Reserved seats for black people at theater performances in London have sparked controversy

A London theater’s decision to reserve seats for black people audiences for two of its productions of a play about slavery has drawn criticism from the British government, France Press reported on March 1st.

Downing Street has condemned the idea as “divisive to society”.

The Noel…

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Madonna Gives Impassioned Call for Social Action During London Concert

During a recent concert in London, pop icon Madonna gave an impassioned speech touching on heavy current events and appealing to her fans’ sense of humanity. Speaking bluntly and from the heart, Madonna expressed horror at ongoing violence against children in conflicts like the Israel-Palestine…

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El primer teatro sin desperdicios de Gran Bretaña abrió sus puertas en Londres

Rodeada por las torres de vidrio y acero del distrito financiero de Londres, surgió una construcción de poca altura hecha de materiales reutilizados para demostrar que tenemos el poder colectivo para enfrentar el cambio climático. El Greenhouse Theatre, catalogado como el primer teatro sin desperdicios de Gran Bretaña, está escenificando…

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Les messages chrétiens d’autorité dans le couronnement de Charles III –

Charles III et sa femme Camilla ont été couronnés à Londres, faisant de lui le quarantième monarque de l’histoire britannique. La cérémonie de couronnement et d’onction a eu lieu à l’abbaye de Westminster. Le couronnement précédent a eu lieu il y a soixante-dix ans, le 2 juin 1953, lorsque la mère de Charles, la reine Elizabeth II,…

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