Belgique, L’Observatoire des sectes du CIAOSN est-il en contradiction avec les principes de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme ?

HRWF (10.07.2023) – Le 26 juin, l’Observatoire fédéral des sectes (CIAOSN/IACSSO), officiellement dénommé « Centre d’information et de conseil sur les organisations sectaires nuisibles » et créé par la loi du 2 juin 1998 (modifiée par la loi du 12 avril 2004), a publié un certain nombre de…

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Experto: artículo del CEDH no se ajusta a las normas internacionales de derechos humanos

La audiencia de la Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa con expertos celebrada la semana pasada analizó la ideología discriminatoria en la raíz de por qué el Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos (CEDH) limita el derecho a la libertad y la seguridad de las personas con discapacidades psicosociales. Al mismo tiempo,…

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Expert : L’article de la CEDH n’est pas conforme aux normes internationales des droits de l’homme

L’audition d’experts de l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe qui s’est tenue la semaine dernière s’est penchée sur l’idéologie discriminatoire à l’origine des raisons pour lesquelles la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) limite le droit à la liberté et à la sécurité des personnes souffrant de handicaps psychosociaux. En même temps,…

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La eugenesia influyó en la formulación del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos

Esta semana, la Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa se sumergió en cuestiones profundamente arraigadas de discriminación y derechos, discutiendo los valores fundamentales sobre los que se fundó el Consejo en 1950. La investigación en curso está rastreando las raíces del texto en la parte de la Convención Europea sobre Humano…

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Sharing good practices on addressing the COVID-19 impact on drug situation during the regional meetings of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Sharing good practices on addressing the COVID-19 impact on drug situation during the regional meetings of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Sharing good practices on addressing the COVID-19 impact on drug situation during the regional meetings of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
CND subsidiary bodies

24 September 2021 – The extraordinary virtual sessions of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs this week sparked discussions about challenges, best practices and lessons learned with regard to the regional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world drug situation.

Practitioners and experts from Europe, Africa, Near and Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean exchanged views on the increasing links between drug trafficking and other forms of organized crime; proceeds of crime related to money laundering arising from drug trafficking; and the criminal misuse of information technologies for illicit drug-related activities, all with respect to COVID-19.

UNODC Executive Director Ghada Waly underscored in her welcoming remarks that the “exchanges on the regional impacts of the pandemic will help the international community to better understand the new dynamics of illicit drug trafficking, to improve joint responses, and build resilience against future crises, in line with the statement adopted by the CND at its 64th session”.

The Chair of the Commission, Ambassador Dominika Krois, highlighted that the CND subsidiary bodies provided valuable input to the Commission, informing it about trends and concerns in the respective region.

Five online side events were held at the margins of the sessions, covering topics such as: cannabis cultivation survey in Nigeria; evidence- and human-rights based policing in Africa and Latin America during and after COVID-19; countering the linkages between organized crime, drug trafficking and other criminal activities during and beyond the pandemic; and research findings from interviews with drug traffickers.

UNODC supports Bosnia and Herzegovina in addressing violence against children
UNODC supports Bosnia and Herzegovina in addressing violence against children
UNODC supports Bosnia and Herzegovina in addressing violence against children

Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Vienna (Austria), 21 September 2021 – Millions of children throughout the world suffer from harm as a result of crime and sexual violence. Yet their rights have not been adequately recognized or respected everywhere, and they may suffer additional hardship during the justice process. The issues of child victims, witnesses of crime, and child sexual violence have been receiving increased national and international attention in recent years.

Addressing violence against children

Member States are increasingly facing challenges when attempting to combine effective prevention and responses to address these forms of violence against children, as well as when adopting and implementing a child- and gender-sensitive approach that upholds children’s rights and safeguards public security. These challenges are exacerbated due to a lack of collection and analysis of segregated data, which limits identifying and addressing gender dynamics, as well as a failure to acknowledge that children differ from adults in their physical, mental and psychological developmental needs and vulnerabilities, and subsequently, differentiated responses and treatment should be directed solely at children.

UNODC’s work

UNODC is supporting Member States in preventing and responding to violence and crime and ensures that children are better served and protected by justice systems.

A series of three webinars on “Ensuring Child-Sensitive Communication and Appropriate Approaches for Child Victims”, targeting professionals and practitioners across Bosnia and Herzegovina, strengthened their capacity to deal more effectively with cases involving sexual violence against children.

Over 30 participants tackled the topic of prevention and response to sexual violence against children and learned about approaches and practical guidance to support government efforts to better treat child victims in line with international law. The webinars also presented how practitioners can contribute to protecting children from re-traumatization and secondary victimization while in contact with child victims.

As a result, the participants were able to increase their understanding of child development, children’s rights, and the negative impact of violence on children, as well as how to engage children as active participants in their own protection process and rehabilitation experience. In addition, they gained knowledge on the relevant international legal framework applicable to child victims and on how to engage with children and build trust through child-, gender- and victim-sensitive communication, and how to improve professional-child relationships by establishing positive communication.

UNODC, through its Global Programme to End Violence against Children, is supporting Member States in preventing and responding to violence and crime and ensures that children are better served and protected by justice systems.

Afghanistan: Rapid decline in public health conditions, WHO warns
Afghanistan: Rapid decline in public health conditions, WHO warns
Afghanistan: Rapid decline in public health conditions, WHO warns
Healthcare provision is deteriorating fast in Afghanistan, the UN health agency warned on Wednesday, with cases of measles and diarrhoea shooting up, and polio becoming a “major risk”.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 response has also declined and almost half of the country’s children are at risk of malnutrition.

Moreover, the agency pointed out that only 17 per cent of the over 2,300 health facilities previously supported by the World Bank, are fully functional, two-thirds of which have run out of essential medicines.

Help on the ground

Despite the rapidly deteriorating health situation, WHO is working with donors to sustain health facilities to prevent outbreaks, and rising illness.

And as the coronavirus continues to be a significant challenge, the UN health agency is boosting surveillance and testing capacities within the country.

“Recently, we have airlifted 50,000 COVID-19 tests that are being distributed to 32 labs across the country”, WHO said, adding that 10 more labs are also being planned. 

Several humanitarian partners on the ground reiterated their commitment to continue working together with the UN to support the nation’s ailing health system. 

UN agencies stand firm

Speaking at a regular news briefing in New York, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told journalists that the World Food Programme (WFP) and UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) will be scaling up their work in the country, with up to 100 new mobile health and nutrition teams. 

He also relayed that the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) said that midwives throughout Afghanistan are continuing to operate, bringing critical life-saving care to women and girls in need.

UNFPA’s midwifery helpline has been providing uninterrupted remote support to midwives facing complicated deliveries, dangerous pregnancies and other critical concerns.

Financial resources forthcoming

A Flash Appeal launched on 7 September by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) aims to help 11 million people survive as food is running out and the country’s basic services are on the verge of collapse.

Requesting $606 million in the remaining months of this year, Mr. Dujarric reminded that the appeal is only 22 per cent funded, which according to OCHA’s calculation, represents just $135 million.  

The UN is asking donors to fast-track funding to prevent avoidable deaths, prevent displacement and reduce suffering”, he said. “We are also asking our donors to ensure that funding is flexible enough to adapt to the fast-changing conditions on the ground”.  

Book World: Phoebe Robinson's new essay collection is a sharp,...
Book World: Phoebe Robinson’s new essay collection is a sharp,…
Book World: Phoebe Robinson's new essay collection is a sharp,...

Tiny Reparations Books. 352 pp. $27

– – –

Phoebe Robinson’s “Please Don’t Sit on My Bed in Your Outside Clothes” is everything, in both the “Girl, that outfit is everything!” sense and also in the fact that the free-flowing essay collection fits seamlessly into so many categories: earnest pandemic memoir, no-nonsense business guide, lovingly profane commentary on relationships, sex and race and unabashed celebration of Black culture, particularly Black women.

Robinson, an author (“You Can’t Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain”), podcast host (“2 Dope Queens”), actress (“What Men Want”), stand-up comedian and producer, covers much ground, some light and comedic, some painfully frank, and all with the same warm intimacy.

“I am a funny person, and if I can make you laugh and forget your problems for a moment, then I did something,” Robinson writes in the introduction, wryly titled “2020 Was Gonna Be My Year! (LOL).”

Even the book’s occasional rambling feels relatable – 2020, as she notes, was reality-shaking and chaotic, so it’s appropriate. Robinson’s work effortlessly, reassuringly speaks into that chaos, hugging the reader while also shaking them gently, insisting they pull themselves together.

The introduction sets the tone, explaining that our first annus horribilis, now widely considered a universal dumpster fire, was actually astrologically predicted to be stellar, so the subsequent cosmic punch in the face made “the coronavirus [seem] like such a deeply personal attack.”

Her response to that affront is to create a fictional “2020 Was My Year” Award and acceptance speech, in which she thanks fellow nominees, including “Reset Passwords Because I Forgot the Old Ones,” “My Determination to Eat Cheese in Public Despite Being Lactose Intolerant” and “Meryl Streep (because when is she not nominated?).”

Then, just a few pages later, she’s plaintively acknowledging the compulsion to move on too quickly from trauma. “Beginning again can feel like yet another tiny death of who you are and what you knew,” she explains. “Perhaps by us spending so much time trying to forget [our] fragility, we are also forgetting that it’s what makes . . . us so special and worth living for.”

The book, which takes its name from a traditional Black parent’s admonishment to not sully pristine spaces with dirt, is a sharp, sweet-salty pleasure. It’s spun with many hashtags, myriad nods to her favorite band, U2, liberal use of the word “heaux” and pop-culture references. Robinson’s breakneck name checks include Betty Draper of “Mad Men,” Tiger Woods, Charlie Sheen and Peter Pan.

These references, particularly those to millennial or Black culture, are made without overexplanation that would dilute their power or slow down the rhythm. One of the best compares the trend of White people claiming to not know anyone racist despite copious evidence of systemic racism in America to the fact that the much-maligned Canadian band Nickelback “has sold more than 50 MILLION ALBUMS, but nobody owns a copy? . . . Somebody’s out here ‘racist-ing.’ ”

The rest of the book follows that sad/funny template as she considers the expectations of modern womanhood and Blackness. One of the most striking sections follows Robinson’s path to deciding not to have children (“Motherhood: How I Went From ‘I Wanna Be a Momma’ to ‘That’s Gonna Be a “No” From Me, Dawg’ “). Robinson must make peace with the curated perfection of other people’s Facebook family photos; she has to stop apologizing for finding happiness elsewhere while rejecting the notion that resistance to parenthood means resisting adulthood.

“I know the Peter Pan reference is meant to be taken as a slight, but Peter Pan is dope,” she writes. “He can fly, he encourages people to be adventurous and his tights never have a run in them, unlike mine.”

Elsewhere, Robinson details her efforts to form her own company, with a series of tips for would-be bosses titled “What Warren Buffett Should’ve Told Ya,” including accepting criticism from employees. “What? You’re infallible?” she writes. “Ya ain’t Black Jesus, walking on water or turning water into wine. At best, you’re turning water into Crystal Light, which no one asked for.”

“Please Don’t Sit on My Bed in Your Outside Clothes” is both of the moment, with references to the exhaustion of performative allyship following the 2020 murder of George Floyd and to Netflix’s “Emily in Paris,” and a timeless entreaty to own one’s power, no matter what that looks like to anyone else.

– – –

Leslie Gray Streeter is a journalist and the author of “Black Widow: A Sad-Funny Journey Through Grief for People Who Normally Avoid Books With Words Like ‘Journey’ in the Title.”

Three books to better educated yourself on Indigenous topics
Three books to better educated yourself on Indigenous topics
Three books to better educated yourself on Indigenous topics

The Education of Augie Merasty: A Residential School Memoir


Named the fourth most important book of the year by the National Post in 2015, The Education of Augie Merasty became a national bestseller and instant classic after its front-page debut in the Globe and Mail. The Education of Augie Merasty is a courageous and intimate memoir detailing the story of a child who faced unthinkable conditions while attending residential school.

Augie Merasty was one of an estimated 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Metis children who were taken from their families and sent to government-funded, church-run residential schools, where he and regrettably many other children were subjected to horrendous acts of violence and aggressive forced assimilation practices.

As Augie recounts, residential schools did more than attempt to mould First Nations, Inuit, and Metis children into mirror images of settler children but taught them instead to be ashamed of their heritage. Augie also recalls in his experience, disgusting stories of both physical and sexual abuse he and his cohort suffered. Evan as Augie looks back on this deeply painful part of childhood, his sense of humour and kind voice shine through. The Education of Augie Merasty is a must-read.

Night spirits: The story of the relocation of the Sayisi Dene


For over 1500 years, the Sayisi Dene led an independent life, following caribou herds and having little contact with white settler society. In 1956, an arbitrary government decision to relocate the Sayisi Dene changed the independent people’s lives forever. This relocation replaced their traditional nomadic life of hunting and fishing with a slum settlement lacking in basic needs on the outskirts of Churchill, Manitoba. After their relocation, the Sayisi Dene quickly lost their independence and self-determination due to inadequate housing, zero provided jobs, and an unfamiliarity with the local language and culture; because of these conditions, over time, their lives deteriorated into a tragic cycle of alcoholism, discrimination, poverty, and violent death.

In Night Spirits, the survivors, including those who were children at the time of the move as well as the few remaining elders, recount their stories. They offer a stark and brutally honest account of the near destruction of the Sayisi Dene, and their struggle to reclaim their lives. It is a dark story, told in hope.

Stolen Words


Within Stolen Words, a little girl helps her grandfather regain the language taken from him as a child. When the little girl asks her grandfather how to say something in his language, Cree, he admits his language was stolen from him when he was a boy. The little girl then sets out to help her grandfather find his language again.

This sensitive and beautifully illustrated picture book explores adult topics such as the intergenerational impact of the residential school system that separated young Indigenous children from their families and their culture back home.

The story recognizes the pain of those whose heritage and language was taken from them and explains how pain can be passed down as well as how healing can be a shared experience. Although geared toward children, Stolen Words is sure to warm hearts of any age.

Transform food systems to avert 0 billion annually in loss and waste
Transform food systems to avert $400 billion annually in loss and waste
Transform food systems to avert 0 billion annually in loss and waste
That half-eaten apple tossed in the trash bin after lunch is contributing to the staggering mountain of food wasted globally, at a time when more than 800 million people still go to bed hungry, UN agencies said on Wednesday, marking the International Day to increase awareness of this issue.
Not only is preventing food loss and waste crucial for the world’s people, it is also essential for the future of the planet, they stressed in remarks to an online commemorative event.

“We cannot continue to lose 14 per cent of food produced globally and to waste 17 per cent of total food in households, retailers, restaurants and other food services.  This amounts to a loss of $400 billion a year in food value,” said Qu Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

In his video message, Mr. Qu spoke of the need to step-up global cooperation to transform food systems, from farm to fork, in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Goal 12, on ensuring sustainable production and consumption patterns, includes a specific target to halve per capita global food waste by 2030.

Triple crisis, multiple benefits  

Our food systems and consumption practices, which use up precious water and land resources, are major contributors to the triple crises afflicting the planet: climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

She listed some of the multiple benefits of reducing the “heavy” burden of food waste and loss

“Food security, obviously”, she began.  “Cost savings at all levels. Climate mitigation. A reduced burden of pollution, and reduced use of water and land. Protection for biodiversity by using existing agricultural land more efficiently, and so, reducing the push for expansion is also critical.”

Third biggest emitter

In Africa the value of lost food exceeds the annual value of grain imports, according to Amir Mahmoud Abdulla, Deputy Executive Director at the World Food Programme (WFP).

These losses exacerbate food insecurity and affect the environment through the waste of precious land, water, farming inputs and energy to produce food that is not eventually eaten.  

 “In fact, current levels of food loss caused more than three billion tonnes of greenhouse gases to be emitted, meaning that if food waste were to be a country it would be the third biggest emitter of carbon emission,” he said in a pre-recorded message.   

“This is really important for us all to remember as we head to the UN climate conference COP 26 in Glasgow.”

Sustainable food systems

The event marking the International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction, was held one week after the UN Food Systems Summit and shortly after countries took stock of progress towards meeting the SDG 12 target.

Achieving it by the 2030 deadline will require collective action, and rapidly, said Gilbert Houngbo, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

He outlined priorities for Governments and the private sector, such as integrating food loss reduction into national agricultural policies and development plans, and improving access of smallholder farmers to rural financial services.  

“This International Day is one way for us all to come together to promote interventions that reduce food loss and contribute to achieving more sustainable food systems. Together, we can scale up solutions for reducing food loss,” said Mr. Houngbo.

Global Coconut Market and Coconut Milk Market Size Estimation 2021 Analysis By Business Share, Strategies, Investment Opportunities, Revenue Expectation, Future Trends, Prominent Players, Covid-19 Impact and Forecast till 2027
Global Coconut Market and Coconut Milk Market Size Estimation 2021 Analysis By Business Share, Strategies, Investment Opportunities, Revenue Expectation, Future Trends, Prominent Players, Covid-19 Impact and Forecast till 2027
Global Coconut Market and Coconut Milk Market Size Estimation 2021 Analysis By Business Share, Strategies, Investment Opportunities, Revenue Expectation, Future Trends, Prominent Players, Covid-19 Impact and Forecast till 2027

/EIN News/ — Pune, Sept. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Coconut Market Outlook To 2027: “Final Report will add the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on this industry.”

Global “Coconut Market” is a comprehensive research that provides information regarding Coconut market size, trends, growth, cost structure, capacity, revenue, and forecast for 2027. This report also includes the overall study of the Coconut Market share with all its aspects influencing the growth of the market. This report is exhaustive quantitative analyses of the Coconut industry and provides data for making strategies to increase Coconut market growth and effectiveness. The report further investigates and assesses the current landscape of the ever-evolving business sector and the present and future effects of COVID-19 on the Coconut market.

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About Coconut Market:
Coconut has definitely made its mark on the specialty food world. Whether as an ingredient or flavor, it is invading specialty food products, supporting diet choices, and boosting category sales.
North America and Asia are the most significant production regions, occupied about 68% of market share, in terms of revenue. More than 41% of Coconut Products were produced in the North America market, which also held the dominant position in the global Coconut Products consumer market.

The key manufacturers are Pepsico, Yeshu, Coca-Cola (Zico), KKP Industry, Viva Labs, Dutch Plantin, Theppadungporn Coconut, COCO & CO, Renuka Holdings PLC, Coconut Dream, Radha, Dangfoods, Maverick Brands, Molivera Organics, PT. Global Coconut, So Delicious, Coconut Organics, Premium Nature, Creative Snacks, Eco Biscuits etc. Top 3 companies occupied about 28% market share.

Market Analysis and Insights: Global and Japan Coconut Market
This report focuses on global and Japan Coconut market.
In 2020, the global Coconut market size was US$ 12600 million and it is expected to reach US$ 20630 million by the end of 2027, with a CAGR of 7.3% during 2021-2027.


The Major Players in the Coconut Market include:

  • Pepsico
  • Yeshu
  • Coca-Cola (Zico)
  • KKP Industry
  • Viva Labs
  • Dutch Plantin
  • Theppadungporn Coconut
  • COCO & CO
  • Renuka Holdings PLC
  • Coconut Dream
  • Radha
  • Dangfoods
  • Maverick Brands
  • Molivera Organics
  • PT. Global Coconut
  • So Delicious
  • Coconut Organics
  • Premium Nature
  • Creative Snacks
  • Eco Biscuits

The report proves to be an effective tool that players can use to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and ensure lasting success in the global Coconut market. All of the findings, data, and information provided in the report are validated and revalidated with the help of trustworthy sources. The analysts who have authored the report took a unique and industry-best research and analysis approach for an in-depth study of the global Coconut market.

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Based on product type, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share, and growth rate of each type, primarily split into:

  • Coconut Water
  • Coconut Milk
  • Coconut Oil
  • Coconut Snacks
  • Coconut Dessicated
  • Coconut Fiber

Based on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share, and growth rate for each application, including:

  • Food & Beverage
  • Cosmetic
  • Healthcare Products
  • Textile

Buy this report (Price 3900 USD for a single-user license) –

Some of the key questions answered in this report:

  • What will the market growth rate, growth momentum, or acceleration market carry during the forecast period?
  • Which are the key factors driving the Coconut market?
  • What was the size of the emerging Coconut market by value?
  • What will be the size of the emerging Coconut market in 2027?
  • Which region is expected to hold the highest market share in the Coconut market?
  • What trends, challenges, and barriers will impact the development and sizing of the Global Coconut market?
  • What are the sales volume, revenue, and price analysis of top manufacturers of the Coconut market?

Some Points from TOC:
1 Study Coverage
2 Executive Summary
3 Global Coconut Competitor Landscape by Players
4 Breakdown Data by Type (2016-2027)
5 Breakdown Data by Application (2016-2027)
7 North America
8 Asia Pacific
9 Europe
10 Latin America
11 Middle East and Africa

12 Company Profiles
13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis
14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
15 Research Findings and Conclusion
16 Appendix

Part II: Global Coconut Milk Market Outlook To 2027: In 2020, the global Coconut Milk market size was US$ 184.9 million and it is expected to reach US$ 497.9 million by the end of 2027, with a CAGR of 17.0% during 2021-2027.

Global “Coconut Milk Market” Research Report 2021-2027 is a historical overview and in-depth study on the current & future market of the Coconut Milk industry. The report represents a basic overview of the Coconut Milk market share, competitor segment with a basic introduction of key vendors, top regions, product types, and end industries. This report gives a historical overview of the Coconut Milk market trends, growth, revenue, capacity, cost structure, and key driver’s analysis. The report further investigates and assesses the current landscape of the ever-evolving business sector and the present and future effects of COVID-19 on the Coconut Milk market.

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Scope of the Coconut Milk Market Report:

Coconut milk is the liquid that comes from the grated pulp of a mature coconut. The opacity and rich taste of coconut milk are due to its high oil content, most of which is saturated fat.
Currently, there are several producing companies in the world coconut milk industry. The main players are Theppadungporn Coconut, ThaiCoconut, Asiatic Agro Industry, PT. Sari Segar Husada and SOCOCO. In consumption market, North America, South America and China are the mainly consumption regions due to the bigger demand of downstream applications. These regions occupied 73% of the global consumption volume in total.


The Major Players in the Coconut Milk Market include: The research covers the current Coconut Milk market size and its growth rates based on 5-year records with company outline of key players/manufacturers:

  • Theppadungporn Coconut
  • ThaiCoconut
  • Asiatic Agro Industry
  • PT. Sari Segar Husada
  • Ahya Coco Organic Food Manufacturing
  • Heng Guan Food Industrial
  • WhiteWave Foods
  • Coconut Palm Group
  • Betrimex
  • Goya Foods
  • Renuka Holdings
  • HolistaTranzworld

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On the basis of product type, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share, and growth rate of each type, primarily split into:

  • Regular Coconut Milk
  • Organic Coconut Milk

On the basis of the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, consumption (sales), market share, and growth rate for each application, including:

  • Direct Drink
  • Dairy & Dessert
  • Baked Products
  • Others

Purchase this report (Price 3900 USD for a single-user license)

Years considered for this report:

  • Historical Years: 2016-2020
  • Base Year: 2020
  • Estimated Year: 2021
  • Coconut Milk Market Forecast Period: 2021-2027

With tables and figures helping analyse worldwide Global Coconut Milk market trends, this research provides key statistics on the state of the industry and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the market.

Some Points from TOC:
1 Study Coverage
2 Executive Summary
3 Global Coconut Milk Competitor Landscape by Players
4 Breakdown Data by Type (2016-2027)
5 Breakdown Data by Application (2016-2027)
Detailed TOC of Global Coconut Milk Market @

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Global Cheese Market Trends, Strategies, And Opportunities In The Cheese Market 2021-2030
Global Cheese Market Trends, Strategies, And Opportunities In The Cheese Market 2021-2030
Global Cheese Market Trends, Strategies, And Opportunities In The Cheese Market 2021-2030

Cheese Global Market Report 2021: COVID-19 Impact And Recovery To 2030

The Business Research Company’s Cheese Global Market Report 2021: COVID-19 Impact And Recovery To 2030

LONDON, GREATER LONDON, UK, September 29, 2021 / — According to the new market research report ‘Cheese Global Market Report 2021 – COVID-19 Impact And Recovery’ published by The Business Research Company, the cheese market size is expected to grow from $201.99 billion in 2020 to $216.88 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.4%. The growth is mainly due to the companies rearranging their operations and recovering from the COVID-19 impact, which had earlier led to restrictive containment measures involving social distancing, remote working, and the closure of commercial activities that resulted in operational challenges. The market is expected to reach $296.24 billion in 2025 at a CAGR of 8%. The increasing demand for local, sustainable and organic food production is expected to positively impact the cheese manufacturing market during the forecast period.

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The cheese market consists of sales of cheese by entities (organizations, sole traders and partnerships) that produce cheese products (except cottage cheese) from raw milk and/or processed milk products, and cheese substitutes from soybean and other non-dairy substances. The companies in the industry package and distribute their products through various distribution channels to both individual customers and commercial establishments. The cheese market is segmented into natural cheese and processed cheese.

Trends In The Global Cheese Market
The internet of things (IoT) technology is increasingly being used to track dairy products and ensure safe product handling. IoT technology consists of a network of devices, vehicles or other items that continuously exchange data and provide insights about a process or system. This technology is being used to track ingredients being used in products. Equipment connected to the internet in trucks and storage coolers can be used to monitor dairy products and tag them with environmental conditions like temperature or location that provide information about safe product handling during transportation. For instance, the Chinese government implemented the National Food Quality Safety Traceability Platform, using IoT technology to improve quality and safety of food production supply chains.

Global Cheese Market Segments:
The global cheese market is further segmented:
By Type: Natural Cheese, Processed Cheese
By Distribution Channel: Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, E-Commerce, Others
By Source: Cow Milk, Sheep Milk, Goat Milk, Buffalo Milk
By Product: Mozzarella, Cheddar, Feta, Parmesan, Roquefort, Others
By Geography: The global cheese market is segmented into North America, South America, Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East and Africa. Among these regions, the Asia Pacific cheese market accounts for the largest share in the global cheese market.

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Cheese Global Market Report 2021 is one of a series of new reports from The Business Research Company that provides cheese global market overviews, analyzes and forecasts market size and growth for the global cheese market, cheese global market share, cheese global market players, cheese global market segments and geographies, cheese global market’s leading competitors’ revenues, profiles and market shares. The cheese global market report identifies top countries and segments for opportunities and strategies based on market trends and leading competitors’ approaches.

Read Cheese Global Market Report 2021 from The Business Research Company for information on the following:

Data Segmentations: Market Size, Global, By Region And By Country; Historic And Forecast Size, And Growth Rates For The World, 7 Regions And 12 Countries

Cheese Market Organizations Covered: Arla Foods Limited; Bongrain AG; Murray Goulburn Co-operative Co. Limited; Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited; Leprino Foods Company Inc.

Regions: Asia-Pacific, China, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, USA, South America, Middle East and Africa.

Countries: Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, UK, USA.

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Food waste: a global problem that undermines healthy diets
Food waste: a global problem that undermines healthy diets
Food waste: a global problem that undermines healthy diets
 The call comes as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said that 17 per cent of all food available to consumers in 2019, ended up being thrown away.

An additional 132 million people face food and nutrition insecurity today because of the COVID-19 pandemic, FAO said, ahead of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, on Wednesday 29 September.

Global problem

The problem of food waste is a global one and not limited to wealthy nations alone, said Nancy Aburto, Deputy Director of FAO’s Food and Nutrition Division Economic and Social Development Stream, speaking at a press conference in Geneva.

“Food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition are impacting every country in the world and no country is unaffected; 811 million people suffer hunger, two billion suffer micronutrient deficiencies – that’s vitamin and mineral deficiencies – and millions of children suffer stunting and wasting, deadly forms of under-nutrition.”

The FAO official warned that the high cost of “healthy” diets, meant that they were now “out of reach” of every region in the world, including Europe.

She also said that more countries needed to embrace innovation to reduce waste, such as new packaging that can prolong the shelf-life of many foods, while smartphone apps can bring consumers closer to producers, reducing the time between harvest and plate.

Repercussions of food waste

Reducing food loss and waste would improve agri-food systems and help towards achieving food security, food safety and food quality, all while delivering on nutritional outcomes.

According to FAO, it would also contribute “significantly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as pressure on land and water resources”.

With less than nine years left to reach Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 on ensuring sustainable consumption, and target 12.3 to halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels, there is an urgent need to accelerate action, up to the 2030 deadline.

Takeaways for action:

  • Reducing food loss and waste, strengthens the sustainability of food systems and improves planetary health.
  • Increasing the efficiency of food systems and reducing food loss and waste, requires investment in innovation, technologies and infrastructure.
  • Composting food waste is better than sending it to a landfill, but preventing waste in the first place, lessens its impact on the environment.
  • Maximizing the positive impacts of reducing food loss and waste, requires good governance and human capital development.
However, this requires national and local authorities along with businesses and individuals to prioritize actions in this direction and contribute to restoring and improving agri-food systems.

Fruit and veg

And with just three months to go, during this International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, FAO has reminded that produce provides human nutrition and food security while working to achieve the SDGs.

“In the current health crisis we are facing around the world, promoting healthy diets to strengthen our immune systems is especially appropriate”, FAO chief QU Dongyu said, kicking off the year last December.

He also noted that food loss and waste in the fruits and vegetables

sector remain a problem with considerable consequences, pointing out that “innovative technologies and approaches are of critical importance”, as they can help maintain safety and quality, “increasing the shelf life of fresh produce items and preserving their high nutritional value”.
China defends pandemic travel curbs after Indian envoy hits out at ‘unscientific approach’
China defends pandemic travel curbs after Indian envoy hits out at ‘unscientific approach’
China defends pandemic travel curbs after Indian envoy hits out at ‘unscientific approach’
Beijing has defended its

travel curbs as scientific and proportional after India’s ambassador to China called for a more “balanced and sensitive approach” on issuing visas to Indians.

Foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying on Monday also said the rules were to protect people and applied not just to Indians but to all, including Chinese citizens.
“China has no other way but to adopt a series of management measures that have been evolving according to the development of the pandemic to ensure the safe and orderly flow of both Chinese and foreigners,” she said. “China has adopted a scientific, professional and proportional pandemic control approach.”
Hua was responding to Thursday’s remarks by Indian ambassador to China Vikram Misri, who said some .


went beyond politics, pointing to the thousands of Indian nationals who are stranded and unable to return to China because of its tough visa rules.

He called for a separation of politics and trade, amid strained relations over an

and geopolitical tensions.

“Far less complex issues, which have a purely humanitarian context and are not connected to bilateral diplomatic stances, such as facilitating the movement of students, businesspersons and stranded family members from India to China for over a year and a half now, await a more balanced and sensitive approach,” Misri said during a virtual dialogue on bilateral relations organised by Sichuan University.
“I might add here that India has also attempted to keep our trade and commercial relationship insulated from current differences, for instance by continuing to issue visas to Chinese businesspersons to visit India,” he said.
“However, we are disappointed to see an unscientific approach with regard to several problems currently being faced by Indian students, businessmen, marine crew and exporters, to name a few.”
New Delhi is not alone in pressing Beijing to ease its stringent border restrictions imposed because of the coronavirus pandemic, with other countries also urging China to reciprocate on visa policy as the rest of the world slowly reopens.
Sun Weidong, China’s ambassador to India, urged New Delhi to maintain its “strategic autonomy”. Photo: Twitter

Sun Weidong, China’s ambassador to India, urged New Delhi to maintain its “strategic autonomy”. Photo: Twitter

On the Himalayan border dispute, Misri said talks had seen “significant progress on the ground” in terms of disengagement, and expressed hope that further disengagement would enable the two sides “to reach a point where we can pick up the threads of bilateral cooperation”.
Relations have been tense since Chinese and Indian troops engaged in deadly hand-to-hand fighting on their border in the western Himalayas in June last year. At least 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers died in the clashes – the deadliest in decades. It developed into a military stand-off and while soldiers have retreated from some sections of the frontier, the negotiations continue.
India later banned more than 200 Chinese apps for security reasons and there were calls for a consumer boycott of Chinese goods.
Also speaking on Thursday, China’s ambassador to India Sun Weidong agreed that bilateral relations should develop regardless of the border tensions, but urged India to maintain its “strategic autonomy”.
“Some countries have formed small, isolated groups to contain others out of ideological biases and a Cold War mentality … in fact, forming these groups won’t make one safer, and once one is on board someone else’s ship, control of the helm will be lost,” Sun said.
He added that he hoped India would not join “alliances” and that it be cautious on issues like Tibet, Taiwan and the South China Sea, all sensitive issues for Beijing.
China is concerned by India’s involvement in the Quad security grouping with the US, Japan and Australia, which Beijing sees as an attempt by Washington to counter its influence in the region.
Despite the tensions, two-way trade between India and China expanded by more than 5 per cent in 2020-21, according to the latest Indian commerce ministry data. China has also replaced the US as India’s largest trade partner. Trade between the two Asian economies hit US$86.4 billion in 2020-21, up from US$81.9 billion the year before, compared to US$80.5 billion between India and the US. This was largely driven by India importing medical goods from China, according to analysts.
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Hindutva extremism on the rise in India against Christians and other minorities, videos show
Hindutva extremism on the rise in India against Christians and other minorities, videos show
Hindutva extremism on the rise in India against Christians and other minorities, videos show
(Photo: Courtesy Open Doors)Social media is increasingly being used by Hindu extremists in India to stir up hatred of Christians; the country is number 10 on the Open Doors World Watch List.

Extremists have been shown conducting a relentless persecution campaign against Indian Christians after video evidence showed a woman forced to burn an image of Jesus by a mob of Hindu fanatics.

In one video, men accuse a woman of being like a prostitute, claiming she took bribes to become a Christian, the Tablet reported in mid-September citing Open Doors, the group supporting persecuted Christians worldwide.

They tell her: “You should worship our gods and goddesses.”

A second video from the same incident shows the Hindu nationalist mob, some wearing saffron headscarves, chanting “Hail Lord Ram” as a group of Christians are led away by police.

The constant stream of video evidence is not the product of victims or witnesses, but of perpetrators, reported the weekly Catholic newspaper.

Groups of vigilantes advocating a radical Hindutva (Hindu Nationalist) ideology harass and attack Christians, especially in rural areas.

They take away their phones and film their crimes and openly post them on social media as propaganda designed to terrify minority groups.


“Vigilante groups falsely accuse Christians of taking bribes to convert from Hinduism,” said Dr. David Landrum, director of advocacy at Open Doors UK and Ireland.

“As punishment, they routinely humiliate Christians, forcing them to burn images of Christ or repeat slogans against Christianity. It is part of a wider trend of violence towards religious minorities in India which has become far more socially acceptable in recent years.”

Open Doors reported on Aug. 12 that as India was to mark the 74th anniversary of independence, Christians and other religious minorities across the country speak of a growing climate of intolerance and intrusion.

The climate is whipped up by Hindu extremist groups utilizing social media like Facebook and WhatsApp.

Videos go viral for different reasons, according to Open Doors.

Often, it’s because of something funny, profound, or unusual.

In India, the two videos that recently went viral showed something very different – and highly disturbing.

Open Doors said the first featured a 300-strong group of Hindu extremists storming a Christian community.


The group shouted hateful abuse, beat believers, and threatened to put them in jail for forcibly converting people to Christianity during the incident. Part of the attack was filmed and shared online.

In the second video, a fearful Christian woman who had already burnt Bibles under pressure from Hindu extremists says she is a Hindu.

She spoke after the group said she had been paid to convert to Christianity, which she denied.

The woman was then given a lit piece of paper to burn Christian literature. A recording of this was shared online and circulated widely.

Those incidents underpin the role social media increasingly play in stirring up hatred against Christians in India – as highlighted in Destructive Lies, a report delivered to the UK Parliament in July that reveals the extreme persecution facing Christians, Muslims, and other religious minorities in India.

Later in the month, Hindu activists pressured authorities in central India’s Madhya Pradesh state.

UCA News reported that the Sept. 26 deadline they set for the government to demolish Christian churches passed without action.

More than 1,000 Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) activists protested in front of the headquarters of tribal-dominated Jhabua district, demanding action from the government.

The VHP had set Sept. 26 as the deadline for the administration to demolish all Christian churches on tribal land, alleging illegal structures.

The administration, which works under the government-run by the pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), ignored the deadline.

The Kitáb-i-Aqdas: Bahá’í Most Holy Book published in Icelandic | BWNS
The Kitáb-i-Aqdas: Bahá’í Most Holy Book published in Icelandic | BWNS
The Kitáb-i-Aqdas: Bahá’í Most Holy Book published in Icelandic | BWNS

REYKJAVIK, Iceland — The Kitáb-i-Aqdas has been published in Icelandic for the first time, making available to an entire population Bahá’u’lláh’s Most Holy Book.

“This is the fulfillment of a long-held wish of the Bahá’ís of Iceland,” says Halldór Thorgeirsson, a member of the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly of Iceland. “This is a tremendous achievement, which comes at a moment of significant importance—the year leading up to the centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s passing.”

The Kitáb-i-Aqdas is Bahá’u’lláh’s book of laws, first penned in Arabic in about 1873 while He was still imprisoned within the city of ‘Akká.

The Universal House of Justice has written in the introduction to the Kitáb-i-Aqdas: “Of the more than one hundred volumes comprising the sacred Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, the Kitáb-i-Aqdas is of unique importance. ‘To build anew the whole world’ is the claim and challenge of His Message, and the Kitáb-i-Aqdas is the Charter of the future world civilization that Bahá’u’lláh has come to raise up.”

The first authorized translation of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas was published in English in 1992, the year that marked the centenary of the passing of Bahá’u’lláh, followed by translations in other languages over the past three decades.

Geoffrey Pettypiece, who typeset the text and helped prepare the volume for publication, explains how the effort to produce the Icelandic translation was a significant undertaking requiring a dedicated team a year and a half to complete the work.

“Few things are as important to Icelanders as our language,” he says. “This translation maintains accuracy of meaning while utilizing the elements of poetry, such as rhythm and metaphor.”

Edvard Jónsson, the lead translator of the project, reflects on the significance of the new publication, stating: “The writings of Bahá’u’lláh offer humanity a new kind of language—a language that gives insight into spiritual reality.”

“There is a profound effect on the heart when the Word of God is available in one’s native tongue. It is like being drawn into an ocean, filled with new forms of expression and concepts. There has not been anything like it in Icelandic literature throughout the ages.”

7 COVID-19 hospitals in Armenia receive modern X-ray equipment
7 COVID-19 hospitals in Armenia receive modern X-ray equipment
7 COVID-19 hospitals in Armenia receive modern X-ray equipment

WHO, with funding from the European Union, has supplied X-ray equipment to 7 COVID-19 frontline hospitals – 1 in the capital Yerevan and in 6 other cities in Armenia. The new X-ray units facilitate monitoring of a patient’s progress and improve clinical decision-making. They are invaluable to COVID-19 hospitals which see hundreds of patients daily.

While traditional film X-rays continue to be effective in establishing a diagnosis, digital X-rays allow for images to be manipulated, providing better quality and definition. This allows for precise and fast diagnostics in hospitals. Stella Karapetyan, a radiologist at Martuni Medical Center, which has already started using the new X-ray equipment, says efficiency there has increased.

“During the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had 120–150 patients daily,” she says. “The improved quality of images from the new X-ray equipment makes diagnosis quicker. Fewer retakes are needed, which reduces exposure to radiation and improves both patient and healthcare worker safety.”

Quality standards

WHO/Europe, in collaboration with the Armenian Ministry of Health, assessed and evaluated hospitals in preparation for the installation of the new X-ray equipment. WHO advised on the development of plans and technical specifications for the radiology rooms where the X-ray units would be located. These specifications included the need for large and well-ventilated waiting areas, which are crucial for preventing and controlling infection.

Claudio Meirovich, an expert on medical devices at WHO/Europe, visited the hospitals to check that the sites met requirements and international standards for installing the X-ray units. “WHO has developed guidelines and recommendations to assist countries to get the best value for their investments in medical equipment,” he says. “It is not just about technical specifications; it is also about compliance with standards of quality and about having trained staff to maintain the equipment. It’s about making sure that the rooms in the hospitals where the equipment will be installed are safe for workers and patients.”

Oleg Storozhenko, WHO Representative in Armenia, said the EU and WHO/Europe had joined efforts to help make Armenia’s health sector strong and resilient. “The hospital equipment we have procured will not only help patients with COVID-19 but will also assist in expanding the health system’s capacity to respond to future health emergencies,” he noted.

France focuses on responsibility and solidarity in the face of global challenges
France focuses on responsibility and solidarity in the face of global challenges
France focuses on responsibility and solidarity in the face of global challenges
In his address to the UN General Assembly on Monday, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian upheld multilateralism as the key to overcoming global challenges including conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. 
“We have a collective responsibility in maintaining international peace and security.  We have a shared responsibility in tackling today’s major challenges and we have a responsibility to individually each uphold the values that unite us,” he said in a pre-recorded message.

“For France, this is what this historic period of turbulence that we’re experiencing calls for. We must all rise to the challenge.”

Summit for Security Council ‘P5’

Despite recent attacks, the foundations of the multilateral system have stood sound, he said, though warning against rising risks such as “more intense” power games and the reemergence of “bloc mentalities”.

France is one of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, alongside China, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Mr. Le Drian said his country is calling for a “P5 summit” to establish a joint action programme “to enable the Security Council to fully exercise its mandate and to embark upon a dialogue on the key issues of arms control and our collective security.”

Humanitarian duty in Afghanistan

Turning to some of the world’s hotspots, he underlined the duty to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan.

“And it is in our common interest to have clear political and security requirements with regard to the regime in Kabul: all ties with terrorist organizations must be severed,” he said, speaking through an interpreter.

Furthermore, the fight against the terrorism threat in Western Asia and the Sahel region in Africa must also continue, while the international community “must be absolutely unequivocal” on Iran’s nuclear programme.

“Iran cannot be allowed to think any longer that time is on its side because the more dangerous its nuclear program becomes, the greater the risk of a major crisis,” said Mr. Le Drian.

“France will do everything it possibly can to encourage dialogue, but the only possible way forward remains an agreement, making it possible to establish that Iran is once again upholding its obligations.  It is therefore essential that negotiations resume very quickly.”

Close the ‘vaccine divide’

On the pandemic, Mr. Le Drian stressed that the “vaccine divide” cannot be allowed to widen further.  He added that France will continue to work with partners, especially those in Africa, noting that “our commitment to provide 60 million doses will be achieved by the end of the year.”

He also highlighted the need for international solidarity, including on the issue of economic recovery.

While G20 nations have established a debt service suspension initiative, they must go further, he said. This includes ensuring swift allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), a type of foreign reserve asset developed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to countries that need them most.  He said France is ready to transfer 20 per cent of its SDR allocation to African countries.

‘Moment of truth’ on climate

The Foreign Minister also called for urgent action on climate change and the environment, with the upcoming COP26 climate change conference serving as “a moment of truth”.

He encouraged countries to “rally around the goal of climate neutrality by 2050”, noting that human lives, as well as international civility and future generations, are at stake.

“Here again, France will show its solidarity by providing €6 billion a year and devoting more than a third of its financing to climate adaptation,” he added.

Full text, in English, linked here.

Bible Society wins gold medal at the Chelsea Flower Show on Psalm 23 themed garden
Bible Society wins gold medal at the Chelsea Flower Show on Psalm 23 themed garden
Bible Society wins gold medal at the Chelsea Flower Show on Psalm 23 themed garden
(Photo: Courtesy RHS Chelsea Flower Show)RHS Chelsea Flower Show Sept. 2021, Bible Society’s Sanctuary Garden based on Bible’s Psalm 23.

The Bible Society has won a gold medal in the best sanctuary garden category at the Chelsea Flower Show as well as other awards at this year’s Royal Horticultural Show, viewed by many as the world’s premier garden event.

The tranquil garden setting is designed by Sarah Eberle, a multiple-award winner at the show, nomally held earlier in the year, but postponed after health restrictions due to the global COVID-19 pandemic in England. 

“Sarah Eberle receives her 12th Gold medal and adds to her award count receiving the ‘Best in Sanctuary Garden’ award as she builds on her title as the most decorated female designer at RHS Chelsea,” said the RHS, hosting the show from Sept. 21-26.

The Bible Society: The Psalm 23 Garden built by Landform Consultants also received the Best Construction award in the Sanctuary and Artisan categories.

“Psalm 23 is a lovely song of faith and trust – but it’s also tailor-made for times like this, when we’re facing the COVID-19 pandemic,” says the Bible Society about the garden,

“One of the great things about Psalm 23 is the way it captures not just the times of blessing we go through – those green pastures and quiet waters – but the times of pain..

The RHS on its website repeats the psalm’s soothing effect on a world afflicted by the novel conronaviurs, “Psalm 23, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’, could have been written for us as we live through the Coronavirus pandemic.

“Its message is one of hope, encouragement and solace. Sarah Eberle’s interpretation of it is a garden that offers a place to breathe, re-engage with nature, and feel mentally, physically and spiritually restored.”

Eberle was inspired by the landscape of Dartmoor, England, where she grew up, and it takes the form of a place of sanctuary, a haven.


“It draws you in and allows you to spend time with the soothing character of the landscape. It reflects both the journey and the destination found in Psalm 23,” says the RHS.

“Psalm 23 is a lovely song of faith and trust – but it’s also tailor-made for times like this, when we’re facing the Covid-19 pandemic.

“One of the great things about Psalm 23 is the way it captures not just the times of blessing we go through – those green pastures and quiet waters – but the times of pain.”

The biblical text refers to “green pastures,” “‘still waters,” a hard journey and a homecoming at the journey’s end. So just four elements are needed to create a garden: a tree, wildflower planting, water and seating.

After her victory in the smaller theme category, Eberle told Britain’s Premier Christian News, “We are judged against a brief, it’s Psalm 23. The line ‘He restores my soul’ is probably the most important line in regard to the garden.

“I think it does that and I think the public see that. They all feel quite calm when they stand there. It’s soothing.

“It is hard to do at a busy show, to reach people’s hearts, as well as their minds.”


“Creating a community garden gives us an opportunity to overcome the loneliness that we’ve all felt. It will build communities’ mental welfare and it enhances the environment.

She added: “We know that gardening is good for our mental health as well as our physical health. Gardening together helps build communities and friendships. I hope people get fun, health and community spirit from this.

“Green spaces are so important, particularly in urban settings,” she said.

Eberle was quoted by Inspiremagazine as saying, “Creating a community garden gives us an opportunity to overcome the loneliness that we’ve all felt. It will build communities’ mental welfare and it enhances the environment.

“We know that gardening is good for our mental health as well as our physical health. Gardening together helps build communities and friendships. I hope people get fun, health and community spirit from this.

“Green spaces are so important, particularly in urban settings,” she said.


Paul Williams, CEO of Bible Society, said,”We’ve all spent too long apart over the last year. It would be wonderful to create community gardens together as a positive way of emerging from the pandemic.

“The garden expresses something of the mood and message of one of the best-loved passages in the Bible. So, we hope it’s a reminder and an invitation to go back to something foundational, spiritual and beautiful in our lives.”

He was quoted as saying in Baptists’ Together newspaper, “Psalm 23 is all about God’s care and kindness toward us even in very difficult times. It invites us to look to God in the troubles of life.”

The overall prize for the Best in Show exhibit went to first- time designers Peter Chmiel and Chin-Jung Chen be awarded Best in Show for their Guangzhou China: Guangzhou Garden.

The garden received a gold medal for its design inspired by a philosophy of reconnecting people and nature and highlights the benefits of responsible city planning.

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(Screenshot from video interview)
Alarm bells are ringing over conflict, COVID and climate, ‘now we must respond’, Ireland tells UN Assembly 
Alarm bells are ringing over conflict, COVID and climate, ‘now we must respond’, Ireland tells UN Assembly 
Alarm bells are ringing over conflict, COVID and climate, ‘now we must respond’, Ireland tells UN Assembly 
Looking back over the first four days of the high-level week, the Ireland’s Prime Minister said a series of alarms have sounded in the Hall of the General Assembly: for conflict, for COVID, for climate.  
“We have heard the alarms. Now we must respond,” said Micheál Martin. “I believe that this is what the General Assembly, our Assembly of Nations, was created to do. Our purpose, our obligation.” 

For the Irish leader, “the simple fact” is that the world “cannot succeed in addressing these global challenges without a strong, effective and fair multilateral system.”  

COVID-19 response 

The Prime Minister also said that “vaccine inequity is a moral test” for the global community.  

He pointed to the rapid establishment of COVAX and the ACT Accelerator, saying this represents multilateralism at its best, and the only way to meet the target of a fully vaccinated world by mid-2022. 

According to Mr. Martin, Ireland is in the process of donating 1.3 million vaccine doses to low income countries, mainly through COVAX. It is also preparing a “significant donation” for 2022. The country support to global health since the outbreak of the pandemic has reached over €200 million.  

He highlighted the role of the UN World Health Organisation (WHO), saying it should remain at the heart of the global response, and informed that Ireland has quadrupled the funding to the agency in response to the pandemic.  

Lessons from the pandemic 

Reflecting on the past 18 months, the Prime Minster said one thing is clear: “The pandemic caught the world off-guard”  

“It has put into stark relief the simple, and regrettable, fact that we have not made sufficient progress in reducing poverty, in increasing access to quality health care and education, nor, in combatting the climate crisis,” he said. 

He argued that, had the world made more progress in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), societies “would have been more resilient, better prepared to weather the storm, and lives would have been spared.” 

Security Council membership 

Since the beginning of the year, Ireland has occupied one of the non-permanent seats in the UN Security Council.  

“Every day for the last nine months, we have sought to use our voice, to defend our principles, and to make progress towards the peaceful resolution of some of the world’s most pressing conflicts,” the Irish leader said.  

He recalled his own country’s history with conflict, saying it thought Irish people that “building peace is painstaking, long and often frustrating.” 

He said that progress has not always been possible and that, too often, the Council has been divided. 

“It is a lesson hard learned that when we, in this building, are divided, it is the most vulnerable who suffer the consequences,” he said, pointing to the cases of Syria and Tigray.  

Ireland’s contribution 

On Thursday, Mr. Martin chaired a Security Council debate on climate and security. For him, “there is no time to waste” and that is why, in the coming days, Ireland will convene a discussion on a thematic resolution on climate and security. 

Looking ahead to COP26, the UN Climate Conference taking place in early November, he said that all Member States should “muster the courage to take bold and ambitious action.” 

For its part, Ireland will reduce emissions by 51 per cent by 2030 compared to 2018 levels. Along with its partners in the European Union, the country will achieve net neutrality by 2050.  

“Ireland will continue to play our part, to build consensus and to advocate fiercely for the multilateral system and the people we have pledged to serve,” Mr. Martin concluded.   

Read the full statement in English here.