloween banned in private schools in Turkey

The Ministry of Education in Ankara has changed the rules for private schools in Turkey. It prohibits “activities that contradict national and cultural values and cannot contribute to the psychosocial development of students”. The ministry has sent a warning letter to schools about…

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Scandal in Greece over film showing Alexander the Great as gay

The Minister of Culture denounced the Netflix series

“Netflix’s Alexander the Great series is ‘fantasy of extremely poor quality, low content and full of historical inaccuracies,’” Greece’s Culture Minister Lina Mendoni said on Wednesday, reports Kathimerini.

The series “The…

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Rome partially restored Trajan’s Basilica with the money of a Russian oligarch

Asked about the topic, Rome’s chief curator of cultural heritage, Claudio Parisi Presicce, said Usmanov’s funding was agreed before Western sanctions, and Rome’s ancient heritage, he says, is “universal”.

The imposing colonnade of Trajan’s Basilica in Rome, which occupies a…

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