Russia refuses to import bananas from Ecuador because of an arms deal with the US

It has started buying the fruit from India and will increase imports from there

Russia has started buying bananas from India and will increase imports from that country, the Russian Veterinary and Phytosanitary Control Service Rosselhoznadzor reported, as quoted by Reuters. The decision…

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EU-MOLDOVA: Does Moldova unduly repress media freedom? (I)

EU-MOLDOVA – The founder and head of a media outlet under EU sanctions and Moldovan sanctions for pro-Russian propaganda and disinformation creates “Stop Media Ban” and campaigns against Moldova in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and in Brussels.

By Dr Evgeniia Gidulianova with…

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Estonian Metropolitan Yevgeniy (Reshetnikov) must leave the country at the beginning of February

Estonian authorities have decided not to extend the residence permit of Metropolitan Yevgeniy (real name Valery Reshetnikov), head of the Estonian Orthodox Church under the Moscow Patriarchate (ROC-MP), ERR reported, citing the Police and Border Guard Directorate.

Indrek Aru, head of the…

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EU sanctions include two Orthodox television channels and a private Orthodox military company

Two Orthodox television stations and a private Orthodox military company are included in the 12th package of sanctions of the European Union

Two Russian television channels broadcasting “Orthodox content” are included in the latest 12th package of sanctions of the European Union, adopted…

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76 Russian planes have been confiscated since the sanctions

According to the Russian Minister of Transport Vitaly Saveliev, 76 Russian planes have been confiscated as a result of the sanctions imposed because of the invasion of Ukraine, “TVP World” reported.

Saveliev expressed his surprise at the sudden decision to confiscate these planes,…

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actualites en français

Moscow will block more virtual private networks that are a security risk

Russia plans to block some virtual private networks (VPNs) it deems to pose a threat, Reuters reported, citing the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications.

Interest in VPN services has increased since Moscow banned access to Western social networks…

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actualites en français

Bulgaria expelled a senior cleric and other priests from the Russian Church in Sofia

The Bulgarian authorities expelled the head of the Russian Church in the country – Vasian Zmeev. This was reported to TASS by the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria.

“Bulgarian authorities consider Father Vasian to be a threat to national security,” the Russian diplomats said.

According to…

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The Russian Archimandrite Vasian (Zmeev) banned from entering North Macedonia?

The chairman of the Russian church in Sofia, Archimandrite Vasian (Zmeev), has been banned from entering North Macedonia, several Macedonian publications report. The publications refer to sources from the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, according to which three Russian diplomats will…

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The Kia brand wants to flee Russia for Kazakhstan

Hyundai is also losing hope and considering selling its plant in St. Petersburg, according to Moscow media

“The Russian market could become more volatile and could even stagnate. We risk no longer being able to deliver new vehicles,” the group warned, as quoted by Russian news agency…

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actualites en français

Plátanos: un “producto socialmente importante” en Rusia

Además, el protocolo establece un restablecimiento temporal de la tasa arancelaria para los bananos Los bananos pueden convertirse en un “producto socialmente importante” en Rusia, y los aranceles de importación pueden eliminarse temporalmente, informa el periódico “Izvestia”, en referencia a las actas de una reunión de el ruso…

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