HUNGARIAN EU PRESIDENCY | European Churches meet with Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén

An ecumenical delegation representing the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE)  and the Conference of European Churches (CEC) met with Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén on Monday, 24 June 2024, in Budapest, to discuss their concerns and…

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Patriarch Bartholomew: To remain silent in the face of the cruelty of war is shameful!

“War is always destructive. To remain silent in the face of the cruelty of war is shameful! It is our duty and mission to protect and promote peace. “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matt. 5:9). With these words, His Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew began his short address to…

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The new government in Skopje rejected the deal with Bulgaria

Lawmakers in North Macedonia approved the new nationalist-dominated government of Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski, whose party won parliamentary elections in May, riding on voter anger at the slow pace of European Union integration, reported Reuters.

After a third vote and a technical…

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The leader of the independence protests in New Caledonia arrested

Police in New Caledonia have arrested the leader of the country’s independence protest, Reuters reports. Christian Thane was detained before giving a press conference. Apart from Thane, seven other people have been arrested.

Thane led a branch of the Caledonian Union, which organized…

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Russia will hand over a river to China for access to the Sea of Japan

Russia, China and North Korea will soon begin negotiations to allow Chinese ships to pass through the border Tumen River in the Sea of Japan. This was reported by NEXTA TV, citing The Moscow Times and Nikkei Asia.

The Tumen River flows along the border of China, North Korea and Russia and…

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actualites en français

Election 2024: Updated seat projection for new European Parliament | News

DISCLAIMER: Information and opinions reproduced in the articles are the ones of those stating them and it is their own responsibility. Publication in The European Times does not automatically means endorsement of the view, but the right to express it.

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European elections: the “Use Your Vote” video reaches over 504 million views | News

DISCLAIMER: Information and opinions reproduced in the articles are the ones of those stating them and it is their own responsibility. Publication in The European Times does not automatically means endorsement of the view, but the right to express it.

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actualites en français

European elections: EU institutions prepared to counter disinformation | News

The European elections are a flagship of European democracy. As documented by e.g. the European Digital Media Observatory, disinformation actors from inside and outside the EU seek to undermine the integrity of the electoral process, trust in democratic processes at large and sow division and…

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actualites en français

European elections 2024: practical details for media on election days and night | News

 Daily media briefings from Thursday 6 June to Monday 10 June
Parliament’s press service will organise briefings for media, in physical presence and remotely via interactio, to provide background information about the European elections, including useful facts and figures about the…

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