German Political Parties Prepare for EU Elections Amidst Internal Challenges and Broader EU Concerns

In a moment in German politics, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) came together on Sunday to finalize their strategies for the upcoming European Union elections. The party conventions were marked by a sense of urgency and a call to action as both parties…

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Finland and Ireland Foster Inclusive Quality Education

Finland and Ireland have recently launched a project called “Fostering Inclusive Quality Education in Finland and Ireland ” which is a significant step towards promoting inclusive education. This initiative, funded by the European Union through the Technical Support Instrument (TSI) and…

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Elections in Bangladesh, Massive arrests of opposition activists

The government led by the Awami League is claiming to commit to free and fair general elections due to take place on 7 January 2024 while simultaneously the state authorities are filling prisons with members of the political opposition and are responsible for using excessive force, enforced…

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actualites en français

Germany: Bavaria and the return of religious cleansing in the EU

You may be surprised that a “democratic” country like Germany, with the past we know, would engage in a religious cleansing today. Who wouldn’t be? Nevertheless, as hard as it is to believe it, what some called a “cultural genocide” (Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of…

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Germany: Bavaria and the return of religious cleansing in the EU

You may be surprised that a “democratic” country like Germany, with the past we know, would engage in a religious cleansing today. Who wouldn’t be? Nevertheless, as hard as it is to believe it, what some called a “cultural genocide” (Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of…

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Fostering Unity and Celebrating Diversity, Scientology Representative Addresses European Sikh Organization Inauguration

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, August 24, 2023/ — In a display of interfaith collaboration Ivan Arjona Pelado, the President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs & Human Rights delivered a moving speech at the inauguration ceremony of the…

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actualites en français

HRWF calls upon the UN, EU and OSCE for Turkey to stop deportation of 103 Ahmadis

Ahmadis – Today, a Turkish court has released a deportation order concerning 103 members of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light from seven countries. Many of them, especially in Iran, will face imprisonment and may be executed if they are sent back to their country of origin.


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HRWF appelle l’ONU, l’UE et l’OSCE pour que la Turquie arrête l’expulsion de 103 ahmadis

Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF) appelle l’ONU, l’UE et l’OSCE à demander à la Turquie d’annuler l’ordre d’expulsion de 103 ahmadis Aujourd’hui, un tribunal turc a rendu un ordre d’expulsion concernant 103 membres de la religion ahmadie de paix et de lumière de sept pays. Beaucoup d’entre eux,…

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actualites en français

El papel y la importancia del Parlamento Europeo en el mundo actual

El Parlamento Europeo desempeña un papel crucial en la configuración del futuro de Europa y del mundo. Como la única institución de la Unión Europea elegida directamente, representa la voz de más de 500 millones de ciudadanos de los 27 estados miembros. Con sus poderes creciendo constantemente a lo largo de los años, el…

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El papel y la importancia del Parlamento Europeo en el mundo actual –

El Parlamento Europeo desempeña un papel crucial en la configuración del futuro de Europa y del mundo. Como la única institución de la Unión Europea elegida directamente, representa la voz de más de 500 millones de ciudadanos de los 27 estados miembros. Con sus poderes creciendo constantemente a lo largo de los años, el…

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el pequeño pueblo que cambió Europa –

El Acuerdo de Schengen conocido hoy se firmó en un pequeño pueblo en la parte sureste de Luxemburgo, un lugar lleno de simbolismo. Se puede cruzar Luxemburgo en automóvil en poco más de una hora. Antes de que te des cuenta, estarás en las cercanías de Francia, Alemania o Bélgica, solo los más observadores…

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Italia, un caso de prueba de la eficacia de los procedimientos de infracción contra el Estado miembro más intransigente –

El Tratado Fundacional de Roma de 1957 facultó a la Comisión Europea, como guardiana del Tratado, a iniciar procedimientos de infracción contra los Estados miembros por la supuesta violación de sus obligaciones en virtud del Tratado. Además, disponía que cuando el Tribunal de Justicia establecía el incumplimiento de una…

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Francia procesa a miembros del PKK acusados ​​de extorsión y terrorismo –

Francia ha llevado a juicio a 11 presuntos miembros de alto rango del Partido de los Trabajadores del Kurdistán (PKK), acusados ​​de extorsión, financiación del terrorismo y propaganda para la organización, informó AFP. Declarada organización terrorista por Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y Turquía, el PKK ha…

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Towards a fair and just world for all –

In the history of the wars of the last millennium, the main platform of conflicts was Europe. But thanks to extraordinary decisions taken after the Second World War (for example, instead of continuing the confrontation, Germany and France created a structure of mutually beneficial relations –…

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The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 –
The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 –
The quest for an autonomous EU-China relationship generates tensions among the EU 27 –

The French president makes European partners uncomfortable with his statements on the need to distance himself from the US on foreign policy, with reference to Taiwan. Poland revolts as Germany says the EU cannot be “indifferent”.

Article by Irene Castro – Correspondent in Brussels for ELDIARIO.ES – Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) Translated by The European Times.

A cooperative partner, a difficult competitor and a systemic rival. Three definitions that may even seem contradictory to define the EU’s relationship with China. These are the rules of the game that the leaders of the EU-27 established last October in the run-up to the preparations for the search for a rapprochement with the Asian giant, which is revealing the differences in the European club and even bringing tensions to the surface.

The EU has long been searching for its place in a polarised world. While Brussels has been engaged in preparing for the US-China trade war and much of its policies in recent months have been aimed at minimising dependence on Xi Jinping’s regime in the face of mistrust, the EU has been reviving diplomatic relations at various levels without losing sight of the strategic relationship with the United States.

“Efforts are moving in the same direction. Nobody in Europe, whatever you call the government or the member of the Commission, wants to disengage from China and go to two blocs in this world. Everyone says we need to engage…

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