Ten women Iranian prisoners issue statement as #OurStoryIsOne marks one year

GENEVA—18 June 2024— In a moving statement, 10 Iranian women imprisoned in Tehran’s Evin Prison have honored 10 Iranian Baha’i women imprisoned four decades earlier, in Adel Abad Prison in Shiraz. The statement echoes the #OurStoryIsOne campaign, launched a year ago in honor of the…

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New Canadian parliamentary caucus looks at religion’s role in society | BWNS
New Canadian parliamentary caucus looks at religion’s role in society | BWNS
New Canadian parliamentary caucus looks at religion’s role in society | BWNS

OTTAWA, Canada — In a rare dialogue about the role of faith in governance, Canadian parliamentarians and representatives of the country’s religious communities recently held the inaugural meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Interfaith Caucus—a new space to explore how principles and insights from religion can contribute to thinking about the challenges facing the country.

“I believe that religion defines who we are and what we value, and that democracy, which is a vehicle by which we inform change, is often guided by these values,” said Mobina Jaffer, a member of the Canadian Senate.

The recently formed all-party caucus is open to members of Canada’s elected House of Commons and appointed Senate and is organized with the support of the Canadian Interfaith Conversation (CIC), of which the Bahá’í Community of Canada is a member.

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Participants and organizers of the recent online meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Interfaith Caucus.

“The pandemic has produced new kinds of dialogue between government and religious communities,” said Geoffrey Cameron of the Canadian Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs. “It has made leaders more conscious of the important role religion continues to play in inspiring people to serve their society.”

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In December, a diverse group of religious leaders across Canada, including members of the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly and Local Spiritual Assemblies, met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
to talk about the contribution of faith communities in the context of the pandemic

. (Photo credit: Adam Scotti)

Stockwell Day, former MP and cabinet minister, spoke about the power of religion to bring comfort and hope, especially in times of crisis. “The very notion of religion in our society gives us a sense that there is restraint on a leader, and that there should be some sense of humility at the possibility that there is a bigger force out there than himself or herself, or the group to which they associate.”

He continued: “If individuals have a sense of religion—that there is something greater than ourselves—that brings a sense of solace.

“And so we imagine this spread over millions of citizens within a political setting, a significant portion of whom believe there is actually a power of God out there, [who] are living with a greater sense of respect and, we would hope, love for one another.”

Participants emphasized that beyond personal inspiration, religion can make important contributions to the policymaking process.

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Photographs taken before the current health crisis. Over the past few years, the Canadian Bahá’í community has been involved in organizing numerous

and other spaces to discuss the place of religion in public life and religion’s contribution to the betterment of society. Shown here is a yearly conference called Our Whole Society.

Member of Parliament Garnett Genuis said, “There are two concepts that are of supreme importance in religion: one is love and another is truth. And those two concepts have to go together. If you have love but no sense of truth, then … you’re not understanding what is really going on or what someone’s real needs are. And if you have a sense of the pursuit of truth, but no love in the process, that’s also clearly deficient… Love means being willing to confront serious injustice.”

Speaking with the News Service about the future of the all-party interfaith caucus, Dr. Cameron of the Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs states: “There is a need to foster new relationships among policymakers and faith communities and to frame conversations such that people can collectively advance in their thinking by exploring productive lines of inquiry, rather than framing every issue as a binary choice.”

“Underlying the contributions of the Office to the discourse on the role of religion in society,” he continued, “is the Bahá’í principle of the essential oneness of humanity. This caucus, although in its very early stages, is an expression of that principle and an example of greater societal unity.”

Temple arrival marks a new dawn in the heart of the Pacific | BWNS
Temple arrival marks a new dawn in the heart of the Pacific | BWNS
Temple arrival marks a new dawn in the heart of the Pacific | BWNS
Work on the local Bahá’í temple in Vanuatu has begun, after the main components for its construction were transported to the remote island of Tanna.

LENAKEL, Vanuatu — A boat carrying a long-awaited cargo set sail from Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu, to the remote island of Tanna a few days ago. By the time it had reached the island, over 250 people had gathered in great anticipation for its cargo: the main components of the local Bahá’í House of Worship to be built in the town of Lenakel.

“We are so happy for this moment,” said Joseph Tuaka, a member of the Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assembly of a nearby town, after the boat arrived. “There is a traditional belief that one day the people of Tanna will pray together in one house. That day is now come.”

Nalau Manakel, a member of the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly of Vanuatu, stated: “Many traditional songs and stories of the people of Tanna speak of a new way of living, when all enmity will be gone, and peace and harmony will come. The emergence of a Bahá’í temple in our community points to a great change that is taking place on this island spiritually and materially.”

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In-person gatherings held according to safety measures required by the government. Top left: Tanna residents hold a devotional program marking the arrival of the components of the local Bahá’í House of Worship on the island. Top right: The boat’s crew prepares to disembark after arriving at Tanna. Bottom: While the crew waits for a change of tide to be able to unload, residents welcome them ashore and place floral laurels around their necks in a customary sign of appreciation.

Speaking further about the significance of the House of Worship, Disline Iapum, the director of the temple, said: “We see the temple as a place of spiritual refuge, where we will come together to pray and draw inspiration for service to our community, in times of happiness or of crisis.”

Since the groundbreaking for the House of Worship in November 2019, many people have been coming together at the temple site to pray and offer assistance with various aspects of the project.

Some have been weaving bamboo to make the cladding for one of the surrounding auxiliary structures. Some are preparing an amphitheater for large community gatherings on a terraced slope that looks out over the Pacific Ocean. Some have been assisting with upkeep of the grounds, preventing the site from getting overgrown with the area’s lush vegetation.

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The central edifice of the temple has a distinctive

, with wooden walls and a thatched roof modeled after Vanuatu’s traditional architecture, supported by a hidden steel structure. The various parts of the structure were manufactured across the islands of Vanuatu and overseas, and were prepared for assembly in the capital, Port Vila, before being transported to Tanna.

“Youth, mothers, fathers, chiefs, everyone,” said Mr. Manakel, “they come with their tools and help. And you can see in their faces that they are doing it all with joy. They know that they are contributing to something that will be of great significance to future generations.”

Since the material for the central edifice arrived in Tanna, the main steel structure has been raised on the temple site in the town of Lenakel. A glass oculus at the apex of the structure, which will pour light into the House of Worship, was the first piece to be put in position using a temporary central column. The nine wings of the roof, shaped like the deep valleys that mark the terrain of the volcanic island, were then assembled around it one by one.

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The nine wings of the roof, shaped like the deep valleys that mark the terrain of the volcanic island, were assembled around the oculus one by one.

Reflecting on the future, Mr. Manakel says, “The Pacific Ocean is very special. There are currently only a few Bahá’í temples in the world, and several of them have been raised or are being built on the shores of the Pacific. We hope that one day many more villages and towns across all oceans and continents will feel the joy we felt when we saw the temple arrive—like seeing a light of hope shine out from the midmost heart of the ocean.”

A path toward a unified America | BWNS
A path toward a unified America | BWNS
A path toward a unified America | BWNS

Podcast: A path toward a unified America

The centenary of the first race amity conference held by the American Bahá’í community was marked by a three-day symposium exploring racial unity and social change.

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One hundred years ago, in May, the first race amity conference in the United States was held in Washington, D.C., by the American Bahá’í community, a defining moment on the path toward racial unity in the country.

The description on the program read, in part: “Half a century ago in America slavery was abolished. Now there has arisen need for another great effort in order that prejudice may be overcome. Correction of the present wrong requires no army, for the field of action is the hearts of our citizens.”

To mark the centenary of that historic gathering, the U.S. Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs brought together academics, civil society leaders, and other social actors for a three-day online symposium titled Advancing Together: Forging a Path Toward a Just, Inclusive and Unified Society.

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Panelists of a three-day online symposium held by the U.S. Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs titled Advancing Together: Forging a Path Toward a Just, Inclusive and Unified Society.

“For those of us gathered here today, we are conscious that we are engaged in a process aimed at profound organic change in the very structure of society,” said P.J. Andrews of the Office at the gathering.

“The change required to create justice in the country,” he continued, “is not only social and economic but moral and spiritual.”

The latest episode of the Bahá’í World News Service podcast provides highlights from the symposium at which panelists discussed topics including the role of language in fostering a sense of shared identity, the relationship between truth and justice, and the need to address systemic changes in efforts toward social justice.

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The discussions at the symposium looked at experiences of the U.S. Bahá’í community in fostering collaboration and strong bonds of friendship among people of diverse backgrounds in neighborhoods across the country. Some of these efforts are pictured here.

Woven throughout the conversations at the gathering was the spiritual principle of the essential oneness of humanity. Drawing on the Bahá’í teachings, May Lample, also of the Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs, stated: “Any movement that seeks to eradicate all forms of racism from our society has to be predicated on a notion that all human beings are in their essence the same, that they are deserving of dignity, that they possess unique skills and abilities, and that they are worthy of safety and security.

“And without an understanding of our oneness and interconnectedness our differences appear too vast, rather than adding necessary and valuable complexity and beauty to our lives.”

This symposium was part of an ongoing contribution of the Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs in the United States to the discourse on race unity. Recordings of discussions at the symposium can be viewed here.

Shift in agricultural systems necessary for sustainability, says BIC | BWNS
Shift in agricultural systems necessary for sustainability, says BIC | BWNS
Shift in agricultural systems necessary for sustainability, says BIC | BWNS

BIC BRUSSELS — Each year, tens of thousands of people from Africa travel to Europe to work alongside a declining national agricultural workforce on farms in EU member states in an industry that is increasingly becoming dependent on migrant seasonal workers.

When the pandemic disrupted international travel in April 2020, the spring harvest throughout Europe was thrown into jeopardy, revealing the extent of the EU’s reliance on seasonal workers and their difficult living conditions. Additionally, the pandemic has brought renewed attention to economic crises, the loss of land by farmers, and other factors that are driving people to leave rural areas in Africa.

“The way that agricultural affairs are organized is not sustainable or equitable, be it in Europe, Africa, or anywhere else in the world. There are fundamental questions that need to be closely examined in the light of principles such as the oneness of humanity,” said Rachel Bayani of the Brussels Office of the Bahá’í International Community (BIC) at an online seminar held by the Office last Wednesday.

The gathering is part of a seminar series, co-hosted by the Brussels Office and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which brings together policymakers, academics, and civil society organizations from Europe and Africa to explore the relationship between agriculture, rural sustainability, and migration, particularly in the context of partnerships between the two regions.

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Panelists of the most recent seminar in a series held by BIC Brussels and the FAO. The seminar focused on the viability of the EU’s agricultural sector and the need for rethinking production systems.

Rodrigo de Lapuerta, Director at the Liaison Office in Brussels of the FAO, spoke about the novel approach of the seminars: “FAO estimates that 80% of all moves involve rural areas. Migration and rural transformation, with the sustainability of agri-food systems, are totally interrelated. However, I do not think these two issues have often been treated jointly.”

Attendees at the gatherings have highlighted different aspects of the links between migration and agriculture. “Many factors influence why and how people migrate from rural areas… [but] it is essential that this migration is done out of choice, rather than necessity,” said Mr. Ola Henrickson, Regional Director at the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

A particular focus of the most recent seminar was on the viability of EU’s agricultural sector and the need for rethinking production systems.

“We have to remember that our food security depends on the respect of our agri-food workers’ rights,” said Maximo Torero Cullen, the FAO’s Chief Economist, at a recent gathering. “The pandemic has shown us how indispensable migrants are… but it has also rightfully put the spotlight on the poor working and living conditions in the [agricultural] sector and the invisibility of these workers.”

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Dr. Torero Cullen and other participants emphasized that policies of African and European states and regional bodies aimed at building sustainable food and agriculture systems need to put at the center the interests, safety, and well-being of agricultural workers.

“Many EU Member States frame their seasonal worker schemes primarily in terms of meeting labor-market needs at home,” said Camille Le Coz of the Migration Policy Institute of Europe. But she highlighted that some countries are looking at other approaches, including framing migration policies around “co-development”—creating arrangements that are beneficial to the sending and receiving countries as well as the workers themselves.

Reflecting on the gathering, Mrs. Bayani states: “Our current economic and agricultural systems and their implications for migration, the environment, nutrition, and livelihoods need to be closely examined. The Bahá’í teachings offer insights that can be helpful in this conversation: that the question of economics should begin with the farmer, because the farmer ‘is the first active agent in human society.’ This idea can allow us to explore possibilities for different ways to look at production systems.”

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Images of agricultural initiatives of the Bahá’í community in (clockwise from left) Colombia, Uganda, and Nepal to strengthen local agriculture.

She continues: “The issues discussed at these seminars reflect only some of the profound questions before humanity. The Bahá’í teachings envisage that every element of society, including economic relations, will have to undergo a profound transformation in the light of the essential principle of the oneness of humanity.”

Future seminars over the coming months will continue to look at agriculture and migration, focusing on topics such as education and the future of villages.

“Endurance through cycles of war”: A resilient community fosters hope in the C.A.R. | BWNS
“Endurance through cycles of war”: A resilient community fosters hope in the C.A.R. | BWNS
“Endurance through cycles of war”: A resilient community fosters hope in the C.A.R. | BWNS
Members of an emergency committee established by the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly of the C.A.R. drove hundreds of kilometers from Bangui, the capital, to the town of Bambari, stopping in towns along the way to provide essentials.

BANGUI, Central African Republic — A years-long armed conflict in the Central African Republic (C.A.R.) has disrupted life across the country and displaced hundreds of thousands of people.

In the midst of this crisis, the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly has guided the Bahá’ís of the country in their efforts to contribute to social progress, most recently drawing on a network of people engaged in community-building activities to channel assistance where it is most needed.

Speaking with the News Service, Hélène Pathé, member of the National Spiritual Assembly, describes the context in which such initiatives are under way in parts of the country: “The country has faced serious challenges. There are places where people have been severely affected and have had to flee, abandoning their homes and losing their means of making a living. This is the condition in many regions.”

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Relief efforts carried out according to safety measures required by the government. Members of the emergency committee and of a Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assembly work together in coordinating the distribution of relief packages among village residents.

Despite these conditions, the Bahá’ís in these areas have helped to foster resilience and a vibrant community life that has endured through cycles of war. For decades, regular gatherings for prayer have been strengthening bonds of friendship, and Bahá’í educational programs have been developing in children and youth a deep appreciation for the unity of all peoples, races, and religions.

During times of intense conflict, when entire populations have had to abandon their villages, teachers from community schools established with the support of a Bahá’í-inspired organization have sought ways to re-establish programs in temporary locations, explains Mrs. Pathé.

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Photographs taken before the current health crisis. Teachers from
community schools

established with the support of a Bahá’í-inspired organization have sought ways to re-establish programs in temporary locations during times of intense conflict.

As part of its efforts to further enhance its capacity for responding to crises, the National Spiritual Assembly formed an emergency committee in March. The members of the committee, including Mrs. Pathé, quickly got to work. Within a few weeks they had assembled a team and headed to identified areas to help in person.

Over three days, they drove hundreds of kilometers from Bangui, the capital, to the town of Bambari, stopping in four other towns along the way to provide essentials, such as medicine for water-borne illness, to people who had returned from taking refuge in forest areas. Travel to these communities has been permitted under government health restrictions owing to exceptions for humanitarian efforts.

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Young people from Bangui prepare to travel with members of the emergency committee established by the National Spiritual Assembly.

The emergency committee has worked closely with Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assemblies in coordinating the distribution of relief packages among village residents. “We had prepared as well as we could ahead of time with the information we could get,” says Mrs. Pathé, “but as soon as we arrived in a town, we sat down with the members of the Local Assembly, prayed together, and consulted about the needs, which they knew intimately.”

Young people have been at the forefront of these efforts, says Mrs. Pathé. “The youth were ready to spring into action as soon as the committee called on the community for support. They view this work as an extension of serving their neighborhoods: a contribution to the material and spiritual progress of society.

“They could see how this act of travelling for days to deliver a few necessities to people by hand was not just about addressing an immediate need. Meeting and speaking with people who had been cut off for so long also brought encouragement and helped build ties of unity as all saw that they are not alone in their challenges—like one family, there are others across the country who care for them and walk with them.”

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A view of the river near Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. A years-long armed conflict in the country has disrupted life and displaced hundreds of thousands of people.

Two months since its formation, the committee is already thinking about how to address long-term needs, including through projects for local food production.

With the experience it has gained, the committee is now expanding its efforts by contacting many more Bahá’í Local Assemblies throughout the country.

“In these relief efforts, we often call to mind ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Who was always attentive to those in need and ever ready to respond,” says Mrs. Pathé. “He never hesitated to offer help. The National Spiritual Assembly hopes and wishes to do the same for the people of our country. What grieves us as a national body is that we can’t cover the whole country. Our efforts so far are only a small start, and we are learning little by little how to reach everyone.”

Kenya: First Local Bahá’í temple in Africa opens its doors | BWNS
Kenya: First Local Bahá’í temple in Africa opens its doors | BWNS
Kenya: First Local Bahá’í temple in Africa opens its doors | BWNS
Residents of Matunda Soy, Kenya, are celebrating the opening of a local temple that is “a sign of unity.”

MATUNDA, Kenya — A luminous presence in Matunda Soy, Kenya, the first local Bahá’í House of Worship in the continent of Africa was dedicated at an opening ceremony Sunday morning.

The chorus of “Make my prayer, O my Lord, a fountain of living waters” sung by a local choir resonated deeply within the people who had gathered at the dedication ceremony, and represented thousands of people nearby and across Kenya celebrating a momentous step in the spiritual journey of their people.

The House of Worship—referred to in the Bahá’í writings as a Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, meaning “Dawning-place of the Praise of God”—has a unique reality. It stands at the heart of the community, is open to all peoples, and is a place where prayer and contemplation inspire service to society.

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An aerial view of the local Bahá’í House of Worship in Matunda Soy, Kenya.

Sunday’s opening ceremony included remarks from Townshend Lihanda, a member of the Continental Board of Counsellors in Africa whom the Universal House of Justice named as its representative to the event. Mr. Lihanda read a letter of the House of Justice addressed to the gathering, which stated: “…at a time when the world is caught in the midst of uncertainty, the efforts of the friends throughout Matunda Soy and beyond have culminated in the raising of this beacon of hope, a cause for jubilation and great joy.”

The Universal House of Justice stated that the completion of the project in just three years and under difficult circumstances “is a testament to the vitality, resourcefulness, and determination of the Kenyan people.”

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A night view of the local Bahá’í House of Worship in Matunda Soy, Kenya. The House of Worship has a unique reality. It stands at the heart of the community, is open to all peoples, and is a place where prayer and contemplation inspire service to society.

Others in attendance included government officials, village and district chiefs, local dignitaries, representatives of local and national Bahá’í institutions, the architect and other representatives of the construction team.

Mourice Mukopi, the chief of the group of villages where the temple is located, said, “The most important thing about the Bahá’í temple is that it welcomes everyone from different religions to come and worship.”

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The dedication ceremony included performances by local choirs from Matunda Soy.

In speaking with the Bahá’í World News Service, residents of the area have echoed these sentiments. “The people of Matunda Soy see the House of Worship as a sign of unity,” says Andrew Juma.

Elder Khaemba, another member of the local community, states: “The differences that existed before are over, since people of all faiths come together in prayer at the temple.”

A village elder, Justus Wafula, states: “The House of Worship is a space where the negative forces of society have no place. When we go to the temple, we know that we are on the right path. We know that we are home.”

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Some one hundred participants attended the dedication ceremony, while thousands of people nearby and across Kenya celebrated a momentous step in the spiritual journey of their people.

The sense of home created by the appearance of the temple is reminiscent of the traditional huts of the region, explains Neda Samimi, the House of Worship’s architect. “A place of worship is a place where your soul belongs, where you should feel comfortable whatever your religion and be able to connect and commune with your Creator.”

Mrs. Samimi describes how the process of raising the temple was unifying.

“Everyone who has been involved in the project has been very conscious that this structure is dedicated to the promotion of oneness and the praise of God. All our work has been carried out through consultation, and our meetings would begin with prayers from diverse faiths.”

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A sacred Bahá’í symbol known as the Greatest Name has been placed at the apex of the dome. The Greatest Name is a calligraphic representation of the invocation “O Glory of the All-Glorious.”

Construction came to a close this month with two significant events. A sacred Bahá’í symbol known as the Greatest Name was raised to the apex of the dome.

Then, on Saturday, a small ornamental case containing dust from one of the Holy Shrines at the Bahá’í World Centre was placed within the structure of the House of Worship, symbolizing the profound connection between the temple and the spiritual center of the Bahá’í Faith.

John Madahani, a member of the Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assembly of Matunda, explains how Bahá’í community life in the region has evolved since its origins in the 1970s. “In the past, only a few Bahá’ís would gather in their homes for prayers. Now more than 300 families regularly hold devotional gatherings, praying with their neighbors, welcoming all without asking what religion one is from.

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Photograph taken before the current health crisis. Residents of Matunda Soy gathered at the
groundbreaking ceremony

for the temple construction project in March 2019.

“And when we started the practice of gathering on the temple grounds early in the morning before construction began, we saw how powerful it was for all members of the community to have such a moment together before going about their daily tasks. Otherwise we would never see workers and farmers, youth and parents together at once.”

Bernard Liyosi, another member of the Local Assembly, says, “The House of Worship brings us closer to God through both worship and service. We receive energy from gathering at the temple, energy that we channel into building stronger communities.”

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Attendees of the opening ceremony approaching the House of Worship in Matunda Soy, Kenya

Podcast series in Ireland invites grassroots conversation | BWNS
Podcast series in Ireland invites grassroots conversation
Podcast series in Ireland invites grassroots conversation | BWNS

BWNS May 20, 2021

DUBLIN — Comhrá, meaning ‘conversation’ in Irish, is a recently launched podcast by the Bahá’ís of Ireland that provides a window into uplifting discussions among friends on themes central to the life of society.

“We want to engage in social discourses at a level that is not usually seen, and to hear from people who are not always heard,” says Patricia Rainsford of the Irish Bahá’í community’s Office of External Affairs.

“There is a place for high-level discussions of policy, but the conversations in this podcast look at an essential component of social change that is found at the grassroots—addressing ideas that listeners might see reflected in their own lives.”

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Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: First columns of main edifice raised | BWNS
Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: First columns of main edifice raised | BWNS
Shrine of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá: First columns of main edifice raised | BWNS
Segments of the folding wall around the central plaza are also being constructed while work on the planters in the north plaza is advancing.

BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE — The first two columns of the main edifice of the Shrine of ‘Abdu’l Bahá have been raised. Each now stands 11 meters above the central plaza floor.

Eight columns will eventually be built, forming part of the walls of the main edifice and supporting the trellis that will span the central plaza.

To the west of the main edifice, the first three segments of the folding walls that will surround the central plaza have been built. A total of ten identical segments are being constructed one by one.

The gallery of images below shows the progress of work on the columns and plaza walls along with some of the other developments on the site.

The first completed column is seen in the right image. To the left is work on the second column, which was completed last week.

The steel formwork, seen in yellow, is assembled in place. Concrete is then poured and is allowed to set. The formwork is finally taken apart and reused for the next segment.

The folding walls will later be clad with stone.

The four portal walls enclosing the north and south plazas have been completed, as seen in this view from the south.

Planters of various shapes are being built for the gardens that will beautify the north plaza.

The current progress on the north plaza is seen on the right next to the design rendering on the left.

New essays in The Bahá’í World highlight uniqueness of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s message in the West; survey agricultural achievements in Africa | BWNS
New essays in The Bahá’í World highlight uniqueness of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s message in the West; survey agricultural achievements in Africa | BWNS
New essays in The Bahá’í World highlight uniqueness of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s message in the West; survey agricultural achievements in Africa | BWNS
BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE — The online publication The Bahá’í World has released two new articles.

Reading Reality in Times of Crisis: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and the Great War” looks at how ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s analysis of the crises of His time was profoundly distinct from contemporaneous “progressive” movements and thinkers. The author describes how ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s warnings about the causes of war could not be understood by societies immersed in paradigms of thought totally different from the ones He presented.

Published as part of a series honoring the centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s passing, “Reading Reality in Times of Crisis” joins another recently released article titled “The Cause of Universal Peace: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Enduring Impact.” This latter article looks at the circumstances around ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s participation in the 1912 Lake Mohonk Arbitration Conference and the urgency and timeliness of His message over the subsequent decades. The article also reviews efforts of the Bahá’í community to promote world peace in the decades that followed.

Also newly-published, “Paying Special Regard to Agriculture: Collective Action-Research in Africa” focuses on Bahá’í social action efforts in the field of agriculture in Africa, surveying developments across the continent and focusing on several specific examples in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The Bahá’í World website presents a collection of essays and articles that explore themes of relevance to the progress and well-being of humanity, highlight advancements in the worldwide Bahá’í community at the levels of thought and action, and reflect on the dynamic history of the Bahá’í Faith.

Amid devastating cyclone, first National Spiritual Assembly elected in Timor-Leste | BWNS
Amid damaging cyclone, first nationwide religious Assembly elected in Timor-Leste | BWNS
Amid devastating cyclone, first National Spiritual Assembly elected in Timor-Leste | BWNS
The institution of Bahá’í National religious Assembly features infused a fresh nature within the Bahá’í community’s efforts to contribute to product and spiritual development.

DILI, Timor-leste — Crisis and victory go hand-in-hand, states an associate of newly set up nationwide Spiritual Assembly associated with the Bahá’ís of Timor-Leste talking about the historic elections that were held final Friday amid tireless attempts to react to the devastating floods in the united kingdom.

Given current conditions, delegates voted remotely. “We feel therefore privileged to have a National religious Assembly in Timor-Leste,” states Graciana da Costa Herculano Boavida, a part regarding the Assembly.

In an email toward Bahá’ís of Timor-Leste, the Universal House of Justice published: “The establishment of this nationwide Assembly will allow your community to contribute with increasing effectiveness into spiritual and content wellbeing of community…”

The Bahá’ís of this nation trace their origins to 1954, when three Bahá’ís from Australian Continent and Portugal arrived in Dili. A quick few years later on, in 1958, the first Bahá’í town Spiritual set up had been created in Dili. While some Bahá’ís off their nations proceeded to reach until the mid-70s, the Bahá’í-community just re-emerged in 1999 with community-building efforts getting momentum in 2011.

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Photograph taken prior to the existing health crisis. Lately, attempts by the Bahá’í community of Timor-Leste to establish community-building activities in a growing number of metropolitan areas and villages have actually paved the way for establishing the National Spiritual Assembly.

The Timorese Bahá’ís were anticipating the National Assembly’s election final month, as soon as the country had been hit by Cyclone Seroja. Extreme floods started on 4 April, taking tragic loss in life around the world from landslides and mosquito-borne conditions.

“It is out of the center of a tragedy this institution emerges,” says Vahideh Hosseini, a part for the National religious Assembly. “These have already been trying months, but most people are striving to do whatever they can to help, especially the childhood.”

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“Bahá’í establishments and regional officials been employed by shoulder-to-shoulder with people on the floor,” says Madalena Maria Barros, a part of National Assembly. Many officials have assisted deliver materials in person.

An integral aspect of the reaction was the creation of a five-member task force by the Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assembly of Dili to coordinate attempts. The duty force features facilitated the distribution of some 1,400 bundles of food, mosquito nets, as well as other essentials that have assisted a lot more than 7,000 men and women across 13 villages and neighbourhoods. The job power in addition organized for a boat to be built so that assistance could achieve folks in which roadways were take off.

“Bahá’í organizations and regional officials have worked shoulder-to-shoulder with individuals on the ground,” states Madalena Maria Barros, another member of the nationwide Assembly. “we moved aided by the xefe (chief) of my village to see your home of an elderly girl who had lost every thing inside flooding and had been sick with temperature. The xefe, who had been profoundly moved by the woman’s condition, wrapped this lady in a blanket and prepared on her behalf with supplies we’d brought.”

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Relief attempts completed according to safety precautions needed because of the government. The duty power has facilitated the circulation of some 1,400 packages of food, mosquito nets, as well as other essentials having assisted a lot more than 7,000 individuals.

Alberto dos Reis Mendonca, a Bahá’í when you look at the hard-hit Masin-Lidun community of Dili, says, “Bahá’í activities inside our area began simply six months, as well as in that small amount of time we’ve discovered a lot about how to provide together as one.

“Every time we function and mirror, after which arrange for a day later. A few days following the flooding, more support ended up being reaching the location and people had rice, oil, as well as other materials. So we said now we require protein and vegetables is healthy, and we achieved out to organizations who could offer mung beans alongside vegetables for us to circulate.”

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Efforts of the Bahá’í neighborhood to circulate important products have reached 13 villages and communities, including in hard-to-reach areas.

Commenting on devotional nature that sustained people throughout these attempts, Marcos da Costa Dias, a member for the nationwide Assembly which life in Masin-Lidun, states: “We pray early each and every morning and feel united, at serenity, and enter a prayerful condition which lasts for the day-to-day work of relief and data recovery.”

Reflecting regarding the previous thirty days, Mrs. Herculano Boavida states, “In our a reaction to this crisis we turn to the exemplory instance of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá—that every where he moved, he always found techniques to help folks in trouble. Equivalent nature of solution is considered now because of the National Spiritual Assembly.”

Croatia’s First Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly established in landmark election | BWNS
Croatia’s First Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly established in landmark election | BWNS
Croatia’s First Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly established in landmark election | BWNS

At its first ever national convention held in Zagreb last Saturday, the Bahá’í community of Croatia elected the country’s National Assembly.

ZAGREB, Croatia — The Bahá’ís of Croatia have reached a historic milestone with the election of the country’s first Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly.

The nineteen delegates who had gathered at the convention held in Zagreb—while maintaining safety measures put in place by the government—cast their ballots last Saturday in a spiritual and joyful atmosphere. People across the country also joined the convention through online programs dedicated to prayer and uplifting music.

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A delegate at the Croatian Bahá’í community’s first national convention casts her ballot.

The formation of the National Spiritual Assembly is the culmination of developments since 1928, when Martha Root—a notable early Bahá’í—introduced the Bahá’í teachings to people in the former Yugoslavia. Although initially few in number—at times down to a single person—the Bahá’ís in Croatia promoted Bahá’u’lláh’s message of unity and peace over the ensuing decades, including periods of great restrictions and war, until 1992 when it became possible to elect the first Bahá’í Local Spiritual Assembly in Zagreb. Other Local Assemblies were eventually formed elsewhere in the country.

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Photographs taken before the current health crisis. Over the decades, including through turbulent times in the country’s history, Croatian Bahá’ís have fostered love and harmony among their compatriots and focused on community-building activities that seek to raise capacity for service to society.

In the years since, including through turbulent times in the country’s history, Croatian Bahá’ís have fostered love and harmony among their compatriots and focused on community-building activities that seek to raise capacity for service to society.

The Universal House of Justice was represented by Andrej Donoval, member of the International Teaching Centre. Mr. Donoval addressed the convention, reading a message of the House of Justice in which these efforts are referred to as “a reflection of the qualities of the Croatian people who, throughout their history, have demonstrated great warm-heartedness, courage, and zeal.”

Maja Prezel, one of the members of the newly formed National Spiritual Assembly, describes the significance of this unique moment, saying, “The establishment of the National Assembly comes at a pivotal time, when the need for greater societal unity, for fellowship and love, and for selfless service to one’s society is becoming clearer and clearer. These are the qualities that will build our society’s resilience to face future crises, and they are qualities that a National Spiritual Assembly serves to promote in society.”

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The participants of the Croatian Bahá’í community’s first national convention gather with the members of the newly elected National Spiritual Assembly.

New volume of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s writings released | BWNS
New volume of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s writings released | BWNS
New volume of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s writings released | BWNS
BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE — A volume of newly translated tablets penned by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has been released online and in print.

Light of the World comprises a selection of seventy-six tablets, from among thousands penned by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, in which aspects of the life of Bahá’u’lláh and the purpose of His Faith are recounted. “Who better to tell us about Bahá’u’lláh,” the preface of the new volume states, “than His most cherished Son, Who shared, as His closest associate, His life of exile, imprisonment, and persecution?”

The passing of Bahá’u’lláh on 29 May 1892, after a ministry spanning four decades of exile from His native Iran, left the Bahá’í community grief-stricken. In its hour of need, the community turned to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá—Bahá’u’lláh’s appointed successor—for solace and guidance.

Many of the tablets in the new volume are from that time of bereavement, while others were written in later years when Bahá’ís found themselves suffering persecution and hardship. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá called on Bahá’ís to reflect on the life of Bahá’u’lláh and His response to times of tribulation as a source of inspiration in their efforts to serve humanity, even when under the most difficult circumstances.

The release of this volume comes at a special period of reflection on the lives of the Central Figures of the Bahá’í Faith. Over the last five years, the Bahá’í world has marked the bicentenaries of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh and the Birth of the Báb and now prepares to commemorate the centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s passing later this year.

Light of the World is available on the Bahá’í Reference Library; the book can be ordered through the United States Bahá’í Publishing Trust.

“100 years of fostering unity”: Conversations on social cohesion move across Australia as centenary draws to close | BWNS
“100 years of fostering unity”: Conversations on social cohesion move across Australia as centenary draws to close | BWNS
“100 years of fostering unity”: Conversations on social cohesion move across Australia as centenary draws to close | BWNS
Five months since its publication, “Creating an Inclusive Narrative” is stimulating profound discussions across Australian states and territories.

SYDNEY — In the span of just a few months, Creating an Inclusive Narrative—a publication of the Australian Bahá’í community released last November—has stimulated profound discussions among government officials, social actors, journalists, faith communities and others in gatherings across states and territories in the country.

A recent discussion was held at the Bahá’í House of Worship in Sydney, coming at an important time for the Australian Bahá’í community when it is marking the closing of the centenary year of its establishment in the country. “The centenary of the Bahá’í community represents a hundred years of learning about fostering unity in diversity,” says Venus Khalessi of the country’s Bahá’í Office of External Affairs.

In remarks on behalf of the Prime Minister of Australia, Member of Parliament Jason Falinski spoke at the gathering, stating: “Safeguarding our cohesion is not just a matter for government. It is something that belongs to all of us. … Bahá’í Australians have made a significant contribution to building our multicultural nation and inclusive national identity.”

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In-person gatherings held according to safety measures required by the government. A recent gathering at the Bahá’í House of Worship in Sydney among government officials, social actors, journalists, faith communities to explore ideas presented in the publication Creating an Inclusive Narrative.

“Faith has the capacity to be a powerful uniting force,” Mr. Falinksi continued, “bringing people together in a spirit of belonging and harmony. … It is a source of comfort, of solace, and of resilience for so many Australians.”

The Bahá’í community’s journey over the last century is the story of faith as a powerful impulse for greater unity, explained Fiona Scott, a member of the country’s Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly. Speaking about the first group of Bahá’ís who arrived on Australia’s shores, Dr. Scott described how they “were fueled by the vision of a world at peace, a world that values and harmonizes the diversity of the human race.

“They would not have dreamt that a hundred years later the Australian Bahá’í community would comprise well over 80 ethnic and racial groups in more than 417 localities around this nation.”

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In-person gatherings held according to safety measures required by the government. Jing Lee (left), the assistant minister to the premier of the state of South Australia, speaks with representatives of the Bahá’í community at a gathering in Adelaide, South Australia.

At a gathering in the state of South Australia, Jing Lee, the assistant minister to the premier of South Australia, referred to the recently published Creating an inclusive Narrative, stating: “The values of the Bahá’í Faith connect individuals, the community, and even institutions. I’m an individual standing here, but I also come from a community and an institution—this Parliament House, our democratic system.”

What the publication shows, Mrs. Lee continued, is “how all those things come together to promote oneness in humanity, that men and women are equal, that we all have a joint responsibility… to a collaborative framework. This particular publication challenges us, collectively with all the research behind it, to think a little bit further… and not just talk about it, but work towards common goals.”

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In-person gatherings held according to safety measures required by the government. A discussion in the Australian Capital Territory in which participants explored how to build a more cohesive society.

Philippa Rowland, president of the Multifaith Association of South Australia, said that “the publication … manages to combine individual perspectives within the larger picture of how our [society] operates. More importantly, it draws a practical arc from learning where we have come, to understanding our present situation and having the collective courage to imagine that we can bring into being a better future for all.

“This dialogue on how we can create an inclusive narrative,” she continued, “is at the heart of an important journey that speaks strongly to interfaith harmony and peaceful mutually rewarding coexistence in a multicultural society.”

Bahai.org: International website sees major redesign on 25th year since launch | BWNS
Bahai.org: International website sees major redesign on 25th year since launch | BWNS
Bahai.org: International website sees major redesign on 25th year since launch | BWNS
The updated Bahai.org includes visual enhancements, additional sections, and other features, paving the way for new articles and videos to be released throughout the year

BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE — The newly redesigned website of the worldwide Bahá’í community at www.bahai.org has launched, representing the latest in a series of developments since the site was first created in 1996.

The extensive revamp provides an enhanced visual experience and additional features that aim to make the site’s some 140 articles more easily accessible.

Updates to the site include two new sections—“Featured Articles” and “Featured Videos”—that bring together a curated selection of content drawn from the Bahai.org family of websites and new videos on the Bahá’í community’s involvement in the life of society, its efforts to promote the social and material well-being of people of all walks of life, and the integration of service and worship in Bahá’í community life.

The new version of the site opens the way for further additions planned for the coming months and years, which will explore the development of the global Bahá’í community and the experience of those throughout the world who, inspired by the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh, are striving to contribute to the betterment of society.

Youth initiative in Cambodia reduces soil erosion during floods | BWNS
Youth initiative in Cambodia reduces soil erosion during floods | BWNS
Youth initiative in Cambodia reduces soil erosion during floods | BWNS
The efforts of young adolescents to improve air quality and provide shelter from the heat had the added benefit of preventing a patch of road from eroding when floods hit.

OKCHEAY, Cambodia — In 2019, a group of young adolescents in the Cambodian village of Okcheay set out to plant trees along a patch of road to improve air quality and provide shelter from the heat. At the time, they could not have anticipated that this section of the road would be protected from severe erosion during the floods which came a year later.

Although modest in its impact, the project and how it can continue to be supported was recently discussed among local leaders of neighboring villages.

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Photograph taken before the current health crisis. In 2019, a group of young adolescents in the Cambodian village of Okcheay set out to plant trees along a patch of road to improve air quality and provide shelter from the heat.

“If these youth hadn’t started their project, we might have lost the whole road. If we help them continue their efforts, we could see a big difference for future floods,” said the leader of Okcheay village, Chhert Say, at the meeting.

The youth were inspired to undertake the initiative through their participation in Bahá’í educational programs that develop capacities for service to society. Phoeurb, an older youth who works with the group, describes an important aspect of these educational programs, saying: “These youth have been developing an essential capacity—to describe the social reality of their village and identify needs that they could address.”

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“If these youth hadn’t started their project, we might have lost the whole road. If we help them continue their efforts, we could see a big difference for future floods,” said the leader of Okcheay village, Say Chhert.

One of the young members of the group explains the thinking behind the project. “It gets hot during the summer, and there was no shade for people who walk on the road, so we decided to plant trees.”

“Trees also produce flowers and fruit,” adds another youth, “which makes our village more beautiful.”

Local leaders and community members, including other youth in the village, enthusiastically supported the project from the outset, giving advice on selecting the most suitable species and helping to plant the trees.

Mr. Say, shares his observations about the group, saying: “This shows the importance of the Bahá’í activities, because the young people of our village are using their time after they come back from school to discuss meaningful topics and to be of service to the village.”

At their most recent meeting this week the youth reflected on how they can continue their efforts. “Our hearts are full of happiness,” said one young person, “when we see all the people in the village happy. We see how we can do our part to make a new civilization.”

House of ‘Abbúd: Holy place restoration completed | BWNS
House of ‘Abbúd: Holy place restoration completed | BWNS
House of ‘Abbúd: Holy place restoration completed | BWNS

Project restores faded parts of building and strengthens its seismic resistance, extending the conservation work carried out by Shoghi Effendi in the early 1950s.

BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE — A two-year long project that strengthened seismic resistance of the House of ‘Abbúd while restoring parts of the building that had deteriorated over time has concluded. This undertaking was an extension of the conservation work carried out by Shoghi Effendi in the early 1950s, when he prepared the sacred site for pilgrimage.

As exiles and under house arrest, Bahá’u’lláh and His family arrived at this building in 1871 and lived in extremely cramped conditions. At one point more than 13 people were living in one room.

It was at this sacred site that, in 1873, Bahá’u’lláh revealed His Most Holy Book—the Kitáb-i-Aqdas—which outlines the essential laws and principles of His Faith, lays the groundwork for Bahá’í institutions, and is referred to in the Bahá’í writings as the “charter of the future world civilization.”

The restoration of the House of ‘Abbúd aims to preserve “the building in a befitting condition for centuries to come”, wrote the Universal House of Justice in a letter to Bahá’í National Spiritual Assemblies on Friday.

Different aspects of the restoration and conservation work can be seen in the images that follow.

A historic (left) and current (right) view of the east façade of the house. This is the part of the house first occupied by Bahá’u’lláh and his family—known as the House of ‘Údí K̲h̲ammár—with the room (at upper-left) where Bahá’u’lláh revealed the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, the Most Holy Book of the Bahá’í Faith.

In the room where Bahá’u’lláh revealed the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, conservation was carried out for the wooden wall panels, many of which had become warped or discolored. Each one was straightened, reinforced, and re-stained.

A set of sofas from the house were restored to their original appearance. The upholstery pattern was recreated from a few photographs and used by a textile producer to replicate the fabric.

One of the rooms features a beautifully patterned ceiling and an intricate frieze painted on zinc panels. Conservators documented the frieze pattern, repaired the panels, and restored the paintings—a remarkable conservation of artwork from the Ottoman era.

A restored ceiling in the House of ‘Abbúd.

Detail from the restored frieze in the House of ‘Abbúd.

Ceiling patterns in another room of the house which had become concealed overtime have been restored.

A closeup view of the restored ceiling of one of the rooms in the House of ‘Abbúd

A major aspect of the restoration of the House of ‘Abbúd was replastering some 5,000 square meters of internal and external walls. Lime-based plaster, recommended by conservation experts for use in rehabilitation of historical buildings, was applied. The new plaster and paint will prevent the buildup of moisture inside the walls.

Repairs were made to wooden roof beams throughout the building and reinforced in some places with stainless steel.

Traditional glass-blowing techniques were used to produce the windowpanes.

The marble columns and capitals of the colonnade overlooking the Mediterranean Sea that had become degraded were replaced with identical replicas.

An example of restored stonework in the building.

Once the easing of public health restrictions allows, the doors of the House of ‘Abbúd will once again open to receive pilgrims.