Hungary: EU’s Most Corrupt Nation Faces Scrutiny as it Takes the Presidency of the Council

Budapest – Hungary remains the European Union’s most corrupt country, according to the 2023 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) released last January by Transparency International. Despite some judicial reforms aimed at securing EU funds, systemic corruption continues to undermine Hungary’s…

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Shoigu’s deputy is detained for corruption

The Deputy Minister of Defence of Russia, Timur Ivanov, was detained for corruption, he is suspected of taking bribes in particularly large amounts, the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced.

President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei…

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To rebel against injustice… Harfouch receives great support from the French Foreign Affairs Committee member at the Senat

In an extraordinary meeting organized by the “International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism” (LICRA), and a member of the French Senate Nathalie Goulet, a number of prominent personalities met with the Leader of the Third Lebanese Republic initiative, Omar Harfouche, who announced…

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Líbano, Omar Harfouch obtuvo numerosos apoyos durante su visita al Parlamento Europeo

El 13 de junio de 2023, tras la sesión plenaria organizada en el Parlamento Europeo en Estrasburgo sobre la situación en el Líbano. Omar Harfouch, activista político y de derechos humanos, se reunió con una serie de eurodiputados del Parlamento Europeo para sensibilizar sobre los derechos humanos…

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La corrupción, un negocio lucrativo para las industrias farmacéuticas. – europeantimes.noticias

En agosto de 2013, tres meses después de que Xi Jinping ingresara al gobierno chino, estalló un escándalo de corrupción en el sistema médico nacional, hábilmente ejercido por las multinacionales farmacéuticas radicadas en ese país. La campaña lanzada para dirimir responsabilidades finalizó con la…

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Corruption, a lucrative business for the pharmaceutical industries. –

In August 2013, three months after Xi Jinping entered the Chinese government, a corruption scandal broke out in the national medical system, skilfully exercised by the multinational pharmaceutical companies based in that country. The campaign launched to settle responsibilities ended with the…

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El Defensor del Pueblo Europeo publica su informe anual para 2022 –

La Defensora del Pueblo ha publicado su informe anual para 2022 con los temas de transparencia y rendición de cuentas representando el mayor porcentaje de denuncias (32%). El informe proporciona una descripción general de las áreas clave del trabajo del Defensor del Pueblo, como sus sugerencias a la Comisión Europea,…

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