Book Anticultism in France in 2024: Personal Stories and Battles

In a world that often misunderstands and ostracizes unconventional beliefs, Donald A. Westbrook’s groundbreaking 2024 book, Anticultism in France, emerges as a beacon of scholarship and attention to the details.

Being released by Cambridge University Press (June, 2024), this publication…

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France’s National Library has placed four books from the 19th century under “quarantine”

The National Library of France has placed four books from the 19th century “under quarantine”, reported AFP.

The reason is that their covers contain arsenic.

The discovery was made about five years ago. University scientists have discovered the chemical element in the covers.


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Dostoyevsky and Plato removed from sale in Russia due to “LGBT propaganda”

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The list includes not only literary novelties, but also classics….

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9 de mayo, 73° Aniversario de Europa y Dianética –

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AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ : Les informations et opinions reproduites dans les articles sont celles de ceux qui les énoncent et relèvent de leur propre responsabilité. La publication dans The European Times ne signifie pas automatiquement l’approbation du point de vue, mais le droit de l’exprimer. TRADUCTIONS D’AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ : Tous les articles de…

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A unique Ptolemy manuscript has been discovered in a medieval palimpsest –

In a parchment on which the work of an early medieval author was written, scientists found a description of a meteoroscope – a unique instrument of an ancient astronomer, which until now was known only from indirect sources.

An article has been published in the journal Archive of History…

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Soccer academy founder writes book to help coaches cultivate joy
Soccer academy founder writes book to help coaches cultivate joy

Michael Curless, author of “Coaching Positional Soccer: Perfecting Tactics and Skills,” wrote the book he wished he could have read when he started coaching.

MOUNT DESERT — When Michael Curless took up soccer at 9 years old, he did so because he found joy in playing the game. He wants to help parents and coaches, especially parent coaches, cultivate that same joy with his newly published book, “Coaching Positional Soccer: Perfecting Tactics and Skills.”

Over the last three years, Curless, who founded Acadia Fire Fútbol Club/Soccer Academy, has put together what one reader described, “as comprehensive a soccer book as you’ll ever find.”

“The book is good for all ages – from 5 year olds to adults,” wrote Curless in an email to the Islander about the more than 400-page book. “The drills can be made easier or harder depending on the players’ abilities. There are over 150 diagrams and over 70 illustrations that help describe the drills and exercises.

“It’s breaking soccer down into different learning chunks. The bulk of the book has a lot of practice plans.”

Yet to be available at local bookstores, the book can be ordered on Amazon, where it has been ranked as one of the top-selling soccer coaching books since its release, as well as Barnes and Noble, Bookshop, BAM! and Meyer & Meyer Sport.

“I wrote the book that I wished I had had when I first started coaching,” Curless explained. “When I was writing the book, I imagined I was writing to a 30-ish-year-old parent that volunteered to coach but had no idea where to start. This book was written for that parent as well as seasoned coaches looking to expand their understanding of the game and ways to improve their team and players.”

Much of the content was based on the 12 years Curless spent as head of Acadia Fire Soccer Academy, which he handed off about three years ago, and comes from his own developmental years in the game.

“Soccer was overwhelmingly exciting and enthralling from the first touch of the ball at my first practice,” said Curless, who played on a professional development soccer team in Austria at 16 years old. “Later, I met some famous soccer players like George Best, Johann Cruyff and Pele that further grew my interest.”

As he finished high school, Curless was offered scholarships by several California colleges to play on their soccer teams, but he opted to go overseas and play professionally.

“I wanted to live and play somewhere where soccer was taken more seriously,” he said. “I grew up watching a show on PBS called ‘Soccer Made in Germany’ that broadcasted a soccer game every week from former West Germany. I always idealized German soccer teams, so after high school, I went to Germany and played fifth division (professional soccer).

“The next year I went to France and played fourth division. I was invited to try out for a second division team in France when I returned home to go to college.”

Although he was recruited by several American colleges to play, Curless decided to retire from the game at the age of 20 and focus on earning a degree.

“If you throw everything into one thing, you can get a little off balance,” he explained about his relationship with the game as a young adult. Then, once he began coaching again in his 30s, Curless had an epiphany. “Soccer didn’t have to be so full of pressure. It was quite a journey to get that insight. I realized, we can coach differently.”

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When he launched Acadia Fire FC Soccer Academy after coaching through Harbor House Community Services in Southwest Harbor, Curless wanted to make the game fun, focus on coaching kids respectfully and not using shame, guilt or anger to motivate players. And, importantly, he wanted to focus on skill development and creative tactics.

“That ideology brought a lot of success to the club,” he said in a conversation with the Islander. “We won everything.”

In 2018, Curless was awarded Soccer Maine’s Premier Coach of the Year. “I took three teams to the state cup finals and two of them won so they had to give it to me,” he said in jest.

“The drills and teaching techniques that are in the book were developed while coaching at AFFC,” he said. “I would ask coaches the question, should we ever repeat a practice? And my answer to them was ‘no’ since we should always be looking for ways to make our coaching better.

“This constant reevaluation of my coaching led to consistent improvement over time in my approach to coaching and the development of the drills in the book.”

To find out more or to order a copy of the book, go to

Sarah Hinckley
Sarah Hinckley covers the towns of Southwest Harbor, Tremont and neighboring islands. Send story ideas and information to [email protected]
Sarah Hinckley
Top Five Favorite Books
Top Five Favorite Books

So, today is National Book Lovers Day and it made me realize, sadly, that I don’t read paperback books anymore. However, in honor of this holiday, I thought it would be fun to breakdown what my five favorite books are. By the way, this was a hard list because all of these books are classic, in my opinion.

No. 5

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This tells the story of Jay Gatsby, an entrepreneur with a shaky past. To be honest, I don’t remember too many details about the story, except for the flashy parties. Of course, who could forget the movie that was released in 2013 with Leonardo DiCaprio. The author, F. Scott Fitzgerald, who is a Minnesota native, released this classic novel in 1925, behind his other works of “The Side of Paradise” and “The Beautiful and Damned.” It will definitely give you insight inside the business world if you have a chance to read it.

No. 4

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Animal lovers…warning! This story is about a man named Billy, who’s narrating his childhood memories about his time “coon hunting” with his dogs, “Little Ann” and “Old Dan.” I won’t spoil anything because the story is somber but has joyous moments throughout. Would absolutely recommend!

No. 3

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Jeff Kinney is the author and illustrator behind the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series. There is so much nostalgia with these stories because they’re so relatable. Greg Heffley, the protagonist, has an older brother who teases him and a younger spoiled brother. Yes…some of you know what it’s like being the middle child. Plus, Greg struggles with another modern problems with most kids nowadays. He spends majority of his time playing video games instead of playing outside. There a total of 16 books, but my favorite would probably have to be the second one, “Rodrick Rules.” Again, this one taps into his older brother who is a constant instigator. If you would like relatable characters in a cartoony depiction, then this is the series for you!

No. 2

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Where do I begin? Who doesn’t know the story of the “Boy Who Lived.” I had to include these as a set because Harry Potter is one of my favorite worlds to venture into. My favorite one them to read would have to be “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.” There’s nothing like reliving the beginning of Harry’s journey. However, when it comes to book covers, “Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix” gets my vote there. The dark blue catches my eye immediately, plus the mysterious position that Harry is in offers some wonder about the potential danger he is facing. Anyway, this series holds a special place in my heart.

No. 1

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When I think of reading, this is the first book that enters my mind. “The Outsiders” by Susan E. Hinton is the story pertaining two rival gangs, The Greasers and The Socs. There are so many classic characters in this book from Ponyboy, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Dallas Winston and so many others. It definitely is recommending for an older audience to its violent nature, but a story that is worth-while. Similar to “Where The Red Fern Grows,” it has an emotional impact, just executed in a different way. This is a heartfelt story that will leave you spinning with emotions afterwards.

Those are my top five books. Each one is special is its own right and have impacted me in unique ways. Taking the time to share this list with you, I have been inspired to find a great book to read!

A Book for Our Times: Author Steven T. Collis Shares a Story of Heroism During WWII
A Book for Our Times: Author Steven T. Collis Shares a Story of Heroism During WWII

Steven T. Collis is a storyteller and law professor at the University of Texas School of Law. He serves as the faculty director of Texas’s Bech-Loughlin First Amendment Center and Law and Religion Clinic. Collis is a sought-after speaker nationwide on religion and law and is the author of Deep Conviction: True Stories of Ordinary Americans Fighting for the Freedom to Live Their Beliefs.

His background studying law and religion led him to his new book, The Immortals: The World War II Story of Five Fearless Heroes, the Sinking of the Dorchester, and an Awe-inspiring Rescue. The book tells one of the most inspiring true stories in military and American history. Collis highlights the sacrifices made by the Four Chaplains and a Black petty officer to save hundreds of soldiers  on the SS Dorchester, during World War II.

In 1943, German U-Boats lurked in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic, eager to bring down Allied ships. As the Four Chaplains aboard the Dorchester descended into the lower holds, the troops knew something was going on. A vague announcement played over the loudspeakers: Submarines were estimated to be in the vicinity. The Four Chaplains advised soldiers to put on their life jackets as tensions arose. The book further elaborates on Alexander Goode, John Washington, George Fox, and Clark Poling, also known as the Four Chaplains. The Chaplains each came from different backgrounds but fostered a safe environment through prayer and reassurances during a life-threatening time for over 900 soldiers

Then disaster struck. One German U-Boat fired a torpedo directly at the Dorchester, scoring a direct hit. The Immortal Chaplains are well-known for their heroism and were an inspiration to the nation, after calmly helping soldiers through the chaos of abandoning the ship and distributing life jackets, including their own, when supplies ran out. They remained a beacon of hope as the boat sunk, and in their final minutes, witnesses reported seeing the Four Chaplains standing together with their arms linked, praying in their respective languages of faith. They encouraged the panicked men floating in life jackets in the frigid ocean, even in their final moments.

Private First-Class William Bednar, a survivor, reported, “I could hear men crying, pleading, praying. I could also hear the chaplains preaching courage. Their voices were the only thing that kept me going.”

Collis is also a pioneer in storytelling, as he delves into the valiant story of Charles Walter David Jr., the fifth and often unattributed hero. David’s story has predominantly remained untold until now. He served as a petty officer and was aboard a Coast Guard cutter traveling with the SS Dorchester crew. Heroism is at the forefront of David’s story as he dove into the glacial waters several times and fought through hypothermia to rescue soldiers who had fallen overboard while the ship was sinking.

Collis effortlessly tells his readers the story of how a Jewish Rabbi, a Catholic priest, a Methodist minister, a Protestant minister, and a Black petty officer showcased heroism and unity when it was needed most, despite their differences. During conflicting times like ours, the book offers a refreshing perspective that explores the power of faith and sacrifice. It serves as a narration for five heroic men with vastly different backgrounds that put their beliefs and differences aside to work in consonance and placed the lives of others above their own, in a selfless act of outstanding bravery.

The non-fiction book alternates between the points of view of the Nazi U-Boat captain and crew and the survivors of the SS Dorchester. The survivors credit their survival to the Four Chaplains and David; Collis conducted rigorous research to provide the Nazi U-Boat perspective, which he attained through interviews and journal entries.

The Immortals: The World War II Story of Five Fearless Heroes, the Sinking of the Dorchester, and an Awe-inspiring Rescue, is published by Shadow Mountain Publishing and is available on Indie Bound, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, BAM, Walmart, Target, and anywhere books are sold.

To view the book trailer for The Immortals, please visit