In China, unmarried women over the age of 27 have come up with an offensive name

The Chinese government has taken drastic measures. Now women who are not married before the age of 27 are officially considered a stale commodity and are called “leftover”.

Most of China’s female population is extremely upset that women who did not marry before the age of 30 are now stigmatized and considered white crows in society, reports Raut.

The Communist government has ordered members of the All-China Women’s Feminist Federation to use a derogatory term in published articles about a growing number of educated, professional, ambitious, but single women aged 27-30 who have “failed” to find a suitable husband. They are now declared non-grata.

The government went even further and published an article entitled “Women-eaters (remnants) do not deserve our sympathy.”

The derogatory name was picked up by the state media and spread across the country, causing outrage among millions of ambitious young and educated women who claim to be dumped, although the problem is not their unwillingness to marry, but simply the lack of worthy candidates for husbands.

By doing so, the government intends to counter the growing gender imbalance among the 1.3 billion population. The fact is that 118 boys per 100 girls are born in China.

When June Ding goes on a date, she tries to look as modest as possible. In no case do not wear a short top, do not decorate the neck with a necklace, do not wear a neckline. Her choice is a closed sweater and scarf. A man speaks during a date. June’s role is to listen carefully, show maximum interest and gently stroke the man’s ego every minute of conversation.

27-year-old June such dates are not easy. She is by no means a chamomile girl: a cheerful, sociable, sharp-tongued graduate of one of the best schools in her city, who later graduated from Yale University and worked as a lawyer in New York. Like many of her fellow citizens, June felt homesick and returned to her home country, to her parents. Now they are trying hard to help their daughter fulfill her main purpose – to get married.

“Don’t laugh out loud!” June’s mother warns. One of her main tips is to restrain any expressions of pleasure and fun in the presence of a Chinese gentleman. Father June, a university professor, suggests replacing laughter with Mona Lisa’s restrained smile.

Only the word “wife” and its derivatives have a more ancient root. And let’s take Latin, there we will find: “genere” (to give birth), “genetivus” (genitive case), “genus” (genus) … Or in Greek: “gyne” (woman), “gynaikaion” (gynecology, female) half of the house) … And if a woman refuses to give birth, then who is she? By definition, which is contained in the word itself, denoting it – “giving birth” – is no longer a woman. But he’s not a man! .. Then who ?! “

“Ambitious single women are not worthy of our sympathy.” – The government says. This whole situation is rather strange. Recently, China has been concerned about overpopulation, and now, instead of encouraging such girls, they are openly oppressed.

“Marriage and  raising children are the main reasons for the unfair treatment of women in the job market,” said Guo Sheng, CEO of Zhaopin.

“The stereotype is that women shoulder more duties in a family, such as doing chores and raising children, which distracts them from their jobs and hurts their chances for promotion as a result of unsatisfying work performance. It’s just unfair,” he said.

The Zhaopin report surveyed 86,510 people across the nation.

Another report focusing on the situation of Chinese women in the workforce by Linkedln, an employment-oriented website based in Sunnyvale, California, shows that one-third of the surveyed Chinese women registered with the site changed jobs or chose to freelance after having a baby, and 46 percent said they either turned down job offers or failed to get a job because of pregnancy.

The LinkedIn report covered 1,100 Chinese women who gave birth within the past two years.

Luo Ying, a 30-year-old mother who quit her job after becoming pregnant, said, “I worked for a private company before resigning. I could sense that my boss was unhappy when I told him I was going to have a baby, but he didn’t say anything. When he assigned me to a project requiring a two-week business trip, I quit. My baby is much more important.”

Liang Jianzhang, a professor at Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management, said, “Childcare services should be accessible to more women workers to help them return to work. Also, companies are encouraged to employ more flexible work schedules for workers, especially women workers who have just delivered their babies and are still breastfeeding.”

The gender gap, however, does not exist only in China, but is a universal problem that remains to be tackled, according to a report for 2018 released by the World Economic Forum.

The report shows that, globally, women’s salaries were only half those of men in 2018, and female employees occupied only one-third of management posts. Worldwide, the report says, achieving equal work for equal pay would take as long as 202 years to achieve given the current rate of progress.