Bulgaria is selling dollar bonds for the first time in over 20 years

The caretaker government aims to cover 1.5 billion euros worth of bonds maturing next week

Bulgaria will offer US dollar-denominated bonds for the first time in 22 years as it tries to plug its budget deficit and pay off maturing debt amid a prolonged political crisis, Bloomberg…

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275 million euros processed in FX transactions by iBanFirst Bulgaria in 2024 -europeantimes.news-

In the first half of 2024 the leading global provider of foreign exchange and international payments for businesses, iBanFirst,  processed 275 million euros in FX transactions for Bulgarian trading companies. In comparison to the same period last year this is an increase of 90% that was driven…

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actualites en français

Financial scandal in the Vatican: Cardinal was sentenced to prison

This is happening for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church

A cardinal was sentenced to prison by a Vatican court. This is happening for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church, and the sentence was pronounced in a landmark case for a financial scandal involving…

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actualites en français

Russia is preparing a pilot introduction of the digital ruble – europeantimes.news

The digital ruble will be offered to everyone after it has been tested among a narrow circle of real customers. This was stated in the State Duma of Russia by the governor of the Central bank, Elvira Nabiulina, quoted by TASS.

“We are ready to proceed with the pilot introduction of the…

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Chypre a levé 1 milliard d’euros d’obligations

Le 4 avril, Chypre a publié sa première émission d’obligations à long terme alors que les gouvernements profitaient de la forte demande pour ces actifs après des semaines de marchés obligataires volatils. Cela a été rapporté par Reuters. Nicosie a levé 1 milliard d’euros lors de sa première émission obligataire à long terme, la dette du pays…

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