Why chocolate should not be given to dogs

Chocolate is a favorite delicacy for people, but for cats and dogs it is a real poison, writes the magazine ” Sciences et Avenir” and explains why pets should not be “pampered” with chocolate under any circumstances.

For them, chocolate is toxic, because it is not properly absorbed…

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Understanding canine attachment -europeantimes.news-

Every dog has its own unique way of expressing its emotions, but one of the most universal and common gestures is licking or “kissing”. Although it may seem like a simple and instinctive action, there is often much more behind it! Understanding why our four-legged friends lick us can…

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Over 200 million dogs and even more cats roam the streets of the world

A cat gives birth to up to 19 kittens a year, and a dog – up to 24 puppies.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 200 million dogs and even more cats roam the streets worldwide. This was announced by the Four Paws Foundation. On the occasion of World Homeless Animals…

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Pourquoi les chiens sautent à notre rencontre

Vous franchissez la porte après une longue journée de travail et votre Saint Bernard bien-aimé se lève pour vous donner un gros bisou baveux ! Peut-être préférez-vous que votre compagnon vous salue si chaleureusement, mais votre chien passe toujours en premier ! Votre animal de compagnie aime vous saluer en sautant, en remuant la queue et en se léchant beaucoup, tandis que (nous…

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