Social Affairs Commission: “Towards a just social and green recovery”

Social Affairs Commission: Towards a just social and green recovery

The EU strategies for recovery from the ongoing Covid-19 and climate crisis was the main focus of discussion of the COMECE Social Affairs Commission, which was held online on Monday 30 November and Tuesday 1st December 2020, under the chairmanship of H.E. Mgr. Antoine Hérouard.Social Affairs Commission Screen shot

Building on its May 2020 statement “Let Europe recover through justice, the Social Affairs Commission dedicated its work on the steps necessary to put forward an ecological and social transition allowing a recovery from the Covid-19 and climate crises without leaving anyone behind.

Together with representatives from EU institutions, the experts delegated by the Bishops’ Conferences of the EU reflected on the EU recovery instrument, Next Generation EU, and on policies to set up for a better care of our common house, while answering to Pope Francis’ renewed call for solidarity in his last Encyclical Letter “Fratelli Tutti”.

Under the chairmanship of H.E. Mgr. Antoine Hérouard, Auxiliary Bishop of Lille, and with the participation of trade unions, UNIAPAC President Mr. Bruno Bobone, and Eurofound, the Commission also looked at how to respond to challenges posed by the digitalization of our economy in the area of the future of work, and at how to promote policies that will ensure decent working conditions for all.

These reflections follow up from the contribution “Shaping the Future of Work”, which was elaborated in 2018 by the Social Affairs Commission in close dialogue with experts of Catholic-inspired organisations from across the EU.

The COMECE Social Affairs Commission will meet again next Spring to reflect on one of the key initiatives of the European Commission in 2021 , the improvement of the conditions of people working in the platform economy. The Commission will also give its contribution to different upcoming consultations of the European Commission in the areas of the future of work and social inclusion.