Assad raises salaries and pensions of Syrian military and civilian workers
Assad raises salaries and pensions of Syrian military and civilian workers
Assad raises salaries and pensions of Syrian military and civilian workers

As RIA Novosti told RIA Novosti, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad signed a decree to increase the salaries of Syrian military personnel and civilian workers by 50%, according to a statement from the office of the head of state.

Assad signed two legislative decrees on wages and pensions on Sunday, according to a statement.

“Decree No. 19 of 2021 increases wages by 50% for all civilian and military personnel in public service,” the decree says.

Decree No. 20 says that the pension for civilian workers and military personnel will be increased by 40%.

The European Parliament is open for visitors! | News | European Parliament
The European Parliament is open for visitors!
The European Parliament is open for visitors! | News | European Parliament

Visit the centre of European democracy, the place where decisions affecting the whole EU are made. Measures are in place to guarantee your safety.

Visit the Parlamentarium

The Parlamentarium in Brussels is Europe’s largest parliamentary visitors centre. It hosts a cinema where you can get a 360° view of Europe and the European Parliament. Discover how the Parliament works, how laws are made and why European politics matter. An interactive floor map takes visitors on a virtual tour around the EU, featuring more than 100 stories highlighting the diversity of the bloc.

Parlamentarium is open seven days a week and entrance is free of charge. It is fully accessible for visitors with disabilities.

Book a visit to the Parlamentarium.

Make a tour at the House of European history

Want more? In The House of European History a permanent exhibition guides visitors through European history, from Europe’s origins and evolution, to the descent into war and search for a better life. Workshops and learning resources allow students to engage with European history, and hands-on activities and events allow families to explore European history together.

Book a visit and find out more.

Discover the plenary chamber in Brussels

In addition to plenary sessions in Strasbourg, Parliament also sometimes holds plenary sessions in Brussels. Visit the European Parliament’s building in Brussels and learn more about how the Parliament works.

Visits are free of charge and are available in any of the European Union’s 24 official languages. It is fully accessible for visitors with disabilities. Book a visit for the plenary chamber.

Find out more about Covid-19 safety measures.

Discover some of Brussels best-kept secrets

The best way to explore the European Quarter is on foot and European Parliament walking tours allow people to discover the European institutions, the quarter’s green spaces, its art, history and architectural gems. With the help of an experienced tour guide, visitors can discover some of Brussels’ best-kept secrets and get answers to all their questions.

The 90-minute long guided tours take place every weekend during spring and summer. The tours are available in English, French, Dutch and German.

Book free walking tours of the European quarter.

The European Parliament in Strasbourg

It’s also possible to visit the European Parliament’s building in Strasbourg again. Visits take you inside the stunning Louise Weiss building to the public gallery of the plenary chamber where the most important debates and historic votes take place and to the interactive Simone Veil Parlamentarium.

Visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Elsewhere in Europe

Find out all about the European Parliament near to you in the Europa Experience:

Causes of excessive barking of a dog named
Causes of excessive barking of a dog named
Causes of excessive barking of a dog named

Barking is a natural activity for dogs. They use it to express their emotions depending on the situation. However, excessive barking is uncomfortable for others and is considered a behavioral problem. Dog handlers gave advice to dog owners who are experiencing excessive barking. Excitable dogs are more prone to it, which depends, among other things, on the breed.

There can be several reasons for excessive barking, according to The Spruce Pets. The best way to get rid of this problem is to try to understand and eliminate the cause of this behavior.

Health problems

Some dogs bark in pain or other health problems. Perhaps the pet has a place, when touched to which it reacts painfully. It is best to show it to your veterinarian, as dogs can hide the symptoms of pain.


As they age, dogs often bark more and make more noise. Some aging pets may bark for hours without realizing what they are doing. In addition to cognitive dysfunction, which is similar to Alzheimer’s, aging dogs may have visual impairment, deafness or body aches and pains, resulting in excessive barking.


Another reason is worry or fear. Its source can be in the home or outside. Barking can be provoked by a person, loud noise, fireworks, a situation that is unusual or new to the dog.


Dogs can guard their territory and bark if a stranger or animal comes close. The pet can consider the whole house, yard or even a couch as its territory. If the dog barks only in such a situation, most likely, the reason is in the developed protective qualities.

Greeting or demanding attention

Your dog may bark as a greeting or try to get your attention when hungry or in need of something.


Dogs, by nature, do not like being alone, so they can bark when they are alone. Pets who experience separation anxiety often exhibit other compulsive behaviors such as gnawing on things, scratching furniture, walls, and doors. Also, excessive barking can indicate that the dog is bored and not getting enough mental and physical stress.

Dangers lurking on the beach
Dangers lurking on the beach
Dangers lurking on the beach

The long-awaited season is here. You are probably packing your suitcases for summer vacation or at least frantically looking for a place to stay in the destination you dream of. Hot summer, golden sand, waves crashing on the sea foam – who would resist that? However, in order not to turn a holiday from an exciting adventure into a nightmare, it is important to know what dangers lurk on the hot sand and in the cooling sea and how to protect yourself from them.

Dangers lurking in the sand

The beaches are never clean enough. Especially the picturesque wild beaches, which are far from civilization and are not guarded and maintained. Carefully step on the sand in these places. It is possible to come across broken glasses, syringes and leftover food. Sharp objects can injure your feet and end your vacation prematurely. Used needles can infect you with a bunch of dangerous diseases if you scratch or stab them. Food scraps hide bacteria that are not to be underestimated. How to protect yourself? Walk with beach shoes in such places.

Watch your feet and do not bury your feet in the sand while lying down. This way you will be able to enjoy unadulterated beauty and nature without risk to your health.

City beaches are at risk of infections and viruses. How to protect yourself? Choose a place that is further away from the most used area and where you can rest in peace without being in close contact with many people. Be careful with the traps on the beach, the food they sell on the sand, and of course – with your personal hygiene. Wash your hands often and before meals to avoid intestinal infection.

Beaches are a favorite place of thieves. How to protect yourself? Do not carry a lot of money and personal documents in your beach bag. If you still need to have more banknotes, keep them in a safe place, not in a beach bag. Be cunning and put them, for example, in the box of beach milk, which stands openly on your towel. Pickpockets are interested in your bag, not your ointments. Be careful if you have small children. They like to put everything in their mouths, and the sand hides “treasures” for them. How to protect them? If you dig, you will find straws, butts and all kinds of garbage in the sand. Clean them before letting the child play. Heat stroke, sunstroke, dehydration. How to protect yourself? Cool in the sea water, go home in the shade between 12 and 16 hours, drink water often in small sips. In case of symptoms of malaise, go home immediately and consult a doctor if they do not go away or get worse.

Dangers lurking in the sea

1. Jellyfish. They cause pain and burning. Observe the water around you and avoid contact with them. If you are scalded, sprinkle the area with sand.

2. Rocks at the bottom. If you do not see the bottom, step carefully so as not to injure your feet or dislocate your ankle.

3. Drowning. Do not enter the water if the flag indicates danger. Cool off on the beach. If you get in a dead wave, do not swim to shore, but parallel to it or diagonally until you get out of its trap.

How are burns treated?
How are burns treated?
How are burns treated?

Burning – combusti, is damage to the skin and its structures. It is the result of the action of various physical or chemical factors such as heat, fire, electricity, chemicals and radiation. Sometimes burning is combined with general reactions on the part of the body

Burns are grouped into three stages. First degree includes burns that affect only the surface layer of the skin / epidermis /.

Second degree, or dermal burns, are those in which the damage affects the dermis, as in II-A degree we have a superficial involvement of this layer, and in II-B degree the burn has covered the entire thickness of the dermis.

When the combustion affects the structures at an even greater depth, we are already talking about the third degree of combustion.

The need for treatment depends on the severity of the burn. In epidermal burns, the treatment is conservative / no surgery is required /. Second-degree burns are expressed by the formation of bubbles of different sizes, filled with fluid. They are treated with bandages designed to absorb the wound exudate. Third degree burns are treated in combination – surgically and with bandages.

Depending on the area affected, burns are local – in small areas or extensive – when they cover a large area of ​​the body. The amount of combustion is indicated in percentages (%) and is calculated according to established uniform schemes. The age of the affected patient is important because the percentage of head-to-limb ratio in children and adults is different.

In view of the possibility of complications and long-term treatment, burns of any type must be treated in specialized burn units.

The skin is the largest and most complex organ in the human body, which performs many important functions – it provides a barrier between harmful microorganisms and adverse environmental factors and the human body. It maintains immunity, regulates body temperature and helps maintain a constant composition of body fluids. The skin has sensory and a number of other important functions. When we have a burn, the skin breaks its integrity and cannot perform its functions. If the percentage of burns is high, the human body cannot compensate for the impaired functions, disease changes occur in all organs and systems and with improper treatment the prognosis is quite negative.

Inadequate treatment, even for small burns, has lasting consequences of an aesthetic and functional nature. The treatment of thermal trauma requires a complex interdisciplinary approach and well-trained specialists, so I advise people to turn only to strictly specialized departments and doctors when it comes to burns.

When is conservative treatment required and when is surgical treatment required?

Superficial burns (I and II degree) are subject to conservative treatment, which are expected to epithelialize within two to three weeks. This treatment includes hydrotherapy and surgical removal of all dead tissue, the intervention being performed, of course, under anesthesia.

A topical preparation is applied to the damaged area, often specialized bandages containing nanocrystalline silver. Silver is a powerful antiseptic and keeps the wound from infection until it heals. After complete epithelialization, hydration of the affected area and protection from direct sunlight for a minimum of six months is recommended.

Deep burns / II and III degree / are subject to surgical treatment. Under general anesthesia, surgical removal of dead tissue and covering of wounds with free skin autograft with a full-layer or split dermal autograft is performed. With limited burns, it is possible to cover the defect with local tissues.

In the postoperative period, a strict hygienic-dietary regime is observed, and rehabilitation is started as early as possible.

Congenital and acquired skin and soft tissue defects. When it comes to plastic surgery

In the hospital wards of plastic and reconstructive surgery all interventions in the field of aesthetic surgery are performed:

• Lipofilling;

• Upper and lower blepharoplasty, cantopexy;

• Aesthetic rhinoplasty;

• Auricoloplasty;

• Facelift and platysmoplasty;

• Augmentation mammoplasty;

• Reduction mammoplasty;

• Mastopexy;

• Correction of tubular and tuberous breasts;

• Gynecomastia;

• Abdominoplasty;

• Thigh lifting;

• Contouring by placing implants in different areas of the body.

Here‘s what to do if you get sunburned
Here‘s what to do if you get sunburned
Here‘s what to do if you get sunburned

The effects of sunburn should not be taken lightly and it is important to try to avoid them because they can have a negative impact. You came home and the result is not what you imagined. Any part of the body that has been exposed (yes, also the earlobes, scalp and lips) can be burned. You begin to see some of the usual symptoms of sunburn. – Changes in skin tone, such as pinkness or redness. – The skin feels warm or hot to the touch. – Small blisters filled with fluid that can break. – Headache, fever, nausea and fatigue (in the most severe cases). – Pain in the eyes or a feeling that they have grit.

What can we do when we have been sunburned? Bowl of oatmeal in the bathroom The use of oats to treat dermatological problems is widely known: it is the main component of a large number of body lotions and soaps. In case of sunburn, adding a cup of oatmeal to a cold bath may be the solution. Dr. Nisith Sheth of the British Skin Foundation agrees with this treatment. “Oats and oatmeal are well known to reduce inflammation and some brands use it to treat eczema,” said the dermatologist. According to the specialist, it is also recommended to use anti-inflammatory creams and other specific products for the treatment of sunburn.

Eat watermelon and drink water We know that drinking a lot of water in hot weather is essential to stay hydrated, but if you burn your skin, it is really important. Eating fruits rich in water, such as watermelon, can have many benefits. “Watermelon, like many other fruits, contains ingredients called lycopene that have some sun protection factor,” Dr. Sheth said.

Cold water compresses (not milk) Some say that placing a cold pack of milk can help soothe sunburned skin. However, Sheth warns that while this can cause a “cooling and anti-inflammatory effect,” it should be noted that “other ingredients in milk can cause other problems.” “Milk contains lactic acid, which can cause skin irritation,” said the dermatologist. In this case, it is better to use only towels with cold water.

But if you prefer to avoid all these treatments, it is best to remember that the next time you want to enjoy the sun, remember the most important thing: sunscreen.

Hundreds were killed in shootings in the United States over the weekend of Independence Day
Hundreds were killed in shootings in the United States over the weekend of Independence Day
Hundreds were killed in shootings in the United States over the weekend of Independence Day

Independence Day in the United States turned out to be unbelievably bloody, according to summarized official statistics, quoted by BNT. The data are from the Archive for Violence with Weapons and refer to the period from Friday to Sunday – July 2-4. According to the data, at least 150 people were killed in the period July 2-4 during shootings in the United States. It is about over 400 shootings.

In New York alone, there were 26 casualties, including deaths and injuries from 21 shootings. Number one in the darkest statistics is Chicago – with 14 dead and 83 injured.

Following another mass shooting in the United States in May, US President Joe Biden ordered flags flying over government buildings at home and abroad to honor the eight killed in a shooting near a train depot in San Jose, California. The US flags have been lowered in half over the White House, all government buildings and territories, and over all embassies, military bases and ships by May 30.

“Stop it. I reiterate my call on Congress to take immediate action and listen to the call of the American people, including most gun owners, to help end the epidemic of gun violence in America. Every life taken by bullet “pierces the soul of our people. We can and must make more efforts,” Biden said. Police are conducting an investigation in San Jose to establish the motives of the attacker, who according to American media reports committed suicide. Police were initially reported to have eliminated the perpetrator. At least one victim of the shooting is in hospital, doctors assess the person’s condition as critical. FBI agents are involved in investigating the circumstances of the incident. The shooting took place on May 26th at the Valley Transit Authority train depot in San Jose.

“It is my sacred duty to order the flags to be lowered once again just weeks after the shooting in massage parlors in and around Atlanta, Georgia, in a grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, in a private home in Rock Hill, South Carolina, and in a warehouse. of the FedEx Zip Company in Indianapolis, Indiana, “the head of state said.

The suspect in the shooting is a company employee, Russell Davis of the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office told a news conference. In fact, the shooter is the ninth victim in the case.

14 Da Vinci heirs identified
14 Da Vinci heirs identified
14 Da Vinci heirs identified

After studying Leonardo da Vinci’s family tree, Italian scientists have identified 14 people who are the heirs of the artist, DPA reported.

Their work is “a synthesis of a decade-long study aimed at restoring the complete genealogy of the Da Vinci family,” the study’s authors wrote in an article published in the journal Human Evolution.

Experts Alessandro Vezzosi and Aniese Sabato have documented 21 generations of the artist’s family.

Heirs of the Italian Renaissance artist, architect and engineer were interviewed for their research and found that some of them worked in offices, others were steel workers and artisans who are now retired.

Genealogists have identified several families from different branches of the Da Vinci family tree.

The full history of the family stretches back nearly 690 years. Scientists have studied the male line of the Da Vinci family, starting with the ancestor Michele, born in the 13th century, then traced the relatives of the artist’s father Piero Frosino, born in 1426 to the birth of Leonardo in 1452.

They traced documents to four branches of the family, starting with Leonardo’s brother Domenico.

Da Vinci had at least 22 half-brothers, but no children, scientists say.

Here’s what not to eat before swimming
Here’s what not to eat before swimming
Here’s what not to eat before swimming

In the summer holiday season it is good to remember the rules for a cloudless vacation.

One of the most important rules for summer is not to enter the water for at least half an hour after eating. But it is also important to know what not to eat before swimming.

Spicy foods are dangerous because the body is mostly horizontal while swimming, so acids can build up and spicy foods can make the problem worse. So do not eat spicy foods before swimming.

Fruit juices and fizzy drinks can cause bloating and cramps.

Alcohol reduces the ability to react quickly and evaluate, and this can be dangerous when swimming.

Also, do not eat lentils, beans or peas, because they contain a lot of fiber, which is good for health, but can cause bloating, constipation and cramps, which can spoil your pleasure.

Energy drinks cause diarrhea or nausea and lead to dehydration.

Coming up: emissions, health threats, human rights | News | European Parliament
Coming up: emissions, health threats, human rights
Coming up: emissions, health threats, human rights | News | European Parliament

News | European Parliament

MEPs will reflect on the new European Commission proposal aiming to reduce greenhouse emissions and vote on new legislation tackling cross-border health threats.

Greenhouse gas emissions

On Wednesday, Parliament’s environment committee will hold an exchange of views with the Commission Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans on the new legislative package, designed to achieve the EU’s goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. On Thursday, energy commissioner Kadri Simson will present the proposals to the MEPs in the industry committee.

International health threats 

On Tuesday,  the environment committee will vote on new legislation, aimed at better managing serious cross-border health threats, such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The proposal includes the adoption of an EU health crisis and pandemic preparedness plan and a stronger monitoring system for detecting threats.

Conference on human rights

The first Global State of Human Rights conference will take place on Friday, organised by the European Parliament and the Global Campus on Human Rights, which is a network of universities teaching human rights. It will bring together MEPs, EU commissioners, Nobel Peace Prize recipients, Sakharov Prize laureates, representatives from international organisations, experts and stakeholders.

External relations

The external affairs committee is voting on Thursday on three draft resolutions with recommendations on the EU’s  future relations with the US, Russia and China.

Roaming rules

On Monday, the internal market committee will give its opinion on a proposal to extend the current roaming rules in the EU until 2032.

Tackling gender-based violence

On Tuesday, the legal affairs and women’s rights committees will vote on a report regarding the impact of domestic violence and custody rights on women and children.

On Thursday, the women’s rights and civil liberties committees will vote on a draft report suggesting that gender-based violence should be identified as an area of crime to be tackled at the European level.

Slovenian presidency

Starting this week, parliamentary committees will hold discussions with the representatives of the new Slovenian presidency of the Council of the EU.

Single European Sky: lowering emissions and reducing delays | News | European Parliament
Single European Sky: lowering emissions and reducing delays
Single European Sky: lowering emissions and reducing delays | News | European Parliament

News | European Parliament

MEPs want to modernise the EU’s airspace management to make it more efficient and greener. Learn more by watching our video.

MEPs want to modernise the EU’s airspace management to make it more efficient and greener. Learn more by watching our video.

Updating Single European Sky rules should help the aviation sector become more efficient, ensuring shorter flights through more direct routes and thus lowering greenhouse gas emissions, say MEPs.

The Single European Sky initiative was launched in 1999, in a period marked by a large increase in flights and growing delays that highlighted the need for better coordination.

MEPs want the rules to be reformed to make EU airspace less fragmented and improve air traffic management. This would  increase safety and efficiency, lower costs and benefit the environment.

Currently, airlines may not fly directly to the landing point. They may want to avoid flying over states with higher charges, avoid military zones or take a longer route to avoid the weather. That can mean longer flights and more emissions. Fragmentation can also cause delays due to less-than-optimal coordination.

MEPs say airspace management rules need to be further developed and adapted to evolving markets, the new digital environment and the European Green Deal. They are pushing for new rules that would help achieve up to a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, by avoiding longer routes and promoting cleaner technologies.

They also want to make European airspace more competitive and support choosing air-traffic service providers and other air navigation services such as communication and meteorological services through competitive tenders.


Current Single European Sky rules date from 2009. The European Commission proposed a revision in 2013 that was adopted by Parliament in 2014. Following the failure of the Council to reachan  agreement, the Commission proposed an upgrade in line with the European Green Deal in 2020.

On 17 June 2021, Parliament’s transport and tourism committee updated their negotiating mandate on the Single European Sky reform and adopted their position on expanding the mandate of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency to act as a performance review body. After the latter position was announced during the July plenary session, MEPs are ready for negotiations with the Council.

Connecting Europe: EU boost for infrastructure projects
Connecting Europe: EU boost for infrastructure projects
Connecting Europe: EU boost for infrastructure projects

News | European Parliament

MEPs want to boost the Connecting Europe Facility programme to modernise EU transport, digital networks, 5G systems and energy infrastructure.

The Parliament adopted the renewed Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme on 6 July.

Part of the EU’s 2021-2027 budget, the programme with a €33.71 billion budget (in current prices) will fund key projects with the goal of improving transport connections and energy networks, as well as digital services and connectivity in Europe. It should also support jobs, economic growth and the deployment of new technologies.

MEPs succeeded in ensuring that 60% of the funds will be given to projects that help achieve the EU’s climate objectives. In addition, 15% of energy pillar funds will be allocated to cross-border renewable energy projects.

Support in different areas

The Connecting Europe Facility aims to create synergies between the transport, energy and digital sectors. The budget for each sector will be:

  • Transport: €25.81 billion
  • Energy: €5.84 billion
  • Digital: €2.07 billion

It will promote the interconnection, development and modernisation of rail, road, inland waterway and maritime infrastructure, as well as ensuring safe and secure mobility.The further development of the trans-European transport networks (TEN-T) will be a priority.

The new programme will also ensure that when infrastructure is adapted to improve military mobility within the EU, it can be used for both civilian and military needs. In total €1.69 billion of the transport budget will go to military mobility.

Funds will be used for cross-border renewable energy projects, decarbonisation supporting the EU green deal and the EU’s climate ambitions and to ensure security of supply

Universal access to fast networks is the backbone of the digital transformation of the economy and society, while connectivity is a decisive factor in closing economic, social and territorial divides. Priority will go to projects that extend coverage, including for households.



The Connecting Europe Facility was set up in 2014 to bring together EU funding for the development of infrastructure in the digital, transport and energy sectors.

It has supported the synchronisation of the Baltic States, integration of the Iberian peninsula, diversification in South-East Europe and the off-shore grid in the Northern Seas (North Sea, Irish Sea, English Channel, Baltic Sea and neighbouring waters).

The Connecting Europe Facility is also enabling cross border interoperability in key areas such as eJustice, eHealth, and Cybersecurity.

Since 2018, the Connecting Europe Facility has supported the WiFi4EU initiative, which aims to provide free public Wi-fi via public sector bodies across all EU countries, plus Norway and Iceland.

Once the regulation enters into force it will apply retroactively from 1 January 2021.