Kindergarten in Germany removes Christmas tree and sparks debate

The management does not want to put up a Christmas tree “in a spirit of religious freedom”, headlines the regional newspaper BILD

By Ivan Dimitrov

A decision by a kindergarten in the Lockstedt district of the large northern German city of Hamburg not to put up a Christmas tree this…

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United Against Discrimination, Scientologist Calls Out Germany at European Parliament

Speaking passionately last week at the European Parliament, Ivan Arjona, Scientology’s representative to European institutions, condemned worsening religious discrimination targeting his faith community specifically in Germany. He spoke at a conference bringing together Protestant, Muslim,…

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Germany: Bavaria and the return of religious cleansing in the EU

You may be surprised that a “democratic” country like Germany, with the past we know, would engage in a religious cleansing today. Who wouldn’t be? Nevertheless, as hard as it is to believe it, what some called a “cultural genocide” (Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of…

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Germany: Bavaria and the return of religious cleansing in the EU

You may be surprised that a “democratic” country like Germany, with the past we know, would engage in a religious cleansing today. Who wouldn’t be? Nevertheless, as hard as it is to believe it, what some called a “cultural genocide” (Cultural genocide is the systematic destruction of…

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Le délégué allemand auprès de l’OSCE encourage les scientologues à rechercher la protection FoRB lorsqu’ils sont victimes de discrimination de la part d’agences d’État

EINPRESSWIRE // OSCE Vienne – La protection de la liberté de religion et de conviction est un pilier fondamental des sociétés démocratiques, et la question de la tolérance et de la non-discrimination est une question majeure que l’OSCE – BIDDH aborde avec la société civile et les États participants au cours de leur …

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Alemania ante el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos por denegar la acreditación a una escuela cristiana

Estrasburgo – Un proveedor de escuela híbrida cristiana con sede en Laichingen, Alemania, está luchando contra el sistema educativo represivo del estado alemán. Después de la primera aplicación en 2014, las autoridades alemanas dijeron que la Asociación para el Aprendizaje Descentralizado no podía dar primaria y secundaria …

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El papel y la importancia del Parlamento Europeo en el mundo actual –

El Parlamento Europeo desempeña un papel crucial en la configuración del futuro de Europa y del mundo. Como la única institución de la Unión Europea elegida directamente, representa la voz de más de 500 millones de ciudadanos de los 27 estados miembros. Con sus poderes creciendo constantemente a lo largo de los años, el…

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