25 journalists are arrested in Moscow for covering a protest against mobilization for the war

Police in Moscow detained about 25 people, mostly journalists, covering a protest against the mobilization for the war in Ukraine. The journalists were arrested for several hours outside the Kremlin walls, during an unauthorized demonstration. Wives of Russian servicemen in Ukraine symbolically…

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Putin‘s personal gerontologist, who worked to extend life to 120 years, has died

Vladimir Havinson, one of the most famous Russian gerontologists, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and founder of the Institute of Gerontology, died at the age of 77, The Moscow Times reports.

Havinson has been called “Putin’s personal gerontologist” in the press and has…

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An open letter in defense of Father Alexei Uminsky was sent to Patriarch Kirill

Nearly five hundred Christians have sent an open letter to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia regarding the ban on candlelight services. Alexei Uminsky, whom they identify as their spiritual mentor, reports the information resource BFM.ru. In the letter they write that Fr. Alexey is…

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A nightclub owner donated holy relics to a temple in Moscow

The Russian entrepreneur and owner of several nightclubs, Mikhail Danilov, donated a part of the relics of St. Nicholas of Mirliki to the Moscow temple dedicated to the icon of the Virgin Mary “Znamenie”. Along with the particle, a certificate of authenticity for the relic, which was…

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Moscow will block more virtual private networks that are a security risk

Russia plans to block some virtual private networks (VPNs) it deems to pose a threat, Reuters reported, citing the Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications.

Interest in VPN services has increased since Moscow banned access to Western social networks…

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actualites en français

In Moscow, a miraculous icon, which previously belonged to a Ukrainian temple, was stolen under the nose of the FSB

The icon of the Virgin Bogolyubskaya was stolen from the Church of St. John the Evangelist in the center of Moscow, just 350 meters from the building of the Federal Security Service (FSB) on Lyubyanka Street, Russian media reported. However, an interesting clarification is that until about…

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A Moscou, une icône miraculeuse, qui appartenait auparavant à un temple ukrainien, a été volée sous le nez du FSB

L’icône de la Vierge Bogolyubskaya a été volée dans l’église Saint-Jean l’Évangéliste au centre de Moscou, à seulement 350 mètres du bâtiment du Service fédéral de sécurité (FSB) sur la rue Lyubyanka, ont rapporté les médias russes. Cependant, une précision intéressante est que jusqu’à environ …

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actualites en français

A Moscou, une icône miraculeuse, qui appartenait auparavant à un temple ukrainien, a été volée sous le nez du FSB

L’icône de la Vierge Bogolyubskaya a été volée dans l’église Saint-Jean l’Évangéliste au centre de Moscou, à seulement 350 mètres du bâtiment du Service fédéral de sécurité (FSB) sur la rue Lyubyanka, ont rapporté les médias russes. Cependant, une précision intéressante est que jusqu’à environ …

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