Investigators probe cause of Lebanon blast - Vatican News
Investigators probe cause of Lebanon blast

By Nathan Morley

On Sunday, a French forensic police unit arrived in the Lebanese capital to begin work on an investigation into the explosion. At the same time, a US envoy also touched down in Beirut to assist with the probe into the August 4 explosion which killed more than 170 people and injured thousands.

The actual cause of the fire that ignited tons of ammonium nitrate still remains unclear.

French divers have already explored the underwater crater created by the explosion and taken samples of explosives.

Meanwhile, at section of the port left undamaged, workers were unloading wheat. Earlier in the week, the World Food Programme said 17,500 metric tons of wheat flour and a three-month supply of wheat is on its way to Lebanon.

In a separate development, the United Nations launched an appeal for $565 million in assistance for Lebanon.

The money will used for reconstruction efforts.

Najat Rochdi, a UN humanitarian coordinator for Lebanon said: “The task of rebuilding people’s lives and recovering from the devastation is only just beginning.”

Listen to the report

Even before the blast, Lebanon was suffering a deep economic crisis and struggling to tackle the coronavirus pandemic. The country recorded record high unemployment levels, sluggish growth and holds one of the highest debt ratios anywhere in the Middle East.

Last week, international leaders took part in a virtual donor conference pledging nearly $300m in humanitarian assistance which will be directly delivered to the people through the United Nations, international organizations and NGOs.

High Representative on behalf of E.U. on the announcement regarding relations between Israel and the UAE
High Representative on behalf of E.U. on the announcement regarding relations between Israel and the UAE

The EU welcomes the announcement on the normalisation of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, and acknowledges the constructive role played by the US in this respect. The EU has for many years promoted the development of relations between Israel and the countries of the region. Israel and the United Arab Emirates are both important partners of the European Union. A normalisation of their bilateral relations will be beneficial to both countries and a fundamental step for the stabilisation of the region as a whole.  We remain committed to a comprehensive and lasting peace for the entire region and stand ready to work to this end together with our regional and international partners.

Israel’s commitment to suspend plans to unilaterally annex areas of the occupied Palestinian territory is a positive step. Any unilateral decision that undermines a lasting, agreed solution should be avoided. The EU remains firm in its commitment to a negotiated and viable two-state solution built upon the internationally agreed parameters and international law – and reaffirms its readiness to work towards the resumption of meaningful negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, building also on the commitment by the parties of the joint statement to engage diplomatically and continue efforts to achieve a just, comprehensive and lasting peace.

Belarus: Exiled opposition leader calls for peaceful rallies - Vatican News
Belarus: Exiled opposition leader calls for peaceful rallies

By Stefan Bos

After she was forced to leave for Lithuania, Tikhanovskaya urged her supporters to protest peacefully for a transfer of power. “Human life is the most valuable of all. We need to stop the violence on the street of Belarusian cities and towns. I call for the government to stop the violence and start a dialogue,” she said.

“I am appealing to appealing to mayors of all cities and towns on the 15th and 16th of August to organize peaceful mass gatherings in every town,” Tikhanovskaya added.  

The 37-year-old former English teacher and mother-of-two campaigned on behalf of her jailed husband, a popular blogger. “We saw new peaceful actions on the streets of our cities. The chains of solidarity by women with flowers, for instance, are not belligerent. They show the whole world that we Belarusians are open, honest people, and we are against violence, ” she stressed in the video message.      

Authorities claimed that the authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko won the presidential elections with 80 percent of the vote. But Tikhanovskaya stressed that in areas where counting was carried out correctly, she received 60 to 70 percent of the vote and in one region even 90 percent of the counted ballots.

However, after being held for hours by authorities for protesting the results, she was forced to flee to Lithuania. Some 7,000 people were arrested in protests that emerged following the election.


Many of the former detainees have spoken of torture at the hands of the security services. Among them, Sergiy Meyanets, who showed reporters a doctor’s certificate confirming torture injuries. “They began asking who the organizers of the protests are. He electrocuted me about ten times. In the legs, near the heart and my arms,” Meyanets said.

“Whenever we moved or said a word, we would get hit with batons straight away. He [the police officer] even threatened to burn us alive,” the activist recalled.    

Advocacy group Amnesty International said accounts from released detainees suggested “widespread torture.” As protests continued for a sixth day and walkouts from state factories grew on Friday, European Union foreign ministers held an emergency video meeting. They agreed to prepare new sanctions on Belarusian officials responsible for what they called “violence and falsification.”

Amid the tensions, the increasingly isolated President Lukashenko released 32 Russians accused of being mercenaries to undermine state security by organizing mass riots.

Moscow has denied these accusations. It suggested that the 33 detainees –including one Belarussian citizen who wasn’t transferred to Russia – were innocent security personnel.

Listen to the report

Belarus, Russian Orthodox churches support election results, other churches urge halt to violence
Belarus, Russian Orthodox churches support election results, other churches urge halt to violence
(Photo: Nexta Belarus)Belarussian Christians of different denominations praying in Minsk.

The United Nations human rights chief Michelle Bachelet condemned the violent response of the Belarus authorities to peaceful demonstrations across the country following the presidential election and called for people’s grievances to be heard, but Christian leaders were divided in their response to the controversial election.

Orthodox Christian leaders in Belarus and Russia welcomed the victory of President Alexander Lukashenko in the July 9 election in Belarus, as other churches issued different messages appealing for dialogue to halt violence between security forces and protesters, Jonathan Luxmoore reported in Church Times.

Thousands of people gathered outside the state television station in Belarus demanding full coverage of the protests against the disputed presidential election on Saturday July 15, the BBC reported.

Opposition supporters outside the building in Minsk held banners with signs saying “show people the truth” following mass protests that erupted after President Alexander Lukashenko claimed a landslide victory in the Aug. 9 vote in the former Soviet-bloc nation of some 9.4 million.


The Belarus state broadcaster initially chose not to cover the protests after the election result had been condemned with widespread allegations of vote-rigging.

The Belarus Central Election Commission said Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994, won 80.1 percent of the vote and the main opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya gained 10.12 percent.

But Tikhanovskaya who fled the country insists that where votes were properly counted, she won support ranging from 60 to 70 percent.

Metropolitan Pavel Ponomarev of Minsk and Slutsk, the Patriarchal Exarch of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, told President Lukashenko in an open letter, “Compatriots place great hopes in you to protect the sovereignty of Belarus, while preserving our nation’s spiritual and cultural heritage.”

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russian sent “heartfelt congratulations” and wished 65-year-old President Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994, “blessed success” in maintaining “fruitful interaction” with Orthodox Christians.

“For many years, you have striven to protect your country’s national interests, caring for its socio-economic development,” Kirill said. “It is gratifying to note you invariably pay attention to the spiritual and moral state of the people — to the establishment of enduring ideals of mercy, peace, goodness, and justice in society.”

The Archbishop of Minsk and Mahilyow, Monsignor Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, president of the Bishops’ Conference of the minority Catholic Church in Belarus, deplored the “unprecedented tensions” and “spilling of blood in active confrontations”, and offered to mediate.

“For the first time in Belarus’s modern history, brother has raised hand against brother,” the archbishop said in a Facebook appeal. “To overcome the crisis, I propose immediately convening an emergency round table to decide the future fate of our fatherland, not on barricades.”

Christian Orthodox believers make up 48.3 percent of the population, Catholic 7.1 percent, other believer 3.5 percent, with just over 41 percent of the population of the country non-believers, according to the CIA factbook.

Many Belarussian evangelicals are against the government. Several have taken part in the demonstrations, knowing the big personal risk that comes with any action that could be perceived by the government as rebellious behavior, Evangelical Focus Europe reported.

The Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists in Belarus, the United Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith in Belarus, and the Religious Association of Full Gospel Communities in Belarus (charismatics), released a joint statement on Thursday, calling on “to pray for our country in accordance with God’s command in Micah 6: 8”.


“Pray for all people, for those in charge, that they have the fear of God and remember that there is a Supreme Judge over them, whom we will all give an account to”, they said in the statement.

The evangelical leaders asked to “pray for an end to the violence and bloodshed, and for all those affected and their families. Pray that the Lord will save us from hatred, vengeance and resentment”.

“Pray that the people will turn through Jesus Christ to God and love Him with all their heart, with all their souls and with all their minds, and their neighbor as themselves. Only when we love God can we love our neighbor correctly,” they said

In Geneva UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Aug. 12 condemned the Belarus response to the protests .

“I remind the Belarusian authorities that the use of force during protests should always be exceptional and a measure of last resort, clearly differentiating between any violent individuals and peaceful protesters, against whom force should not be used,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet.

She said that reports suggest that approximately 6,000 people have been detained in the first three days of protests, including bystanders and minors.

This suggests a trend of massive arrests in clear violation of international human rights standards and “even more disturbing are the reports of ill-treatment during and after detention,” said Bachelet.

Virtual Concert unites Pacific with the world in battling COVID-19
Virtual Concert unites Pacific with the world in battling COVID-19

From across the region, the UN in the Pacific brought together artists UN leaders, heads of State and international celebrities in the world’s first regional COVID-19 concert.

“I’m very proud to be part of this historic event”, said Tofiga Fepulea’i, who hosted the concert in character as the popular television persona ‘Aunty Tala’. “Now is the time for us to come together, to celebrate the strength and solutions that are possible when the Pacific unites”.

The two-and-a-half-hour show featured contributions from 12 Pacific island nations, including musical performances from Jahboy of the Solomon Islands, Mia Kami of Tonga, Juny B of Kiribati, Te Vaka of New Zealand and many more. 

“This is the first ever virtual concert to comprise primarily of artists from across the region and be accessible to audiences not only in the Pacific but around the world”, Mr. Fepulea’i added.

Moreover, videos messages of solidarity were delivered from international guests, such as the United Kingdom’s Prince Charles, Oscar-winning actor and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) advocate Forest Whitaker, and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.


The virtual concert provided a platform for the geographically remote Pacific region to connect. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohamed reinforced the message that working together is the only way to overcome COVID-19. 

“Much remains to be done, and no one person, island or country can do it alone,” she said in her video remarks.

The UN deputy chief highlighted the responsibility of the global community to come together to help “our small island neighbours” respond to the pandemic by ensuring equitable access to vital medical equipment, supplies and – when they become available – vaccines. 
She noted that the global community must also help the hard-hit economies of small island developing States through debt relief and rapid support that stimulates inclusive and resilient growth.

“Let us keep standing together to fight the virus. Let’s say no to violence, no to discrimination, no to stigma, no to vicious misinformation,” she urged. “And let’s say yes to solidarity, yes to compassion, caring for each other in the Pacific way.”

Multidimensional impacts

Already among the most remote countries on earth, Pacific island states saw their vital economic links weakened with the evaporation of tourism, severe disruptions to international trade, and a reduction in remittances. 

The virtual concert brought attention to the multidimensional impacts of the pandemic, including a rise in domestic violence, unemployment, food insecurity, and mental health issues. 

Speakers reinforced the need to build back better by creating a sustainable Pacific that is resilient to the impacts of climate change.

“This new normal should not be the same old story, but with face masks,” said President of Palau, Tommy E. Remengesau Jr, in his video message. “The Pacific has been pushing for big changes in travel, in tourism, in fishing, in plastic use and in energy production. In a strange way, COVID-19 has cleared paths to those objectives. If we manage this challenge the right way, we can build a stronger system than we had before.”

Reach and reception

UN Web TV broadcast the virtual concert on radio and television networks in 12 Pacific island countries, as well as in Australia and New Zealand, throughout Asia, and globally. And it was captioned for people who are deaf or have hearing impairments.

“In the Pacific, we love our music, and to hear from our leaders across the region, and our friends, on how to cope and be safe, and how to ensure that we are living in the new normal, I think it is timely”, said Pacific Disability Forum CEO Setareki Macanawai. 

Watching on Facebook, law student at the University of the South Pacific’s Emalus Campus in Vanuatu Louisa Movick, believes in the healing powers of music. 
“In these difficult times with so many mixed emotions in the air, it is good to take a moment, breathe and listen to the music of our Pacific region through these artists”, she said.

The final act

The concert closed with a moving performance of a song called “We Will Rise”, written about the coronavirus pandemic in the Pacific and performed by Pasifika Voices and the International School Suva. 

Sung primarily by children and youth, the heart-warming lyrics concluded on a note of hope.

“Around the world we’re closing borders, COVID-19 on the rise
A new world order behind closed doors, the storm will pass, we will survive
We will rise, we will rise again, our isles will rise again 
We will rise, we will rise again, our world will rise again”

UNDP/Luke McPake

The South Pacific archipelago of Tuvalu is highly susceptible to rises in sea level brought about by climate change.

Buddhist Times News – Modi becomes India’s 4th longest-serving Prime Minister
Modi becomes India’s 4th longest-serving Prime Minister

By   — Shyamal Sinha

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday became the fourth longest-serving Prime Minister in Indian history, after Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Dr Manmohan Singh.

However, PM Modi is the first longest-serving Indian prime minister of non-Congress origin, surpassing Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Narendra Modi took oath as the 14th Prime Minister of the country on May 26, 2014. He started with his second innings as the PM again on May 30, 2019.

Jawaharlal Nehru remains the longest-serving prime minister of India so far. His tenure lasted for around 17 years, followed by his daughter Indira Gandhi who served two terms of little more 11 years and nearly five years respectively. Dr Manmohan Singh served two consecutive terms of five years each.

The other non-Congress prime ministers who could not complete their tenure included Morarji Desai (March 24, 1977 — July 28, 1979), Charan Singh (July 28, 1979 — January 14, 1980), Vishwanath Pratap Singh (December 2, 1989 — November 10, 1990), Chandra Shekhar (November 10, 1990 — June 21, 1991), H.D. Deve Gowda (June 1, 1996 — April 21, 1997) and Inder Kumar Gujral (April 21, 1997 — March 19, 1998).

Narendra Modi has become the fourth longest-serving prime minister just two days ahead of India’s 74th Independence Day. On August 15 he will deliver his seventh Independence Day speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

Under PM Modi’s leadership, the BJP-led NDA government has ushered an era of inclusive and development-oriented governance, catering to the aspirations of the farmer, the poor, marginalised, youth, women and neo-middle class. He has introduced many schemes since 2014 and taken major decisions leading India on a new path of development and progress. He started the Make In India and Digital India and implemented the Goods and Services Tax (GST). He also started the Pradhan Mantri Yojna, Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao projects.

Pope Francis appeals for dialogue in negotiations regarding the Nile
Pope Francis appeals for dialogue in negotiations regarding the Nile

By Vatican News

Pope Francis said after the recitation of the Angelus on Saturday that he is “following with particular attention the situation of the difficult negotiations regarding the Nile between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan.”

He urged all parties to “continue on the path of dialogue so that the Eternal River might continue to be a source of life”, uniting, not dividing, nourishing friendship and not hostility or conflict.

“Let dialogue”, he ended the appeal “be your only choice, for the good of your dear populations and of the entire world.”

Context of dispute

In April 2011, construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) began on the Blue Nile in the Ethiopian Genishangul-Gumuz region near its border with Sudan

Once the $4.5 billion project is completed, it will be Africa’s largest hydroelectric power plant.

Concerns over the dam’s construction, including the possible decrease of water along the Nile in other countries, has created tensions between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan. The Blue Nile merges with the White Nile in Khartoum (Sudan) and provides about 85% of the Nile River’s volume.

Ethiopia, however, holds that the dam will increase access to electricity at lower costs, thus increasing the Nile’s potential to provide irrigation and decrease its flooding potential.

The countries with an interest in the consequences of the dam’s construction have met several times since its construction began.

The second round of talks hosted by the African Union began on 27 July. Observers from the United States, the European Union and experts from the African Union Commission were also present. The goal of this set of talks was a binding agreement governing the filling of the dam and its operations.

On 10 August, a one-week suspension of talks was announced by the Egyptian Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources. The suspension was granted pursuant to a request made by Sudan to complete internal consultations.

Meanwhile, all three countries water ministers will be consulting with each other in preparation for the next meeting.

Playback of Angelus, 15 August 2020

German church leads crowdfunding to buy vessel to aid stranded Mediterranean migrants
German church leads crowdfunding to buy vessel to aid stranded Mediterranean migrants

Germany’s main Protestant church led a crowdfunding effort that purchased the rescue ship Sea-Watch 4 that is ready for work in the Mediterranean Sea to help migrants trying to reach Europe from North Africa.

According to Peter Kenny from Ecumenical News, “The Evangelical Church (EKD) initiated the effort by United4Rescue, a broad alliance to support civilian sea rescue.

“We connect all social organizations and groups that do not want to stand idly by the thousands of deaths in the Mediterranean,” says United4Rescue. “Through donation campaigns, we support rescue organizations that act in a humanitarian manner where politics fails.”

The crew of the “Sea-Watch 4” spent the past few weeks converting this old research vessel into a sea rescue vessel, as reported be the German news agency epd.

Aboard is a protection area with 24 beds for women and children along with a hospital ward.

When the crew has passed its mandatory quarantine it can start its work.

Due to the corona situation and the lockdown in Spain, the first mission was delayed almost four months.

Sea-Watch 4 is to set sail from the Spanish Burriana in the the coming days of August, less than a year after a petition was published by the 12th Synod of the Evangelical Church in Germany, the WCC reported.

The petition asked the church council to continue to campaign for sea rescue, communal reception, safe escape routes, fair asylum procedures and legal migration opportunities.

“We ask for God’s blessing on the crew of Sea-Watch 4 and on their important mission. May each of us, too, become a vessel of hope and instruments of peace for our neighbors,” said Rev. Ioan Sauca, interim general secretary of the World Council of Churches.

Work to convert the old research vessel into a sea rescue ship is almost complete and the crew is currently undergoing training and drills.

They will soon set out on their first mission.

Due to the COVID-19 situation and the lockdown in Spain, the mission was delayed almost four months.

Since the end of all state-sponsored rescue operations, only private ships have been sailing in the Mediterranean to rescue people who have fled from distress at sea.

It is estimated that around 400 people have drowned in the Mediterranean in 2020.

“One does not let any single human drown, end of discussion,” said Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, chairperson of the Evangelical Church in Germany, during the ceremony that launched the mission in February, in the city of Kiel.

The fundraising efforts that enabled Sea-Watch 4 to prepare to operate started in December, with a campaign of the alliance called “United4Rescue” named #WirschickeneinSchiff (“We send a ship”).

The coalition initiated has more than 500 supporting organizations, ranging from congregations and student groups to diaconal agencies as well as secular partners.

In January, the alliance succeeded in auctioning the former research ship “Poseidon” at a cost of 1.3 million euros, including 1.1 million euros donated by United4Rescue.

Pope prays for people in northern Nigeria - Vatican News
Pope prays for people in northern Nigeria

By Vatican News

“Today I would like to pray in particular for the population of the northern region of Nigeria, victim of violence and terrorist attacks.”

Those were the words Pope Francis used after praying the Angelus on Saturday, praying for and asking us to pray for our brothers and sisters in northern Nigeria.

Insecurity and terrorism

On 8 August, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria issued a statement addressing the “increasing insecurity” and acts of violence in Northern Nigeria.

“We continue to hear of increasing insecurity and unabated acts of terrorism in Northern Nigeria. We are all tired of this situation,” said the Bishops’ statement.

Using the word “massacre” to describe the violence in Southern Kaduna, the Bishops said the “killings must stop.”

Violence on the rise

In June 76 people were killed in an attack on Sabon Birni Local Government Area of Sokoto State. Five humanitarian aid workers were violently murdered in July by Boko Haram militants after having been abducted in Borno State in June. At least three attacks attributed to the Fulani militia took place in Southern Kaduna in July alone.

On 5 August, at least thirty-three persons, mostly women and children, were killed by unknown gunmen in an attack on five Atyap chiefdom villages in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area of Kaduna State. The State government recently imposed a curfew in the area due to the rising tensions.

Appeal to the government and for prayers

The Nigerian bishops appealed to the country’s government of their campaign promises to end corruption, guarantee safety of persons and property and to stimulate the economy. .

In addition, the Bishops turn to all Catholics that we join in prayer, praying praying one Our Father, three Hail Marys and one Glory Be to the Father “every day after the Angelus for forty days.”

This joint prayer will start from 22 August through to 30 September 2020 – the eve of Nigeria’s Independence Day anniversary. On 1 October (Nigeria’s Independence Day), the faithful are to pray the five decades of the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary “for God to save Nigeria.”

Pope: Mary's Assumption huge step forward for humanity - Vatican News
Pope: Mary’s Assumption huge step forward for humanity

By Robin Gomes

Pope Francis on Saturday invited Christians to thank and praise God for the good that He has done in our life just as the Virgin did in the Magnificat, which became the source of her joy.

Pope Francis made the exhortation at the midday “Angelus” prayer in Rome’s St. Peter’s Square, on the day the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary into heaven.

The dogma of faith that Pope Pius XII proclaimed on November 1, 1950, asserts that the Virgin Mary “having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory”.  Pope Francis said that the Assumption shines “as a sign of sure hope and solace to the People of God during its sojourn on earth”, as the Second Vatican Council puts it.

Assumption: with God nothing is lost 

Addressing a holiday crowd from the window of his studio overlooking the square, the Pope said in Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, we celebrate an infinitely greater conquest than the “giant step for mankind” when man first set foot on the moon.   When the lowly Virgin of Nazareth set foot in paradise, body and spirit, he said, it was “the huge leap forward for humanity”.

This, the Pope said, gives us hope that “we are precious, destined to rise again”. “God does not allow our bodies to vanish into nothing. With God, nothing is lost!”

Mary’s lowliness magnifies God goodness

Mary’s advice to us, the Holy Father said, lies in her song, the “Magnificat” – “My soul magnifies the Lord”.   “Mary ‘aggrandizes’ the Lord: not problems, which she did not lack at the time,” the Pope explained. She does not allow herself to be “overwhelmed by difficulties and absorbed by fears”.  Rather, she puts God as the first greatness of life, which becomes the source of her Magnificat.  Her joy is born “not from the absence of problems, which come sooner or later, but from God’s presence”, because He is great and he looks on the lowly ones.  “We,” the Pope stressed, “are the weakness of His love.”

Mary, the Pope continued, acknowledges that she is small and exalts the “great things” that the Lord has done for her. She is grateful for the gift of life, she is a virgin yet she becomes pregnant, and Elizabeth, too, who was elderly, is expecting a child.  The Pope said, “the Lord works wonders with those who are lowly …, who give ample space to God in their life”, for which Mary praises God.

Forgetting the good shrinks the heart

Pope Francis thus invited all to ask ourselves, whether we, like Mary, praise and thank God for the good things He does for us, for His love, forgiveness, tenderness and for giving us His Mother and our brothers and sisters.

“If we forget the good,” the Pope warned, “the heart shrinks.”  “But if, like Mary, we remember the great things that the Lord does, if at least once a day we were to “magnify” Him, then we would take a great step forward,” the Pope concluded, adding, our hearts will expand and our joy will increase.

The Pope extends Lauretan Jubilee, to December 2021 - Vatican News
The Pope extends Lauretan Jubilee, to December 2021

By Vatican News

On Saturday evening, to the applause of the faithful, Archbishop Fabio Dal Cin, Pontifical Delegate to the Shrine at Loreto announced the Pope’s decision to extend the Lauretan Jubilee until 10 December 2021. The Jubilee was granted on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the proclamation by Pope Benedict XV of Our Lady of Loreto, Patroness of all airmen.

December 2021 extension

Imparting the news from the Shrine of the Holy House, the Archbishop said, “In this difficult time for mankind, Holy Mother Church gives us another twelve months to start anew with Christ, letting us be accompanied by Mary, a sign of consolation and sure hope for all”.

The Jubilee was officially inaugurated on 8December, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, with the opening of the Holy Door presided over by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, but “unfortunately not celebrated in all its entirety because of the Covid-19 epidemic”.

Apostolic Decree

An Apostolic Decree issued on July 16 by the Apostolic Penitentiary states that there will be for another twelve months to experience grace and forgiveness for all the faithful who visit the Pontifical Shrine. Grace which also extends to the many chapels of the civil airports and air force bases around the world.

The decree co-signed by Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, Major Penitentiary and Regent Father Krzysztof Józef Nykiel also states that “the faithful will draw from the generous extension good intentions and spiritual vigor to be implemented in life according to the law of the Gospel”.

Bishops rally behind #ZimbabweanLivesMatter campaign - Vatican News
Bishops rally behind #ZimbabweanLivesMatter campaign

Paul Samasumo – Vatican City

“Fear runs down the spine of many of our people today. The crackdown on dissent is unprecedented. Is this the Zimbabwe we want? To have a different opinion does not mean to be an enemy. It is precisely from the contrast of opinion that the light comes. Our government automatically labels anyone thinking differently as an enemy of the country: that is an abuse,” said the Bishops in a Pastoral Letter released Friday. The letter is signed by all the country’s Catholic Bishops.

Suppression of people’s anger leads to a profound crisis

The Bishops add, “The call for demonstrations is the expression of growing frustration and aggravation caused by the conditions that the majority of Zimbabweans find themselves in. Suppression of people’s anger can only serve to deepen the crisis and take the nation into deeper crisis.”

The Government of President Emmerson Mnangagwa has widely been criticised for human rights abuses that have seen the country’s police and military unleashed on activists, journalists as well as the public. Several observers, such as Amnesty International, -all paint a climate of fear and brutal repression; forced disappearances, arrests, street abductions, and torture of the government’s critics.


The government’s crackdown on peaceful protests has given rise to the hashtag, #ZimbabweanLivesMatter, inspired no doubt by the global movement, #BlackLivesMatter.

Among those still detained, in Zimbabwe, are Hopewell Chin’ono, an awarding-winning journalist. Also, in detention together with many others is Jacob Ngarivhume, leader of Transform Zimbabwe. The two high profile detainees have been charged with inciting public protests and violence.

Lawyers from Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights said detainees were being held in inhuman prison conditions.

Earlier, Zimbabwean President Mnangagwa, appeared to rebuff South Africa’s attempts to mediate and help ease the country’s crisis. Zimbabwe’s Catholic Bishops describe the failure of South Africa’s emissaries to meet with Church and civil society as regrettable and probably an opportunity missed.

A leadership that blames everyone but itself

According to the Bishops, the country’s political leadership needs to take full responsibility and stop blaming others for the country’s misfortunes.

“It is not clear to us as your Bishops that the national leadership we have has the knowledge, social skills, emotional stability and social orientation to handle the issues that we face as a nation. All we hear from them is blame of our woes on foreigners, colonialism, white settlers, and the so-called internal detractors. When are we going to take responsibility? While our neighbours in the region are strengthening their democratic institutions, we seem to be weakening ours,” reads the Pastoral Letter, in part.

During COVID-19, where does a nation turn to?

“In the face of growing numbers of COVID-19 infections, where does the nation turn to? With the necessary tools in short supply in our hospitals, we notice with wounded hearts, that government officials seem to have more PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) than our nurses and doctors,” observe the Bishops.

The march is never ended

“We make an urgent plea to peace and national building through inclusive engagement, dialogue and collective responsibility for transformation. We are also conscious that the COVID-19 pandemic will expose us to new challenges for the foreseeable future. Indeed, as John Lewis (the African American politician and civil rights leader) realised, the march is never ended, but together we will overcome,” said the Zimbabwe prelates.

Lourdes Director: Visit of Cardinal Parolin a sign of encouragement - Vatican News
Lourdes Director: Visit of Cardinal Parolin a sign of encouragement

By Lydia O’Kane

Over the past few months’ people around the world have had to adapt to a different way of living, working and also praying due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

But it hasn’t stopped the four-day annual French National Pilgrimage to Lourdes getting underway.

On Wednesday, the 147th edition of the pilgrimage began with Holy Mass in the Church of St Bernadette.

The event, which is organised by the Congregation of the Assumptionists, runs from the 12-16 August and has as its theme: “Going to the Source of Love”.

Although the pilgrimage is going ahead, this edition will not see the vast crowds of previous years due to social distancing restrictions.

The sick are not alone

Fr Vincent Cabanac is director of the French National Pilgrimage. He explained that despite the difficulties regarding the pandemic, this year’s pilgrimage is a “rendezvous” they wanted to maintain.

This year, there will be a delegation of just 500 pilgrims who will be present at the event. But other pilgrims will be able to follow all the main events online, and those who are sick will also be able to be part of the pilgrimage via radio and television.

We don’t want the sick to “feel alone”, said the National Director, and that is why there will be this digital connection from them to the Sanctuary.

Although COVID-19 has changed the format of this gathering, there is still a rich array of events over the course of the four days. The programme includes the recitation of the Rosary, concerts, processions, vigils and testimonies.

Listen to the interview

Restrictions in place

For health reasons, and to respect physical and social distancing, bathing is not possible at the Sanctuary at present. But Fr Cabanac points out that in a symbolic gesture, people will be able to come to the baths and will be able to wash their face and hands.

Visit of Cardinal Parolin

At the invitation of the organizers of the national pilgrimage, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin is visiting the Shrine at Lourdes to preside over Mass for the Feast of the Assumption on August 15.

He had been invited to the shrine before the coronavirus outbreak. 

This is the Cardinal’s third visit to Lourdes since become Vatican Secretary of State. In 2017 he visited the Shrine as Pope Francis’ representative for the World Day of the Sick; and in 2018 for the St Francis de Sales Days.

Speaking about Cardinal Parolin’s presence at Lourdes, Fr Cabanac said, “It is a very important sign for us that the Cardinal visits.” With his presence he is giving an expression of encouragement that is faithful and humble.

“The Cardinal,” said the Assumptionist Priest, “is giving a strong message of prayer not only for France but for the world, presenting his intention here in the Grotto of Massabielle and this visit will be very important for us, for France and for the Church.”

Vatican Museum: Beauty that Unites! 62 - Vatican News
Vatican Museum: Beauty that Unites! 62

Pinturicchio,  Assumption of the Virgin, Borgia Apartment, Room of Mysteries, Fresco,
© Musei Vaticani.

© Musei Vaticani

We are certain that each one of us is precious in your eyes
and that nothing in our hearts has estranged you.
May that we allow your sweet gaze
to reach us and the perpetual warmth of your smile.
Guard our life with your embrace:
bless and strengthen every desire for good;
give new life and nourishment to faith;
sustain and enlighten hope;
awaken and animate charity;
guide us all on the path to holiness.

(Pope Francis, Act of Entrustment to Mary to the Virgin of Fatima,
Pope Francis,  13 October 2013)

For more information, click here.

Under the direction of Paolo Ondarza
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Uganda looks online for answers to COVID economic crisis
Uganda looks online for answers to COVID economic crisis

Ruth Tindyebwa, a market vendor in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, was badly affected by the government’s lockdown measures, imposed on March 22. Much of her custom came from people walking past her stall on the way to work. After the restrictions were put into place, this source of income dried up. Things have now turned around, however, thanks to a project set up by the UN, in collaboration with a local company called Safeboda.

Safer options

Safeboda promises users a safer option than the usual “bodabodas”, the motorcycle taxis, often unlicenced, that weave their way through the streets of Uganda and other east African countries. 

The company operates in a way that is familiar to users of well-known taxi-hailing platforms, such as Uber or Lyft: users download an app, enter their destination and see the estimated cost of their ride. The company offers assurances that the drivers will be safe, well-trained and professional.

After the Ugandan government enacted its lockdown measures, the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), responded by launching its partnership with Safeboda, creating a new e-commerce platform that connects market vendors to customers. 

Orders for produce are placed via the Safeboda app, and paid for, using its mobile wallet feature. The company’s accredited riders then deliver the produce.

The result has been a boost in trade for hundreds of market vendors, regular income for the bodaboda drivers, and a safe way for customers to receive the goods.

Ms. Tindyebwa was one of the first market vendors to sign up to the project: her daily sales are now even higher than they were before lockdown. “The most amazing part is that I can save for my children’s school fees on my e-wallet as I wait for the schools to reopen after this lockdown,” she says.

‘E-commerce has come and it will never go away’


A market vendor uses the SafeBoda app which connects vendors to households using the SafeBoda transport service during the COVID-19 lockdown in Kampala, Uganda.

The Safeboda scheme is not the only partnership launched by the UN in Uganda. In May, the UN Development Programme, UNDP, joined forces with Jumia Foods, the country’s largest e-commerce company, to create an online platform specifically designed to connect some of the most vulnerable members of the workforce with potential customers.

The initiative is designed to empower those hit hardest in the informal trade sector, and more than 60 per cent of those who have signed up for it are women, young people, and persons with disabilities. 

It also helps to connect farmers, keeping alive the flow of products from rural areas to urban markets. As part of the support, UNDP is providing sellers more than 3,000 vendors in five Kampala markets, with smartphones, airtime, and data packages.

At the launch of the partnership in May, Amelia Kyambadde, Uganda’s Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, declared that she expects it to promote the growth of online commerce. “One of the lessons we have learnt is that e-commerce has come, and it will never go away”, she said.

Elsie Attafuah, the UNDP Resident Representative in Uganda, was equally upbeat, describing the partnership with Jumia as a “safe, convenient and fast service to the citizens of Uganda”, which will boost trade. 

COVID-19 presents not only a health but also a humanitarian and development crisis that is threatening to leave deep social, economic and political scars for years. It is, therefore, important to expand e-commerce to enable business continuity, support livelihoods and enable early recovery from the pandemic”, she added.

Innovating a way out of crisis

One of the aims of such partnerships, is to demonstrate the many benefits of digital services to small businesses and consumers, and encourage further digital innovation, leading to sustainable growth in the Ugandan economy. 

In many other ways, the UN is working closely with Ugandan government to turn things around, by using digital tools. 

Vendors chatting at a vegetable stand in a marketplace in Kampala, Uganda., by Arne Hoel/World Bank

The UN Safeboda and Jumia schemes are just two examples of the ways in which online commerce can help to kickstart, in a sustainable way that benefits all, the Ugandan economy. Like so many other countries around the world, Uganda is struggling to cope with the devastating effects of the economic crisis brought about by COVID-19.

The World Bank estimates that real GDP growth this year will be less than 2 per cent, compared with almost 5.6 per cent in 2019.

The UN agency for trade, UNCTAD, has made several recommendations, on how to improve the supply of digital services in Uganda, and UNDP is supporting the government in its development of an e-commerce strategy, which has seen new laws have been passed, aimed at improving people’s trust in online transactions. 

E-commerce has been identified by the UN as a powerful way to drive growth, boost trade and create jobs, but many developing countries are still lagging behind in this area. 

Through initiatives such as UNCTAD’s e-trade for all platform, which aims to coordinate the efforts of NGOs, foundations, and others, to harness the potential of the internet for economic development, it is hoped that the progress seen in Uganda can be replicated elsewhere, as governments attempt to navigate their way out of this unprecedented global crisis.

UN chief: Belarusians must be able to exercise their ‘civil and political rights’
UN chief: Belarusians must be able to exercise their ‘civil and political rights’

Following the announcement that authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko – who has ruled since 1994 – had a landslide victory in Sunday’s presidential election, largely peaceful protests erupted throughout country, prompting a heavy crackdown by the security forces.

Later, women holding flowers dressed in white formed human chains throughout the capital of Minsk and other cities, protesting police brutality. 

The UN chief said that Belarusians must be permitted to express their views peacefully “in accordance with the law” and that the authorities must “show restraint in responding to demonstrations”. 

Moreover, he upheld that “allegations of torture and other mistreatment of people under detention must be thoroughly investigated”.  

The Secretary-General concluded by calling on Belarusians to “address post-election grievances through dialogue to preserve peace in the country”.  

Human rights censures

Throughout the week, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has castigated the Belarusian authorities for unwarranted aggressions.

Yesterday, five independent UN human rights experts  sharply criticized the level of violence that security forces across the country were using against demonstrators and journalists, following five days of protesting over the disputed election.

And on Wednesday, the UN human rights chief, Michelle Bachelet, condemned the authorities’ violence, remindingthe authorities that “the use of force during protests should always be exceptional and a measure of last resort”.

Video conference of Foreign Affairs Ministers: Main outcomes
Video conference of Foreign Affairs Ministers: Main outcomes

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, convened on Friday 14 August a video conference meeting with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the 27 EU Member States. The aim of the discussions was to address the pressing situations in the Eastern Mediterranean and in Belarus after the August 9 Presidential Elections. The Ministers also touched upon the situations in LebanonVenezuela and Bolivia.

The High Representative will remain in constant contact with the Ministers on these and other issues in the coming weeks, ahead of the informal Foreign Affairs Council (‘Gymnich’), which will take place on 27-28 August in Berlin.

Eastern Mediterranean

The Ministers discussed the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, following a grave deterioration of the security situation in recent days.

Three words reflect the outcome of the discussion: solidarity, de-escalation, and dialogue.


Ministers reaffirmed the EU’s full solidarity with Greece and Cyprus. They reiterated that sovereign rights of EU Member States must be respected. They recalled EU common positions and the previous Council Conclusions of 22 March 2018 and JuneJulyOctoberDecember 2019, in addition to the Statement on the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean of 15 May 2020.

At the same time, Ministers stressed that the serious deterioration in the relationship with Turkey is having far-reaching strategic consequences for the entire EU, well beyond the Eastern Mediterranean.


Ministers stressed in particular that recent naval mobilisations by Turkey do not contribute to finding any solutions. On the contrary, they will lead to greater antagonism and distrust. They create a heightened risk of dangerous incidents. Immediate de-escalation by Turkey was considered crucial.


Ministers recalled the importance they attach to relations with Turkey. They underlined that issues related to delimitation of maritime boundaries and exploitation of resources therein can only be addressed through dialogue and negotiation, in good faith, in accordance with international law and in pursuit of the principle of good neighbourly relations, and not through unilateral actions and the mobilisation of naval forces.

Ministers recalled the outcome of the Foreign Affairs Council of 13 July. They reiterated strong support for the High Representative’s efforts to re-establish dialogue and facilitate re-engagement with Turkey. At the same time, the High Representative/Vice-President is to prepare options on further appropriate measures in case tensions do not abate.

A broader discussion about relations with Turkey will be held later in August, at the Gymnich.


The EU Foreign Ministers addressed the Belarusian Presidential elections that took place on 9 August.

Ministers reiterated their repeated call to the Belarusian authorities to stop the disproportionate and unacceptable violence against peaceful protesters. The EU expects the authorities to release immediately all unlawfully detained persons. In light of shocking reports of inhumane treatment and detention conditions, the European Union expects a thorough and transparent investigation into all alleged abuses, in order to hold those responsible to account.

During their discussions, the Ministers sent a strong signal of the EU’s support to the Belarusian population in their desire for democratic change. The Ministers noted the exceptional work of the domestic election observers, whose reporting, in the absence of international election observers, has been crucial in helping to reveal the true picture regarding last Sunday’s elections. They discussed how to support this vital work.

The Ministers reiterated that the elections were neither free nor fair. The European Union considers the results to have been falsified and therefore does not accept the results of the election as presented by the Belarus Central Election Commission. The European Union will therefore put forward to the Belarusian authorities a proposal for EU support in in establishing and facilitating a dialogue between the political authorities, opposition and broader society in view of resolving the current crisis. The High Representative/Vice-President and his services will begin work on this proposal immediately.

Ministers also agreed on the need to sanction those responsible for violence, repression and the falsification of election results. The work on additional listings within the existing sanctions framework for Belarus will start immediately.

The Ministers expressed appreciation for the work of journalists in the difficult conditions that they are facing and condemned attacks on and detentions of journalists, including EU citizens.

The Ministers agreed to revert to reviewing EU-Belarus relations at their upcoming informal meeting end of August. As part of this review, the European Union will look at how to increase its support to the Belarusian people, including through enhanced engagement with and financial support to civil society, additional support to independent media, and increasing opportunities for student and academic mobility.


Ministers took stock of the situation in Lebanon following the devastating explosion in Beirut port on 4 August. The High Representative/Vice-President and Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi updated Ministers about the rapid and substantial EU efforts to assist Lebanon and thanked France for organising, with the United Nations, the recent International Conference in support of the Lebanese people.

Ministers underlined the need for a robust monitoring of the aid to ensure that it is transferred directly to those in need. They also noted the ongoing work of the EU, together with the World Bank and the United Nations, to prepare a post-disaster needs assessment.

Following the recent political developments, Ministers reiterated the need to have a capable, representative and accountable Lebanese government that delivers on a credible reform agenda, including good governance, accountability and transparency. 

Ministers reiterated the need for Lebanese authorities to urgently address the economic and social crisis and rebuild trust through an agreement with the International Monetary Fund. The Lebanese authorities also need to ensure an independent and credible investigation of the blast. The EU stands ready to provide further help.


Ministers discussed the situation in Venezuela, in particular the current deadlock on the upcoming legislative elections. High Representative/Vice-President Borrell outlined his contacts over recent weeks with the Maduro government and main opposition groups in this regard.

Ministers discussed the EU’s willingness to assist all genuine Venezuelan efforts to find a political solution. This could include the deployment of an EU Electoral Observation Mission, if there were minimum conditions of credibility, transparency and inclusiveness, and the ability to observe the electoral process without interference.


Ministers discussed the situation in Bolivia, noting the need for peaceful dialogue and for all parties to set aside their differences and commit to a solution that addresses both coronavirus-related concerns and the right of the people to vote. The EU will continue to support dialogue and mediation efforts to support this goal.

The EU remains committed to deploy an Election Observation Mission in Bolivia if conditions, including health and security, permit.

Europe Tractor Market to Reach Volumes of over 350 Thousand Units by 2023 – Arizton
Europe Tractor Market to Reach Volumes of over 350 Thousand Units by 2023 – Arizton
              <h2 class="fe_heading2">Europe Tractor Market to Reach Volumes of over 350 Thousand Units by 2023 – Arizton</h2>
              </p><div readability="397.36661414711">

Aug 14, 2020 (AB Digital via COMTEX) —

The tractor market in Europe is expected to reach volumes of around 350 thousand units by 2023, growing at a CAGR of over 5% 2018–2023. 

The increasing use of advanced machinery in agricultural activities such as plowing the fields to get them ready for crop sowing is one of the major drivers of the tractor market in Europe. The growing demand for agriculture equipment such as rotavators and combines and effective monetary policies will augment the development of the global market. The latest mandate of the Mother Regulation for the manufactures as well as the requirements of the farmers and farm landholders who choose agriculture tractors based on usage and the land area will propel the growth of the market in the European region.

Tractor market in Europe is driven by the mandate regarding stage v diesel engine and emission norms established by government regulations. Countries such as France, Italy, Spain, and Germany are the largest producer of both agriculture and crop output in the European market. The market research report provides in-depth market analysis and segmental analysis of the European market by HP type, wheel drive, and countries.

The report considers the present scenario of the tractor market in Europe and its market dynamics for the period 2018−2023. It covers a detailed overview of various market growth enablers, restraints, and trends. The study covers both the demand and supply sides of the market. It also profiles and analyzes the leading companies and various other prominent companies operating in the market.


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Europe Tractor Market – Vendor Profiles


Major Vendors

  • Deere & Company
  • CNH Industrial
  • AGCO
  • Kubota


Prominent Players

  • SDF
  • Claas
  • Argo Tractors
  • Lovol Arbos Group
  • Carraro
  • Tumosan
  • Mahindra & Mahindra


Europe Tractor Market – Segmentation


Market Segmentation by HP Type

  • 40-100 HP
  • 100+ HP
  • 4 WD

Market Segmentation by Wheel Drive

Market Segmentation by Countries

  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Poland
  • Netherlands
  • Spain
  • Russia
  • Turkey
  • Belgium
  • Italy


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Europe Tractor Market – Table of Contents



1          Research Methodology

2          Research Objectives

3          Research Process


4          Report Coverage

4.1       Tractor Market in Europe Definition

4.2       Base Year

4.3       Scope of Study

4.3.1   Market segmentation by HP type

4.3.2   Market segmentation by wheel drive

4.3.3   Market segmentation by country


5          Report Assumptions & Caveats

5.1       Key Caveats

5.2       Inclusions

5.3       Exclusions

5.4       Currency Conversion

5.5       Tractor Market in Europe Derivation


6          Tractor Market in Europe at a Glance


7          Introduction

7.1       Overview


8          Tractor Market in Europe Dynamics

8.1       Tractor Market in Europe Growth Enablers

8.1.1   Growing food consumption and export of organic products

8.1.2   Increasing farm sizes

8.1.3   Socio-demographic changes in Europe

8.1.4   Financial assistance to young farmers

8.1.5   YOY Impact of Market Growth Enablers

8.2       Tractor Market in Europe Growth Restraints

8.2.1   Latest type-approval regulations to hamper new sales

8.2.2   Fluctuating commodity prices

8.2.3   Increasing demand for used tractors

8.2.4   Need to control input costs through minimum labor wage warrants

8.2.5   YOY Impact of Market Growth Restraints

8.3       Tractor Market in Europe Opportunities & Trends

8.3.1   Technological advancements in tractors

8.3.2   Growing usage of rental tractors

8.3.3   YOY Impact of Market Opportunities & Trends


9          Agriculture Tractor Market in Europe

9.1       Tractor Market in Europe Overview

9.1.1   Historic Data 2010–2016

9.1.2   Tractor Market in Europe Size & Forecast

9.2       Type-Approval (Mother) Regulations in Europe

9.3       Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

9.3.1   Threat of New Entrants

9.3.2   Bargaining Power of Suppliers

9.3.3   Bargaining Power of Buyers

9.3.4   Threat of Substitutes

9.3.5   Competitive Rivalry


10        Agriculture Tractor market in Europe by Wheel Drive

10.1    Market Overview

10.2    Market in Europe By 2WD Tractors

10.2.1 Market Size & Forecast

10.3    Market In Europe By 4WD Tractors

10.3.1 Market Size & Forecast


11        Agriculture Tractor Market in Europe by HP

11.1    Market Overview

11.2    Agriculture tractor market in Europe by

11.2.1 Market Size & Forecast

11.3    Agriculture tractor market in Europe by 40–100 HP

11.3.1 Market Size & Forecast

11.4    Agriculture tractor market in Europe by >100 HP

11.4.1 Market Size & Forecast

11.5    Agriculture tractor market in Europe by 4WD

11.5.1 Market Size & Forecast


12        Agriculture Tractor Market In Europe by Major Countries


13        Agriculture Tractor Market in UK

13.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

13.2    Market Size & Forecast

13.2.1 Brexit Impact on UK Agriculture Industry

13.3    Market in UK by HP


13.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

13.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

13.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

13.4    Market Share Analysis


14        Market in Germany

14.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

14.2    Market Size & Forecast

14.3    Market in Germany by HP


14.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

14.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

14.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

14.4    Market Share Analysis


15        Market in France

15.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

15.2    Market Size & Forecast

15.3    Market in France by HP


15.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

15.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

15.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

15.4    Market Share Analysis                   


16        Market in Russia

16.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

16.2    Market Size & Forecast

16.3    Market in Russia by HP


16.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

16.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

16.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

16.4    Market Share Analysis


17        Market in Italy

17.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

17.2    Market Size & Forecast

17.3    Market in Italy by HP


17.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

17.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

17.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

17.4    Market Share Analysis


18        Market In Belgium

18.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

18.2    Market Size & Forecast

18.3    Market in Belgium by HP


18.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

18.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

18.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

18.4    Market Share Analysis


19        Market in Poland

19.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

19.2    Market Size & Forecast

19.3    Market in Poland by HP


19.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

19.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

19.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

19.4    Market Share Analysis


20        Market in Turkey

20.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

20.2    Market Size & Forecast

20.3    Market in turkey by HP


20.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

20.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

20.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

20.4    Market Share Analysis


21        Market in the Netherlands

21.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

21.2    Market Size & Forecast

21.3    Market in NETHERLANDS BY HP


21.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

21.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

21.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

21.4    Market Share Analysis


22        Market in Spain

22.1    Historic Data 2010–2016

22.2    Market Size & Forecast

22.3    Market in Spain by HP


22.3.2 40–100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

22.3.3 >100 HP Segment: Market Size & Forecast

22.3.4 4WD Segment: Market Size & Forecast

22.4    Market Share Analysis


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‘To share in order to grow’ – Working together to assist internally displaced persons - Vatican News
‘To share in order to grow’ – Working together to assist internally displaced persons – Vatican News

By Vatican News

On September 27, the Church will mark the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.

The first observance of the Day was in 1914, just a few months before the outbreak of World War I, when Pope St Pius X called on all Christians to pray for migrants. In 2005, Pope St John Paul II announced that the World Day would be celebrated throughout the Church on the second Sunday after Epiphany; in 2018, at the request of various Bishops’ conferences, Pope Francis moved the celebration to the last Sunday in September.

In his Message for this year’s commemoration, Pope Francis writes, “God did not want the resources of our planet to benefit only a few. This was not the Lord’s will! We have to learn to share in order to grow together, leaving no one behind.”

Eric’s story

This week, the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development has published its fourth video in a communications campaign to help spread Pope Francis’ message.

In the video, Eric Estrada Buenaño tells about his experience as an internally displaced person in Venezuela.

“I became a displaced person for several reasons,” he explains: “lack of drinking water and domestic gas, and insecurity.” He notes, too, that his home state “is remote and has always had problems with guerillas, lawlessness, organized crime and kidnappings.”

Like a second family

Eric has found a home with a new family, who have given him a place to live, shared their food, and helped him find work. “They are like a second family to me,” he says, “and [they] have assisted me enormously.”

“They have helped me grow in faith,” he adds.

Sharing makes us more human

Drawing on his own experience, Eric says, “There are people who need our help. Sharing makes us more human, strengthens our faith in God, and makes us feel like His children.”

But sharing, he says, is about more than simply sharing material resources: “It is also about sharing our life experience, our joys, love, a word of encouragement.”

“Everything that we can give will do good; somehow, it will help someone,” Eric insists.

Israel and UAE announce deal normalising relations - Vatican News
Israel and UAE announce deal normalising relations

By Nathan Morley

This is a major breakthrough for Israel, but also a foreign policy victory for President Donald Trump who is now focused on the upcoming US elections in November.

“Now that the ice has been broken I expect more Arab and Muslim countries will follow the United Arab Emirates,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office.

Historic deal

It is the first Israeli-Arab peace agreement since Israel and Jordan signed a treaty back in 1994.

Under its terms, Israel and the United Arab Emirates will exchange ambassadors and embassies, and set up air, technology, communications, shipping and other links.

An important point came with the revelation that Israel had agreed to suspend plans to annex part of the West Bank, an issue which had fractured hopes of any peace deal with the Palestinians.

New era in relations

Speaking in Jerusalem, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: “Today, a new era began in the relations of the state of Israel with the Arab world.”

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, said he was “gratified by today’s announcement”.