INTERVIEW: Sustainable energy offers ‘hope’ in fight against desertification and land loss

Sustainable sources of energy, including solar and wind power, can help communities across the world to reverse desertification and land loss, according to Ibrahim Thiaw, the Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. 

Mr. Thiaw spoke to UN News ahead of the World…

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The consumption of fossil fuels has reached new heights

The consumption of fossil fuels, but also of energy emissions on a global scale, reached record heights in 2023. That’s what the global energy statistics report cited by Reuters says. Decommissioning fossil fuels and increasing renewable energy sources can prevent the transition to low-carbon…

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Scientists gave mice water with the amount of microplastics estimated to be ingested by humans each week

In recent years, anxiety about the spread of microplastics has been growing. It is in the oceans, even in animals and plants, and in the bottled water we drink daily. Microplastics seem to be everywhere. And what is even more unpleasant is that it is not only everywhere around us, but also…

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Scientists gave mice water with the amount of microplastics estimated to be ingested by humans each week

In recent years, anxiety about the spread of microplastics has been growing. It is in the oceans, even in animals and plants, and in the bottled water we drink daily.

Microplastics seem to be everywhere. And what is even more unpleasant is that it is not only everywhere around us, but also…

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Wearing one pair of jeans once does as much damage as driving 6 km in a gasoline-powered passenger vehicle 

According to scientists, wearing a pair of fast fashion jeans just once creates 2.5 kg of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to driving 6.4 km in a non-gasoline car, writes “Daily Mail”.

Fast fashion is a term used to describe the process of quickly creating and selling cheap,…

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Over 200 million dogs and even more cats roam the streets of the world

A cat gives birth to up to 19 kittens a year, and a dog – up to 24 puppies.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 200 million dogs and even more cats roam the streets worldwide. This was announced by the Four Paws Foundation. On the occasion of World Homeless Animals…

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Climate change is a threat to antiquities

A study in Greece shows how weather events affect cultural heritage

Rising temperatures, prolonged heat and drought are affecting climate change worldwide. Now, the first study in Greece that examines the effect of climate change on the future microclimate of historical monuments and…

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Afforestation of Africa threatens grasslands and savannahs

New research warns that Africa’s tree-planting campaign poses a double jeopardy as it will damage ancient CO2-absorbing grass ecosystems while failing to fully restore depleted forests, the Financial Times reports. The article, published in the journal Science, focuses on one particular project,…

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European Union and Sweden Discuss Ukraine Support, Defence, and Climate Change

Brussels, 22 February 2024. In a significant meeting at the heart of the European Union, President von der Leyen welcomed Swedish Prime Minister Kristersson, highlighting the importance of their discussions. The President expressed her gratitude, stating, “It is a great pleasure to have you…

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