A course on “service in the zone of military operations” is introduced in Russian seminaries

“The fight against democracy is sacred for us, like the fight against the antichrist” – these words belong to Metropolitan Kirill (Pokrovsky), who heads the patriarchal department for interaction with the armed forces. A few days before Passover, the feast of God’s self-sacrificing…

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In Russia, a special course for the militarisation of theological schools

The course towards the militarisation of theological schools was taken after the meeting of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, held on April 16

“The fight against democracy is sacred for us, like the fight against the antichrist” – these words belong to…

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The Pope once again called for peace through negotiations

We must never forget that war invariably leads to defeat, the Holy Father noted

At his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis once again called for negotiated peace and condemned the bloody conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, Reuters reported. The agency notes that the…

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actualites en français

Madonna Gives Impassioned Call for Social Action During London Concert

During a recent concert in London, pop icon Madonna gave an impassioned speech touching on heavy current events and appealing to her fans’ sense of humanity. Speaking bluntly and from the heart, Madonna expressed horror at ongoing violence against children in conflicts like the Israel-Palestine…

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Moscow Patriarch Cyril: Russia still has a lot of work to do, I’m not afraid to say it – on a global scale

On September 12, to the ringing of bells, the Russian Patriarch Cyril, in the presence of members of the government of St. Petersburg and “participants of the special military operation”, carried with lithium the coffin with the relics of Prince Alexander Nevsky to the Church of the…

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La plus longue guerre de l’histoire a duré 335 ans

Les historiens identifient ce conflit comme une ramification de la guerre civile anglaise, qui a fait rage de 1642 à 1651. Les forces royalistes fidèles au roi Charles Ier avaient initialement le dessus, mais cela a progressivement changé et les parlementaires sous Oliver Cromwell ont commencé à remporter la victoire après. .

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actualites en français

45 000 invalides en Ukraine après les dix premiers mois de guerre

La Confédération des employeurs d’Ukraine a publié vendredi des données qui pourraient indirectement indiquer le nombre de blessés dans l’armée ukrainienne : selon un communiqué de presse de la Confédération, le nombre de personnes handicapées au cours des dix premiers mois de la guerre a bondi de trois et un…

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european news

actualites en français

Russie, le tribunal municipal de Moscou ordonne la liquidation de l’ONG de défense des droits de l’homme SOVA Center

Comme le rapporte SOVA Center, l’ONG de défense des droits de l’homme FoRB la plus active en Russie selon les experts, le poing oppressif russe les appelle désormais. Nous reproduisons ici la déclaration de SOVA : Le 27 avril 2023, le juge Vyacheslav Polyga du tribunal municipal de Moscou a examiné la demande déposée…

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european news

actualites en français

Towards a fair and just world for all – europeantimes.news

In the history of the wars of the last millennium, the main platform of conflicts was Europe. But thanks to extraordinary decisions taken after the Second World War (for example, instead of continuing the confrontation, Germany and France created a structure of mutually beneficial relations –…

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Muere un campeón del mundo en defensa de Ucrania – europeantimes.news

Vitaly Merinov, cuatro veces campeón mundial de kickboxing, murió la semana pasada en el hospital como resultado de las lesiones en las piernas sufridas mientras luchaba para las fuerzas armadas ucranianas en Luhansk. El atleta se unió al ejército ucraniano como voluntario pocos días después del inicio de la invasión rusa de Ucrania….

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The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 – europeantimes.news
The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 – europeantimes.news
The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 – europeantimes.news

The French president makes European partners uncomfortable with his statements on the need to distance himself from the US on foreign policy, with reference to Taiwan. Poland revolts as Germany says the EU cannot be “indifferent”.

Article by Irene Castro – Correspondent in Brussels for ELDIARIO.ES – Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) Translated by The European Times.

A cooperative partner, a difficult competitor and a systemic rival. Three definitions that may even seem contradictory to define the EU’s relationship with China. These are the rules of the game that the leaders of the EU-27 established last October in the run-up to the preparations for the search for a rapprochement with the Asian giant, which is revealing the differences in the European club and even bringing tensions to the surface.

The EU has long been searching for its place in a polarised world. While Brussels has been engaged in preparing for the US-China trade war and much of its policies in recent months have been aimed at minimising dependence on Xi Jinping’s regime in the face of mistrust, the EU has been reviving diplomatic relations at various levels without losing sight of the strategic relationship with the United States.

“Efforts are moving in the same direction. Nobody in Europe, whatever you call the government or the member of the Commission, wants to disengage from China and go to two blocs in this world. Everyone says we need to engage…

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