Scientology’s IAS charitable organization Celebrates and Commemorates Era of Unprecedented Global Humanitarian Work

Thousands celebrate 4 years of IAS’s monumental global humanitarian work using L. Ron Hubbard’s vision.

BRUSSELS, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, November 29, 2023 / — Thousands of Scientologists recently gathered at the historic Saint Hill estate in West Sussex, England to…

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Germany: Bavaria and the return of religious cleansing in the EU

You may be surprised that a “democratic” country like Germany, with the past we know, would engage in a religious cleansing today. Who wouldn’t be? Nevertheless, as hard as it is to believe it, what some called a “cultural genocide” (Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of…

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Germany: Bavaria and the return of religious cleansing in the EU

You may be surprised that a “democratic” country like Germany, with the past we know, would engage in a religious cleansing today. Who wouldn’t be? Nevertheless, as hard as it is to believe it, what some called a “cultural genocide” (Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of…

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The Dance of Religion and Technology, Unveiling Scientology’s Unique Intersection at the 20th Annual EASR Conference

VILNIUS, VILNIUS, LITHUANIA, September 7, 2023/ — In today’s ever-evolving landscape of religion and technology, the traditional notion of conflict between the two is being challenged by a more nuanced perspective, and Scientology, according to scholars, shows to be a…

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Scientology volunteers at Health Fair in Denmark do their part before International Overdose Awareness Day

COPENHAGEN, COPENHAGEN, DENMARK, August 30, 2023/ — A contingent of deeply concerned Scientology volunteers with the Copenhagen chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World recently brought their urgent “Say No to Drugs” initiative to a major community health fair in…

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Estados Unidos preocupado por la libertad religiosa en la Unión Europea de 2023

La libertad religiosa es un derecho humano fundamental y, si bien la Unión Europea (UE) es conocida por sus esfuerzos para promover esta libertad a nivel internacional, algunos de sus estados miembros aún se enfrentan a políticas discriminatorias que afectan a los grupos religiosos minoritarios. Mollie Blum, una…

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Scientology y los Derechos Humanos, criando a la próxima generación en la ONU

El activismo juvenil mundial por los derechos humanos recibe reconocimiento cuando la Oficina de Derechos Humanos de Scientology elogia la Cumbre de Jóvenes por los Derechos Humanos. BRUSELAS-NUEVA YORK, BRUSELAS-NUEVA YORK, BÉLGICA-EE.UU., 13 de julio de 2023. / La Oficina de Derechos Humanos de la Iglesia…

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Le délégué allemand auprès de l’OSCE encourage les scientologues à rechercher la protection FoRB lorsqu’ils sont victimes de discrimination de la part d’agences d’État

EINPRESSWIRE // OSCE Vienne – La protection de la liberté de religion et de conviction est un pilier fondamental des sociétés démocratiques, et la question de la tolérance et de la non-discrimination est une question majeure que l’OSCE – BIDDH aborde avec la société civile et les États participants au cours de leur …

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Mariage scientologue, “ça unit vraiment deux univers”

Un mariage a eu lieu dans l’église de Scientologie de Copenhague. Comment ça marche? Qui sont les ministres qui célèbrent les cérémonies ? Comment les scientologues voient-ils le mariage ? COPENHAGUE, DANEMARK, 15 juin 2023/ — Samedi dernier au Danemark, l’Église de Scientologie, située au plus ancien…

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Exploring Padova’s Religious Diversity: A Journey with a special focus on Scientology

A documentary explores the Church of Scientology Padova and its activities while covering the rich diversity of the city.

PADOVA, PADOVA, ITALY, June 1, 2023/ — Padova, a contemporary centre of culture and commerce, has remained faithful to its past as a medieval hub of…

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Cristal Logothetis, española afincada en EE.UU. impulsó un movimiento “Carry the future” para ayudar a madres refugiadas y recién nacidos

Cristal Logothetis (Cristal Muñoz-Logothetis) en MEET A SCIENTOLOGIST de Scientology Network, la serie semanal que destaca la vida cotidiana de los scientologists de todo el mundo y todos los ámbitos de la vida, anuncia un episodio que presenta a la humanitaria Cristal Logothetis el 23 de mayo…

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9 de mayo, 73° Aniversario de Europa y Dianética –

“Dianética: La ciencia moderna de la salud mental” de L. Ronald Hubbard hizo su debut el 9 de mayo de 1950, y los resultados de la técnica contribuyeron a su rápido ascenso a la cima de las listas de libros más vendidos. Numerosas Iglesias, Misiones y organizaciones de Scientology en todo el mundo marcan el…

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Scientology volunteers help distribute 78 tonnes of donated food, clothes and other to those who need it in Turkey –

An experience with Scientology Volunteer Ministers in Turkey. 78 tonnes of supplies in hands of those who needed and helped more than 19,000 people

TURKEY, April 20, 2023 /APNEWS / / — On 6 February 2023, at 4:16 in the morning, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck…

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