Atún tropical en la mira, Bloom se queja de flagrante fraude por parte de barcos franceses

Tuna // Comunicado de prensa de Bloom – El 31 de mayo, BLOOM y Blue Marine Foundation presentaron una denuncia ante el Ministerio Público en el Tribunal judicial de París contra los 21 buques de la flota pesquera de túnidos tropicales registrados en Francia, por apagar ilegalmente su AIS (Automático…

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Tropical tuna targeted, Bloom complains of flagrant fraud by French vessels

Tuna // Press release by Bloom – On 31 May, BLOOM and  Blue Marine Foundation have lodged a complaint with the Public Prosecutor at the Paris judicial Court against all 21 vessels in the tropical tuna fishing fleet registered in France, for illegally switching off their AIS (Automatic…

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Thon tropical ciblé, Bloom se plaint d’une fraude flagrante des navires français

Tuna // Communiqué de Bloom – Le 31 mai, BLOOM et Blue Marine Foundation ont porté plainte auprès du Procureur de la République près le Tribunal judiciaire de Paris contre l’ensemble des 21 navires de la flotte de pêche au thon tropical immatriculés en France, pour désactivation illégale de leur AIS (Automatique…

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Tropical tuna targeted, Bloom complains of flagrant fraud by French vessels

Tuna // Press release by Bloom – On 31 May, BLOOM and  Blue Marine Foundation have lodged a complaint with the Public Prosecutor at the Paris judicial Court against all 21 vessels in the tropical tuna fishing fleet registered in France, for illegally switching off their AIS (Automatic…

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