A robot to protect cultural monuments developed in China

Space engineers from China have developed a robot to protect cultural monuments from harmful environmental influences, reported end of February Xinhua.

Scientists from Beijing’s space program have used a robot originally designed for orbital missions to protect artifacts from ancient…

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Climate change is a threat to antiquities

A study in Greece shows how weather events affect cultural heritage

Rising temperatures, prolonged heat and drought are affecting climate change worldwide. Now, the first study in Greece that examines the effect of climate change on the future microclimate of historical monuments and…

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Manuscripts Charred After the Eruption of Vesuvius Read by Artificial Intelligence

The manuscripts are more than 2,000 years old and were severely damaged after the eruption of the volcano in AD 79.

Three scientists managed to read a small part of charred manuscripts after the eruption of Vesuvius with the help of artificial intelligence, reported AFP.

The manuscripts…

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Rome partially restored Trajan’s Basilica with the money of a Russian oligarch

Asked about the topic, Rome’s chief curator of cultural heritage, Claudio Parisi Presicce, said Usmanov’s funding was agreed before Western sanctions, and Rome’s ancient heritage, he says, is “universal”.

The imposing colonnade of Trajan’s Basilica in Rome, which occupies a…

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Archaeologists have discovered a tomb of a royal scribe near Cairo

In early November, a Czech archaeological expedition from Charles University in Prague has discovered the tomb of the royal scribe Jheuti Em Hat during excavations at the Abu Sir necropolis outside Cairo, Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Monuments announced.

The Secretary General…

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An ancient Egyptian papyrus describes a rare snake with 4 teeth and dozens of other poisonous reptiles

Written records can tell us a lot about ancient civilizations. Recent research on the venomous snakes described in an ancient Egyptian papyrus suggests more than you might think. A much more diverse range of snakes than we ever imagined lived in the land of the pharaohs – which also explains why…

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A famous archaeologist with sensational news: We are about to discover the common grave of Cleopatra and Mark Antony

Archaeologists have announced that they are very close to discovering the place where the last ruler of Egypt, Cleopatra, and her lover, the Roman general Mark Antony, were buried, in all probability together.

Scientists believe they have pinpointed the exact location where some of the most…

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Serbian miners discovered a valuable archaeological find on the banks of the Danube

A valuable archaeological find on the banks of the Danube, not far from Bulgaria – Serbian miners discovered an ancient Roman ship with a 13-meter hull in a mine.

An excavator in the Dramno mine near the town of Kostolats unearthed a fully preserved ancient ship. According to experts, it…

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The British Museum displays the Bulgarian national treasure – the Panagyurishte treasure

The Panagyurishte Treasure is included in the exhibition “Luxury and Power: From Persia to Greece” at the British Museum.

The exhibition explores the history of luxury as a political tool in the Middle East and Southeast Europe in the period 550 – 30 BC.

In the announcement about…

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Arqueólogo afirma haber descubierto la Sodoma bíblica

Los investigadores están seguros de que Tell el-Hamam en Jordania, donde los signos de calor extremo y una capa de destrucción son consistentes con la historia bíblica de la destrucción de Sodoma, es el sitio de esta antigua ciudad. En una entrevista reciente publicada a fines de junio, un arqueólogo hace una convincente…

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