Scientists gave mice water with the amount of microplastics estimated to be ingested by humans each week

In recent years, anxiety about the spread of microplastics has been growing. It is in the oceans, even in animals and plants, and in the bottled water we drink daily. Microplastics seem to be everywhere. And what is even more unpleasant is that it is not only everywhere around us, but also…

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Scientists gave mice water with the amount of microplastics estimated to be ingested by humans each week

In recent years, anxiety about the spread of microplastics has been growing. It is in the oceans, even in animals and plants, and in the bottled water we drink daily.

Microplastics seem to be everywhere. And what is even more unpleasant is that it is not only everywhere around us, but also…

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european news

actualites en français

Hongo superinteligente que puede reemplazar el plástico

En la búsqueda de alternativas fascinantes al plástico, los investigadores en Finlandia pueden haber encontrado un ganador, y ya está creciendo en la corteza de los árboles. La sustancia en cuestión es un tipo de hongo conocido como Fomes fomentarius. Crece en la corteza podrida de los árboles y en el pasado era…

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