The First Christian Pentecost (II)

By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

Acts. 2:26 a.m. Therefore my heart rejoiced, and my tongue rejoiced; and also my flesh shall rest in hope.

Acts. 2:27. Because You will not leave my soul in hell and You will not allow Your saint to see corruption.

“My flesh shall rest in hope, for Thou wilt not…

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The first Christian Pentecost (I)

By prof. A.P. Lopukhin

Chapter 2, Acts of the Apostles. 1 – 4. The first Christian Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. 5 – 13. The astonishment of the people. 14 – 36. Speech of the Apostle Peter. 37 – 45. The impact of the first sermon. 43 – 47. The…

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