VINARIA took place in Plovdiv, Bulgaria from 20 to 24 February 2024.

The International Exhibition of Vine-growing and Wine producing VINARIA is the most prestigious platform for the wine industry in Southeast Europe. It showcases a rich selection of drinks: from authentic local products to…

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North Macedonia already exports nearly 4 times more wine than Bulgaria

Years ago, Bulgaria was one of the biggest producers of wine in the world, but now it has been losing its position for almost 2 decades. This is the main conclusion of the initial analysis of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce (BCC).

Since 1961, the country has been among the first 15…

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Le vin bulgare est numéro 1 dans le monde

Vineyards Selection Tenevo de “Villa Yambol” est le vin rouge le mieux noté dans la 30e édition du Mondial de Bruxelles La vinification bulgare a ouvert un nouveau chapitre d’or dans son développement. Un vin autochtone a été déterminé comme étant le meilleur au monde. Voici la Sélection des Vignobles…

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