Scientology Empowering Mental Health against Abuses: Advocating for Guidelines to Protect People

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, October 12 2023. World Mental Health Day on October 10 2023 became a platform for a global community that stands up for raising awareness and instigating change against psychiatric abuses. The Scientology Network joined forces with the Citizens Commission on Human Rights…

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Scientology volunteers at Health Fair in Denmark do their part before International Overdose Awareness Day

COPENHAGEN, COPENHAGEN, DENMARK, August 30, 2023/ — A contingent of deeply concerned Scientology volunteers with the Copenhagen chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World recently brought their urgent “Say No to Drugs” initiative to a major community health fair in…

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Antidepresivos y salud mental, un maldito negocio multimillonario

El consumo de antidepresivos sigue aumentando en un mundo que parece más fácil para la píldora que para encontrar el problema real y resolverlo. En 2004, la Agencia del Medicamento realizó un estudio en el que dejaba claro que el consumo de antidepresivos se había triplicado en la…

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Antidepressants and mental health, a damn billion-dollar business

The consumption of antidepressants keeps increasing in a world that looks easier for the pill than for finding the actual problem and solving it.

In 2004, the Medicines Agency carried out a study in which it made it clear that the consumption of antidepressants had increased threefold in the…

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Antidépresseurs et santé mentale, un putain d’affaire d’un milliard de dollars

La consommation d’antidépresseurs ne cesse d’augmenter dans un monde qui semble plus facile pour la pilule que pour trouver le problème réel et le résoudre. En 2004, l’Agence du médicament a réalisé une étude dans laquelle il ressortait que la consommation d’antidépresseurs avait triplé dans le…

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Antidepressants and mental health, a damn billion-dollar business

The consumption of antidepressants keeps increasing in a world that looks easier for the pill than for finding the actual problem and solving it.

In 2004, the Medicines Agency carried out a study in which it made it clear that the consumption of antidepressants had increased threefold in the…

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La corrupción, un negocio lucrativo para las industrias farmacéuticas. – europeantimes.noticias

En agosto de 2013, tres meses después de que Xi Jinping ingresara al gobierno chino, estalló un escándalo de corrupción en el sistema médico nacional, hábilmente ejercido por las multinacionales farmacéuticas radicadas en ese país. La campaña lanzada para dirimir responsabilidades finalizó con la…

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Corruption, a lucrative business for the pharmaceutical industries. –

In August 2013, three months after Xi Jinping entered the Chinese government, a corruption scandal broke out in the national medical system, skilfully exercised by the multinational pharmaceutical companies based in that country. The campaign launched to settle responsibilities ended with the…

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