Europe Day 2024: European institutions welcome citizens to their Open Day events | News

On the occasion of Europe Day, citizens will have the opportunity to visit all the EU institutions in Brussels and beyond, learning more about what Europe does for and with them.
European Parliament
The Europe Day event in the European Parliament on 4 May will start with an opening ceremony…

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2024 elections: Media arrangements for Eurovision Debate and Election Night | News

A. Eurovision Debate (23 May)
The Eurovision Debate with the lead candidates to the presidency of the Commission will take place on May 23 from 15.00 – 16.45 in the plenary chamber in Brussels.
The event is organised by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), in collaboration with…

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Shoigu’s deputy is detained for corruption

The Deputy Minister of Defence of Russia, Timur Ivanov, was detained for corruption, he is suspected of taking bribes in particularly large amounts, the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced.

President Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei…

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Parliament condemns Iran’s attack on Israel and calls for de-escalation | News

Condemning the Iranian strikes on13 and 14 April, Parliament voices serious concern over the escalation and threat to regional security. MEPs reiterate their full support for the security of the State of Israel and its citizens and condemn the simultaneous rocket launches carried out by…

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Can the Orthodox Church help with the exchange of prisoners of war between Ukraine and Russia

On the eve of the greatest Orthodox holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, wives and mothers of prisoners of war from Russia and Ukraine are asking the superiors, clergy and all believers in Orthodox countries to cooperate with the authorities for the release of their sons, brothers and…

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PACE defined the Russian Church as an “ideological extension of Vladimir Putin’s regime”

On April 17, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution related to the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The adopted document said the Russian state “persecuted and ultimately killed” Navalny for joining the opposition to Vladimir…

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